coffee withdrawal support group


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It needs to be made for newcomers like myself. I haven't agreed to live by the D&Cs yet (heck, they haven't even talked about them), but when I do agree.... I try to live up to my word. Until then however.....I had Starbucks this morning. It was de-lish.

How I will miss thee o trifecta of chocolate, shots, and milk...

Unintended consequences.... kicking the starbucks habbit equates to about half the tithe.

Woe, Woe, Woe sayeth the starbucks shareholders...

We could chew on caffeinated gum!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I love coffee. Not so much the caffeine, but the taste. I buy Pero online and blend it with ice, vanilla and soymilk for makeshift fraps.

Tea is hard too. I find plenty of herbal/fruit teas to substitute for my earl grey in the morning, it's the iced tea that messes me up. Ever since I was a kid i've ordered unsweetened iced tea when i've gone out for meals. I don't recall ever drinking anything else while dining out, and so I literally don't even realize that i've broken the WoW until i've almost finished a glass. It's even more of a habit to me than smoking or drugs ever were, because I don't even think about it until after i've drank it.

I get the beverage addiction. Totally.

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