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I found this site while trawling the internet. My wife and I are "investigators" but are really just waiting for our companions to finish up their sales pitch and seal the deal- no pun intended.

I'm a student (can you guess which kind?), and my wife is a nurse. For the past year or so, I had been feeling a "push" towards LDS, and finally a few weeks ago stopped by the 'institute' and chatted with someone there. They also contacted some missionaries on my behalf, and next thing you know, we had elders in the house.

Both she and I would be the first LDS in our respective families, and even our immediate friends. I know many LDS families have a long history ("grandma pulled a handcart..."), and I wonder how that will play out in our ward. Also, since she's earning the bucks right now for both of us while i'm in school it will also be interesting to see how it plays out since I know many have a very strict idea of what the gender roles should be. Any thoughts?

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Hey marshac-

Welcome to the site! I wouldn't worry about what you've said, about gender roles. Education is also extremely important, and I know of a few couples in which the wife worked and supported her husband while he was in school. Anyone who gives you problems is most likely... not very nice.

Are you a medical student- possibly going to be a surgeon?

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Welcome to the site. I second what Maxel said. Don't worry about the gender roles. There are many many couples whose wives have put them through school. My own sister in law worked while my brother went to school.

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I am going to say ditto to Maxel and Pam about gender roles.

As far as family history (grandma pushed a handcart) every family has their firsts. So you might not have a handcart company pioneer in your ancestory but remember you are the pioneer. Just like those crossing the plains were the first generation in their family so are you.

Best of luck in your school!!

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Maxel- I'm just a med-school poseur who will be applying this spring/summer. I volunteer in the emergency room at a local hospital, and since the doctors there are so awesome, I get to scrub in for surgeries every now and then- just to watch of course. Surgery isn't what I want to get into despite the inherent coolness factor of it- I'm thinking either general practice or working the ER- both have their strong points.

Pam- Will do. As I said- we're just kinda waiting on the elders at this point. :) It's OK though- although I know what I wanted long before they arrived at our doorstep, I can't say the same for my wife. In fact, when I first brought up the topic with her a few weeks ago, she wasn't even sure if she still believed in God... clearly a setback. I would assume it's harder to sell someone on "lets be mormon!" when they don't believe in God than when they do- it's just less of a leap. Fortunately, after we talked about it for awhile and I told her why I believe- turns out that she did believe, but just didn't realize it (I knew she was raised catholic, so when I asked her who she thought Jesus was, and she responded that he was the son of God, etc... I was like 'how can you believe in Jesus like that, but not believe thereis a God?' Her response was along the lines of "Huh...."). Now she's totaly on board, and I couldn't be happier.

I've had a tough time with faith over the years- the degree to which I believe tends to be cyclical ranging from deep conviction to skepticism. For a year in college, I was a high school youth group leader and co-led a weekly bible study group for the guys- it was a fantastic experience, but towards the end I was beginning to reexamine again, so I skipped out on the youth group gig the following year (I figured it was a bad place for me to be if I had my own issues). The past few years for me again have been a period of examination and introspection, but i'm back now, and I really have science to thank this time... the beauty, complexity, and elegance of our bodies and the world around us is finally enough for me to take notice when He says "I Am"

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There are alot of woman that work and are current members in good standing. I'm a member, married with 3 kids and I work full time. Woman are encouraged to stay home but that is only if it is possible. In my situiation I work because I have to. We live in Silicon Valley and we really need 2 full time paychecks to get by in this area.

And your other concern about being the first in your family to be a member. Does it really matter how far back your family are members? Will that really affect your standing with our Father in Heaven?

I personally feel that all members are converts. If you are not converted at some time in your life you stop going to church. At some point between coming to church with your parents and relying on their faith and coming to church on your own you are converted. You gain a full testimony of the church. You do not gain your parents testimony you gain your own testimony. Some of us test the church more than others and come back and others slowly build their testimonies over there life time.

My humble opinion,


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