Blind Obedience or Faith Obedience?


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perfect driver needs a perfect car to drive perfectly (say that 5 times fast).

I think i see where we're getting off. You are referring to mortal perfection. In that case, you are absolutely right.

I am, however, referring to immortal or eternal perfection. In that case, a perfect driver would not need a perfect car to drive perfectly. God works through imperfect people, but he works perfectly nonetheless.

"God has chosen to work through those whom the world regards as weak and foolish. (See 1 Cor. 1:27; D&C 1:19, 28; D&C 133:58–59.)" -Neal A. Maxwell

Talk on mortal perfection and eternal perfection: - Ensign Article - Perfection Pending

Talk on how God works through imperfect people: - Ensign Article - “Out of Obscurityâ€

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I Sure, God is perfect, but a perfect driver needs a perfect car to drive perfectly (say that 5 times fast).

he doesn't because none of us are perfect or capable of obtaining perfect eternal knowledge. President Monson is more than capable of guiding us imperfect, mortals. He doesn't have to be 100% because we are not


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I suppose, then, it depends on whether somebody thinks the prophets are 100% infallible or not.

Here goes the detractors voices that state, prophets are suppose to be 100% correct in everything they give as a prophecy.

Of course not everything prophets speak at certain periods of time is always prophecy or revelation.

But I find that detractors take things as if they were sound bites with polticians, and take them out of context.

The thing that matters is that when it comes to the major points of doctrine that the Lord needs to reveal then a prophet's ability will lead us in the right direction.

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I have a strong conviction that President Monson is a decent guy and heading in the right direction, he has more light than any other human living right now and that if I follow him I am not growing away from my Heavenly Father,

Is he 100% perfect NO but is he highly favoured of the Lord YES. Will he always make the right decision NO, but he is always going to make a decision with Light I do not have. I follow him because he is the shepherd. Like the primary song says follow prophet says he knows the way - doesn't say he is perfect just he is the one with the map


Elgama... you always manage to put it in words... :)

Maybe the problem is that IF we would follow the profet 100% ALLof us the world would be a far better place to be ... we might be like Enoks town. But as we dont have a place to ONLY LDS anywhere but are more or less scattered all over this may cause conflict between the propheties and people, especially those not members. Do we look at things from human or Gods point of wiev?

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I suppose, then, it depends on whether somebody thinks the prophets are 100% infallible or not.

Seems I usually agree with you, LittleWyvern, but in this case I'll take a little exception. I am not concerned with the infallibility of the prophet... it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. If he was good enough for the Lord then he's good enough for me.

I see it this way: When the prophet speaks at General Conference or in the Ensign, he is giving the best possible instruction for the maximum number of Saints, and I believe our initial reaction should be one of acceptance and obedience. Please note that I said "initial".

I also feel strongly (and I know that many disagree) that after our initial striving to be obedient, we also have both a duty and responsibility to seek a conformation for ourselves personally. I'm not so concerned about things like wearing one or two earrings. On that one (and others like it) I would have simply removed my second earring right there in the meeting, if I wore one. I am more concerned about life altering decisions, such as, in my life, the choice to have a career outside the home.

If I were to be blindly, exactly and perfectly obedient to the Prophet w/o ever having ever questioned, I never would have gone to work. As I've shared in other threads, however, my hubby and I put the issue to prayer, fasting, temple attendance, and chats with the stake president. Our mutual conclusion (including the SP's) was that the right thing for me to do was seek employment outside the home.

Being exactly obedient is doing what the Lord tells you to do right now, today. Most of the time this falls in line with what the Prophet has told the entire membership at G.C. or in the Ensign.

But not always.

It's the "but not always" times for which we have been given the gift of the Holy Ghost and personal revelation.


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I've realized by now that the above post Janice is quoting was very stupid. I apologize.

For those of you who still want to know my opinion on the topic my first post in this thread is far, far better.

Not a problem at all. :) I figured you had just not thought that statement all the way through. Thanks for having the humility to say "Oops". And your first post in this thread, as I said, I agree with 100%.



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One thing I always remember is something Pres Packer has stated. The Brethren teach the principle. There are often exceptions to that rule, but they are not in the position to deal with every exception. So they teach the principle. If we feel we should have an exception to a given rule, we should take it to the bishop, who is our local judge in Israel. If he gives an okay, then we can live according to that exception.

For example, years ago, my grandfather developed a condition that required him to have caffeine everyday. His doctor gave him a choice of a caffeine pill, costing about a dollar a pill, or a cup of coffee with his breakfast. Having consulted with his bishop, he drank a cup of coffee every morning. He would pick it up, say, "this is my medicine" and drink it quickly down.

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