Golden Investigator friend who just isn't sure


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Okay so here goes. I have this really awesome friend who's interested in the church, but his parents are against organized religion so he has to wait till he's 18 (which is in about 6 months). He knows alot of LDS people. He told me how he wants his uncle (who is LDS) to baptize him, but he just got back from another religion's church camp and told me it was amazing and he felt the spirit and stuff. And he's also going to their youth group and sunday sessions. He told me how things like baptisms for the dead and Jesus visiting his other sheep totally made sense to him. I think he may be going between the two churches, and he's just not sure. *gasps for air* Anyways, :)my question is, how can I help him feel the spirit with the LDS so that he knows which religion is the true religion?

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...but he just got back from another religion's church camp and told me it was amazing and he felt the spirit and stuff. question is, how can I help him feel the spirit with the LDS so that he knows which religion is the true religion?

You could start by asking yourself how you know his experience at the other faith's church camp is not genuine...


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Okay so here goes. I have this really awesome friend who's interested in the church, but his parents are against organized religion so he has to wait till he's 18 (which is in about 6 months). He knows alot of LDS people. He told me how he wants his uncle (who is LDS) to baptize him, but he just got back from another religion's church camp and told me it was amazing and he felt the spirit and stuff. And he's also going to their youth group and sunday sessions. He told me how things like baptisms for the dead and Jesus visiting his other sheep totally made sense to him. I think he may be going between the two churches, and he's just not sure. *gasps for air* Anyways, :)my question is, how can I help him feel the spirit with the LDS so that he knows which religion is the true religion?

Just let your light shine and never let it go out.A lot of times this is the only way for someone to see the differance; badmouthing, or unessacery persuasion is not good, but that ever lit lightbulb will light the path for your freind to see and follow.:)

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You could start by asking yourself how you know his experience at the other faith's church camp is not genuine...


This is true. It is entirely possible he felt the Spirit at that other church's camp. The Spirit is no respect of denomination, IMO. It will testify of ANY Truth, where ever it is found, and many churches have some (or more) of it. Likely the camp activities revolved around Biblical lessons, and study, and that's certainly something that he'd find at the LDS church as well.

But anyway, I agree with Ben. Have him read the Book of Mormon. That's probably the biggest source of Truth that he won't find at the other church. If you appear too much like you're trying to drag him away from that other church then you'll likely end up doing the opposite and pushing him to it.

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Read Alma 29:8 with him. Explain to him that God gives blessings and truth to many throughout the world. Then tell him that what he felt at the other church's camp is a witness that they were doing good works and teaching good things.

Then explain that God is offering higher truths in the LDS Church. Not only do we offer the blessings of the Bible, but also of modern prophets.

You may want to see if there are any spiritual LDS events coming up. Seminary, Institute class, a YSA activity, or EFY can make a big difference in many people's lives. You can show that the spirit is also found in many of our events, as well. And then you can show that we have additional blessings, truths and powers to offer.

Don't feel bad if he chooses something else right now. Stay his friend, and continue sharing your light and knowledge with him. Often it takes a person needing more in their life to seek for and then accept the fulness of the gospel.

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