How do I beat this feeling?


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Uhh... perhaps the best thing to do would be to call someone you feel comfortable with right away, whether it's your bishop, friends, etc. Preferably somebody who you'd feel comfortable talking to about the things you're going through right now. What I think you need now is advice and comfort that's specific to your exact situation, something only somebody who knows you can provide. :)

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Remember that our Heavenly Father will not burden us with more than what we can handle. He is there for you, talk to Him. He is listening.

I would like to share a line or two of my Patriarchal Blessing:

"In times of stress take heart in the knowledge that the Lord has given you the promise that He will hear the cries of the woman and child (Exodus 22:22-24) a blessing not given to the priesthood!"

That is what keeps me going, in the meantime it's great that you are aware of how you are feeling and seeking help. Please PM me if you need anything at all - even just to talk. I'm happy to help. I have been through a lot.... a whole lot... and am a great listener :)

We can keep in touch closely over the weekend if you like - I have had people be there for me... I would love to pay it forward and be there for someone else.... xx

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Hey all, I am having a really hard time "enduring to the end" I have been suicidal for about a month now, and have a bishop's appt on sunday and an LDS Family services appt of feb. 6. How do I hang on til then?

If you're in danger of hurting yourself, get some immediate help, like LittleWyvern and jolee suggested. Just tell someone you know will be able to help you take care of it.

Either way, keep your channels to Heavenly Father open, like trulykiwi suggested. And, DON'T feel like you have to put on a happy face for the world. As children of God, it is our right and our imperative to act sad when we are sad.

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even if you are alone you can try renting lots of comedies to watch. It has been proven that laughing releases endorphins and releases the feel good hormones in our body. While engrossed in a movie you also forget yourself and your body can relax and release some of your tensions. If you don't feel like going out, you could always give yourself permission to watch funny videos on you tube for hours!

If you have to watch the entire weekend, so what? Oh, and you could always go out and help someone else. If you can make yourself get the energy to go out. I think everyone has gone through periods of feeling this bad, for differing reasons. You are here for a purpose and don't want to go home before completing your earthly mission. Could be to help others who are feeling like you!

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I noticed you've logged off, maybe for the evening. I'm so sorry to hear of your suffering right now. My heart goes out to you, I've struggled with feelings like that for a long time. It is so painful and hard....please get help before you do anything "rash," even if it's going to the hospital for a time.....

Also, please let us know how you are doing and where you are.......We are worried about your well being right now and hope to know that you are okay and want to help and support you through your trials if you are not.

Please let us know what we can do to do this~


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one other thing....


You're never alone. Angels surround you, mortal and not. You have this whole cheering section, wanting you to succeed. You can only see a few with mortal eyes, but they are there. Listen...they are saying....'corn pops......' Oh wait that's my cheering section. Hooyah dearest, you are loved more than your heart can bear, you are needed more than you can know, and I promise you February 6th will be upon you sooner than you think.

My personal advice? Have some Corn Pops. It's a little bowl of sunshine and the anti-saddest thing in the universe :D

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Here's my personal advice from dealing with the same problem.

1. I realized that it wan't part of Heavenly Fathers plan. That having knowledge of his plan and going against it would not entitle me to any degree of glory or future blessings. Fighting against God or his people isn't the best idea, you are one of his people.

2. I need to be here just in case someone else needs help along the way, I say "Train hard, develop your skills, and learn as much as possible because you never know when someone is going to need you".

3. Get your Patriarichal Blessing.

4. Learn to love yourself, do things for yourself not for other people. Good/right things are right not because they are popular but because they are right.

5. Confront Satan and his angels, You are stronger than him, He wasn't even strong enough or brave enough to recieve a body and face what ever trouble or problems you are fortunate enough to encounter.

6. Look at each difficulty as a learning experience and a joy to have been a part of as horrible as it is. What ever you are going through can become a strength from a weakness and you will be able to help others in the same aspect. You know the plan of salvation and that it requires coming to earth to gain experiences and make decisions that you could not have had the opportunity in heaven.

7. Give yourself a challenge to make the best out of every opportunity you have. Face this eye to eye with a knowledge of who you are and what Heavenly Fathers plan is for you. You are part of the solution if you so choose not part of the problem, find your own personal purpose and gain direction from that.

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