I have some questions about Joseph Smith

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Guest TheLutheran

I just want the same respect . . .

Then model it!! I am still always surprised (and disappointed) at how contentious threads can become here at lds.net. It is a given that, from time to time, non-LDS members will frequent this board with questions that are sometimes loaded. Why is the bait always taken? I know that each person's faith and salvation are passionate topics but we are much too quick to abandon patience in our interactions. These topical discussions can be fascinating as long as we leave each other's jugulars alone. :sunny:

:roflmbo::roflmbo: Ceeboo -- a moderator-in-training! :roflmbo::roflmbo:

I'm calling the :pope:

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It surprises me too that a person that has no interest in the Mormon religion constantly intrudes on a site that are mostly Mormons , I wouldnt go to a Luthran site if I didnt have a real desire to learn the teachings but to spread what I believed to be the real religion, I mean how weak. So for anyone I come across that wants to discuss the teachings of the church and is really asking and not protenting to care , we will have a real conversation not a bashing .That what I chose to model.

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It surprises me too that a person that has no interest in the Mormon religion constantly intrudes on a site that are mostly Mormons , I wouldnt go to a Luthran site if I didnt have a real desire to learn the teachings but to spread what I believed to be the real religion, I mean how weak.

You can't be serious jolee. You're saying this to TheLutheran?!!!! :huh:
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Mormonism teaches that it is the only way to God.

Well, I would say it teaches that it is the best way to Christ, and that a man can get "nearer to His precepts" through it than through any other religion.

I believe that Christ is the only way to God.


So yeah, being truthful, it's not OK with me that you believe in Mormonism

The fact that I can't shoot worth a darn, doesn't mean that guns are completely useless to anyone. I haven't got a clue how to use Dreamweaver, but that doesn't mean that the program itself can't be used to build a functional website in the hands of a capable user.

As your brother in Christ, I rejoice in your new relationship with Him. As a Mormon, I sorrow that you were unable to utilize the tenets of our religion in establishing such a relationship. But please don't assume that because Mormonism didn't work for you, it won't work for anyone and that no Mormon knows Jesus as well as you do. It just ain't so.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Well, I would say it teaches that it is the best way to Christ, and that a


The fact that I can't shoot worth a darn, doesn't mean that guns are completely useless to anyone. I haven't got a clue how to use Dreamweaver, but that doesn't mean that the program itself can't be used to build a functional website in the hands of a capable user.

As your brother in Christ, I rejoice in your new relationship with Him. As a Mormon, I sorrow that you were unable to utilize the tenets of our religion in establishing such a relationship. But please don't assume that because Mormonism didn't work for you, it won't work for anyone and that no Mormon knows Jesus as well as you do. It just ain't so.[/QUOT


man can get "nearer to His precepts" through it than through any other religion.

Holy out of context, Batman!

That quote is specifically about the Book of Mormon, not the LDS religion.

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Ford is sometimes still vilified by Mormons who believe he did not protect Joseph and Hyrum as he should have, and I think this is unerstandable.

But he was trying, in his own mind, the best he could to keep all parties from violence, including traveling to warn the Mormons that violence was eminent, but not to respond in kind, or the mobs would kill them. (The Mormons took his advice and did not retaliate.)

I think a very brief explanation of Ford's actions is that the combination of idealism, (including believing his men from the official militia would obey him,) fear, exhaustion, and an inability to see the entire entire picture, gives us insight into some of his decisions, though obviously not all.

But his actions were not due to a lack of sympathy for Joseph, or a desire to see the Mormons dead at the hands of mobs. He really thought he was doing everything he could to prevent these.


Ever notice the part where Christians vilify the Jewish religious leaders for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? And the Jews of the time and of times since have repeatedly said, "Hey, it was us, it was the Romans."

Historically, they are absolutely correct. Jesus of Nazareth was put to death by Roman soldiers. Historically, the Jewish leaders have nothing to do with his death. So do you think that the Jewish religious leaders who (according to the historically biased New Testament) demanded his death are just the victims of bad press and poor circumstances?

You can lump Governor Ford and those Jewish leaders in the same group: People who did everything possible to make a death happen and then pretended to have nothing to do with it. In the end, God will judge the matter. But I think both cases are pretty obvious.

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Then model it!! I am still always surprised (and disappointed) at how contentious threads can become here at lds.net. It is a given that, from time to time, non-LDS members will frequent this board with questions that are sometimes loaded. Why is the bait always taken? I know that each person's faith and salvation are passionate topics but we are much too quick to abandon patience in our interactions. These topical discussions can be fascinating as long as we leave each other's jugulars alone.

I think it comes down to this: We have this utterly despicable little nuisance of a problem: Anti-Mormons. They're basically cockroaches. You can "squash" one, but there will be hundreds more to replace them. They are always around and they're always looking to opportunities to take pot-shots at the LDS Church.

You see them with big signs and loud voices (they can't use megaphones anymore) outside PROTESTING EVERY SINGLE GENERAL CONFERENCE. The show up enmasse to Protest every dedication of every new LDS Temple. They show up to Protest all sorts of our church functions, particularly pageants (open air historical plays.) They prowl the internet endeavoring to do anything they can to damage the LDS Church in any way. There are lots of different kinds, but they're just very commonplace. They're on my short list of "People who need to get a life" but what can you do?

I doubt that the Lutheran Church deals with anything quite this severe, but please do correct me if I'm wrong. When you face a constant barrage of harassment for your beliefs, it's understandable that sometimes you lash out. It's not the right thing and it is not what Jesus would have us do, but we're imperfect like that. Sometimes it becomes impossible to distinguish between a sincere questioner and someone who is just trying to push all your buttons. So when someone asks a loaded question, it's kinda easy to assume they're trying to goad you into a fight so they can bash your beliefs.

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It surprises me too that a person that has no interest in the Mormon religion constantly intrudes on a site that are mostly Mormons , I wouldnt go to a Luthran site if I didnt have a real desire to learn the teachings but to spread what I believed to be the real religion, I mean how weak. So for anyone I come across that wants to discuss the teachings of the church and is really asking and not protenting to care , we will have a real conversation not a bashing .That what I chose to model.

This is EXACTLY why I have been calling for this site to be JUST CATHOLICS and LDS.:)




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Hey hey hey...We have a member "TheLutheran" that I happen to like. And I think she makes a good point. We do always take the bait.

My apologies Pam, I didn't realize " TheLutheran " was Lutheran :)

I like this member also !!!!


Ceeboo ( the Lutheran liker :))

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I think I need to clear this up , I only used the lutheran religion because they made the comment about me modeling it, its easy for them to say it my religion there bashing but anyway if I had known J-pip's religion I would have used theres not The Lutheran and there point was weak.

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Have you ever seen a protest outside a JW building? They are building one right next to our chapel and we even provided drinks and cookies!!! How about in front of a Mosque? Never. Is that interesting or what?

Islander, you are perhaps my favorite poster at LDS.net but I have to take exception with this post. JW's get their fair share of protestors outside of their Bethel building in Brooklyn and the yearly area conferences...

YouTube - Street Preachers Deal With Cops At Jehovahs Witness Meeting

YouTube - Preaching outisde Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall

and some are brave enough to preach to Mosques...

YouTube - Preaching to muslims Pt1

Edited by Book_of_Mormon_Warrior
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Guest TheLutheran


Still not over the Reformation, huh Ceeboo?!! :boxing:

And to think I actually pleaded for your return to the boards after that little sabbatical you took a while back. :nownow:


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Still not over the Reformation, huh Ceeboo?!! :boxing:

And to think I actually pleaded for your return to the boards after that little sabbatical you took a while back. :nownow:



Reformation, Restoration,:confused::confused:???? Ceeboo is SOOOO Confused :lol:

" Little sabbatical " ??? Felt pretty LARGE to me ( Still have open wounds )



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Guest TheLutheran

I doubt that the Lutheran Church deals with anything quite this severe, but please do correct me if I'm wrong. . . .

'Bout the only thing remotely similar in my neck of the woods is when we tromp around outside the church building on Palm Sunday waving our palm fronds. I wonder if it looks to an outsider like a protest? :roflmbo:

Those crazy Lutherans! :sunny:

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JP your not new here a new e mail address and new name. I thnk EJ is your name, he used to be a mormon too, and he trys to come off civilized but it always comes down to stone throwing. save your self and that new child of yours and feel good about that.

See im still learning, Goofball,......lol

Sorry to disappoint, I'm new here. I'd love to sit and talk with if I need to prove myself to you. Have a Mod check my IP address against whoever you think I am. I don't see where I've thrown stones, I didn't insult anybody, I'm sure my opinions and comments have offended some of your beliefs, but this is an open forum. And since I have a lot of interest in the LDS church I came here to discuss it. I asked a question, got an answer and joined in the discussion that followed.

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Have you ever seen a protest outside a JW building? They are building one right next to our chapel and we even provided drinks and cookies!!! How about in front of a Mosque? Never. Is that interesting or what?

Or how about when someone who is another religion ... say Catholic does something really bad does the media do the story infront of the Vatican?? But if the offender is LDS they will without fail do the story infront of the SLC temple. They even do stories about the "fundamentalist" in front of temple ... :confused:

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Sorry to disappoint, I'm new here. I'd love to sit and talk with if I need to prove myself to you. Have a Mod check my IP address against whoever you think I am. I don't see where I've thrown stones, I didn't insult anybody, I'm sure my opinions and comments have offended some of your beliefs, but this is an open forum. And since I have a lot of interest in the LDS church I came here to discuss it. I asked a question, got an answer and joined in the discussion that followed.

Actually, this is not an 'open forum', there are rules to this site and it would behoove you to read and obey them. There is a link at the top of the page where you can read them at any time. Your comments here have been seen by some as inflammatory, and I encourage you to tone it down.

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