to all my british friends....


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as you may have realized by now, i am somewhat of a HUGE fan of jane austen and her works....

i am not at all certain if any of you have seen the a&e version of pride and prejudice, but if you have, and if recall, what sort of accent does the actress playing charlotte lucas have??

it seems so very....well, almost reserved....and so very proper. can any of you shed some light on the accent for any of the actors and actresses in that version?? especially charlotte lucas?

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I have not read the Twilight series. My wife loves the books though. Anne Rice wrote the greatest vampire series ever. It is sad to think there will not be any closure to that series. Due to my conversion I would not be able to read it anyways. I forgive her though, because in the year of my conversion Anne Rice started writing books about Christ's life. She had a rebirth in her Catholic faith.

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I have never read any of the Jane Austen books though I would like to.


dear pam....i am way too young for a heart attack....please PLEASE don't say things like that....even if they are true. send me a private message with a CAREFULLY worded title so that i may prepare myself accordingly to read such shocking news.

fear not, there is help....

Jane Austen Anonymous is out there, and it is a 12 step program that works!!

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Do you not recommend them?

absolutely without reservation i recommend them! i was so very shocked to read that you have not yet enjoyed any of them.

i would love to guide you on your path to realizing the utter beauty and humor in her works. she is, to me, someone without whom i cannot live. her books have uplifted and sustained me from as early as i can remember.

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I'd have to see the vid again, to check the accent.

These books are classics and must read. My youngest daughter didn't 'get them' the first time she read them, some of the wit and humour went straight over her head, but she recently read them again and loves them with a passion.

The last dvd version of Sense and Sensibility, had me chortling at the lady with the strong Devonshire accent.

One of my favourites is Persuasion.

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