Mission Questions


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Hi there! So I barely finally made up my mind to go on a mission, but I have no idea where to start, I spoke with my Bishop yesterday but I only mentioned that it was on my mind. Where do I start? I've been searching for things online but so far everything I have found mostly pertains to Elders, not Sister Missionaries. Just wondering if anyone had an advice! Thanks so much! :)

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Hey there,

What prompted me to serve a mission was this scripture found in Jacob 2:18 & 19 (BOM):

But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God. And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good—to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted.

I loved serving a mission because you'll meet so many different people, you get to help people and make eternal friends. You'll experience things that'll make you see life differently. It's a very full on but fulfilling duty.

I would suggest start by enrolling in Mission Preparation Class at Institute, get more clued up in the Book of Mormon and pray often to get close to Heavenly Father. If it is right, he will prepare the way before you.

You are so lucky to have the freedom to serve. Myself, I had to contend with my parents (who are not members) to allow me to go on a mission. There was so much heart ache when they kept saying I was not allowed. But I stayed close to the Lord through prayer and scripture study. When the time came, their hearts were softened and I was allowed to serve. I know it was the workings of the Lord. I returned with so much knowledge and experiences I couldn't wait to share with my family. Now, my parents are glad I had been a missionary. I still keep in touch with all the friends I made. But most of all, I have come to a better understanding of our Heavenly Father.

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Talk to the bishop, he is the one you have to go through to go on a mission! What did he said when you said you were thinking about it.

Talk to your bishop and he well help you take care of everything. There are interviews you go through to get your mission papers. Once you have your papers you get them filled out and physical and so forth. Then you go with bishop again, then you see the stake president and turn your papers in to them. They actually do most of it now by computers (they enter everything into a computer or scan the pages or something) then they just sent it electronicly to SLC so then you should get your call in a couple of weeks.

Then you go shopping and buy everything that is in the Missionary packet that they give you.

Talk to your bishop!!!!

Talking a class is a good idea if you have time and are close to an instatute. I hope you are already studying the scriptures, but reading the book of mormon again would be good.

Also get a copy of Preach my Gospel. You can talk to your bishop he might even have one.

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Thanks for the advice! When I talked to the Bishop he said something about either being able to start my papers three months before I turned 21 or turning them in three months before. I've already taken a mission prep class as part of my pondering and praying about going. I have a preach my gospel and I started re reading the book of mormon a month ago. It just all seems so complicated right now because I'm kinda living inbetween home and Utah and I'm trying to figure out if I should stay home for the next five months or try going back to Utah for four. I guess I really just need to pray about it.

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You can submit your papers as early as 90 days before your 21st birthday. If you are that eager to get them turned in that far in advance, then meet with the bishop again to discuss what you need to be taking care of in preparation for that -- medical, dental, etc. Have you received your patriarchal blessing yet? You probably should before your mission. You will also want to talk to the bishop about a temple prep class, since you've already taken the mission prep class.

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Hi there! So I barely finally made up my mind to go on a mission, but I have no idea where to start, I spoke with my Bishop yesterday but I only mentioned that it was on my mind. Where do I start? I've been searching for things online but so far everything I have found mostly pertains to Elders, not Sister Missionaries. Just wondering if anyone had an advice! Thanks so much! :)

Are you 21-years old?

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