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Hi. I am Melissa, Wife to Phil, mom to 9 children ( 3 on Earth, and 5 who have returned to be with Heavenly father ) and one new baby on the way. I am hoping to have found a good place on the net for me, to be with like minded ppl.

OK, so about me. I have been a member since 1999. I grew up in an anti LDS family, and met a man, who was inactive, but LDS none the less. He told me very little about his church, but i really wanted to know more. I started reading the BOM and praying about it. I wound up marrying the man who introduced me tot he church, and because of my drive, we are both active members. It has not been an easy road for us, with our twin daughter dying 10 days after my baptism, dealing wtih family telling me that i was being punished because i joined the church, and struggling throughout our marriage.( financially and many still born babies) But we make it work. We both beleive in the Gospel, and know things will work out for us. We were sealed to each other ( and our 2 oldest kids) in 2002.

I seem to struggle fitting in still though. I guess i am a bit too hippie for most of the members in my ward. ( the only ward we have ever lived in) I get comments all the time about our choices in how many children we have, our choice to homebirth, our choice to homeschool, cloth diaper, practice extended breastfeeding, co-sleep, and live a life that is very natural. I also am not molly mormon. I wish i was, but if i was to be, i would have to give up sleep. My kids keep me too busy all day, to worry about the spotless home and fresh made rolls on a daily basis. LOL however, i am constandly working on beinga better, wife, mother, and daughter of Heavenly Father.

My current callings are RS food specialist,( working on meals for enrichment night) and Humanitarian Assistant ( which is my fave calling). Dh is young mens president( and I a young mens widow LOL) our oldest turned 8 yesterday, and will be baptised at the end of the month. This is so exciting for us!

So thats me! off to explore the rest of the board!

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WELCOME!! ...and I really mean that. We met a 'hippy' LDS family in Texas when we lived there, they had more kids than we did --- and we have 9 living (one miscarriage). We also have one family in our ward now that are 'reformed' hippies.

Gotta love the sincerety and heart of such people, who truly are the salt of the earth.

Hope you enjoy your stay.


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I guess i am a bit too hippie for most of the members in my ward. ( the only ward we have ever lived in) I get comments all the time about our choices in how many children we have, our choice to homebirth, our choice to homeschool, cloth diaper, practice extended breastfeeding, co-sleep, and live a life that is very natural.

I'm right there with ya Melissa. Well, picking and choosing the aspects of attachment parenting that I'd practice, but very similar. Although it resulted in a c-section (don't get me started lol :rolleyes:), I had planned a home birth for my son, took Bradley classes, labored naturally for 14 hours, and began co-sleeping in the hospital (my baby was never going to be alone!). We use disposable diapers, but never formula fed, used bottles or pacifiers and breastfed until he was 2 1/2 (weaning just a few weeks ago). The family I grew up in was pretty naturally minded (I'm a home birth) and I've found myself gravitating toward the lifestyle, most prominently with choice of diet and childbirth. I've learned that while there are some topics that people can find really interesting to talk about, there are some choices I've made that I am happy to avoid discussing. I've also been a part of La Leche League and ICAN for a few years now.

You seem like an incredibly strong sister. If there's anything I've struggled with in the gospel, it's been feeling like I am personally strong enough to live everything I say I believe and having a bit of an "all or nothing" attitude. A good friend told me, "We've not been asked to be perfect before we pray and the saving grace between being a hypocrite and living everything perfectly is repentance." Of course as it turns out, we never know what we can survive until we are on the other side of it. I admire you for the trials you've weathered and your faith in living the gospel when I'm sure there have been a great many lonely moments.

Glad to have you on the site and look forward to getting to know you!

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Hey, good to see you!!

I'm so glad to know there are still genuinely genuine people out there. Isn't it great to know that when you're sealed to your loved ones, Heavenly Father has given us a way to reunite with them. That is the true nature of family. That is a genuinely genuine loving Heavenly Father.

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I co-sleep with my kids too. The older one is 4 and has a bed next to ours and the little guy sleeps in between us. Actually takes up the majority of the bed,lol! I was constantly checking on them when I tried to put them in cribs, they didnt sleep, we didnt sleep! Nothing wrong with cloth diapers, might have gone that way too if we had a washer. Im new to LDS, havent even been to Church yet but next sunday is our day. Nice to meet you.

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