I have a problem...

Guest loveofthelord94

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Guest loveofthelord94

Hey guys!

My name is Tobias and and i'm 14 years old.

I joined this forum so i can get some advice on the problems i've been having lately.

My dad refuses to talk to me because of what the problems are about...

Lately i've been touching myself. I try my best not to, but i feel as if satan himself gets inside my head.

Is there any way i can stop myself combat these evil spirits?


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Have you gone to talk to your Bishop? If you can't talk to your father. You should go to your bishop and talk with him. He will be able to hook you up for counseling or any other programs that are avaliable. Don't be afraid, the Bishop is a servant of the Lord and will only do what he can to help you.

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You know what? It's normal. You are a 14-year-old boy, developing as most do. If you are thinking about it and doing it all the time, and it gets in the way of living your life, then you would have a problem. Worrying about it this much, and your dad not talking to you because of it, just makes it harder. The scripture does say that "the natural man is an enemy to God." You will learn to control your passions and the things that your body craves (including overindulgences such as eating too much, sleeping too much, etc.), but this is part of normal development, and the control will come.

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Rampion is right its normal - and as long as it is not obsessive or an addiction, best thing you can do towards stopping is to stop feeling guilty, educate yourself about the changes in your body and know what you are saying no too. The guilt is what will allow this to progress beyond anything normal into the realms of masturbation and pornography etc...

Also certain amount of 'touching' yourself is important, you need to know what your own body and bits feel like, and look like and check them out every month or you won't spot the changes that indicate you have a problem like Prostate Cancer or Infection.

If you feel it its becoming a problem the the old fashioned cold shower or a hobby to keep your hands busy is a good plan


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Rampion, is right we do have physical desirers and at your age thats going to be an issue, and heres were you can develop self control and discipline as with anything in life, and things can get out of control if you dont discipline yourself.

Your dad is maybe feeling like he doesnt have the right words to express himself without thinking its going to come out wrong and make things worse. parents are only human and we get scared when we think we would could say something that could screw up or kids, its him not you, he still loves you.

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Actually I have a problem with this post...

To the OP: Are you really 14?

The reason I ask is...you have an email address for the University of Chicago and the IP address is also coming from there.

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Actually I have a problem with this post...

To the OP: Are you really 14?

The reason I ask is...you have an email address for the University of Chicago and the IP address is also coming from there.

I really hope hes 14, what would be there motive? Some people need to get a life, at least a better one. some one likes thinking of 14 yr old boys.

Im glad your on the job Pam :)

Edited by jolee65
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Guest loveofthelord94

BUSTED! My name is actually not Tobias. I will not give out my name for my own safety, however you Mormons sure are clever! You just can't put one past a mormon!

I am a 19 year old musician from Chicago.

Anyway, I know I messed up by putting a picture of a catholic boy as my picture. That was my first mistake.

Eh, forget the mistakes.

You see, I'm in this psychology class at the University of Chicago, and for this class, my goal was to examine the psychological stability of mormons in online forums in comparison to that of Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews and Bhuddists.

I posted the same things in every forum. The questions I posted were about Masturbation, Barack Obama, and gay marriage (i didn't have time to post that one yet).

My personal beliefs:

Gay Marriage is 100% okay. Why shouldn't they deserve the same freedoms we have? Half of my group of closest friends are homosexuals, and it is FACT that it is NOT a choice.

I've met Barack Obama on several occasions. He is a well-spoken, spiritually humbled man, and i wish him the best of luck with his term.

Creationism (Intelligent Design) is a load of garbage in my personal opinion. I've heard both sides debated at the University, and I have no doubts that we were NOT put on this earth by a higher power in the last four or five thousand years. I believe we have come to this point by evolution.

I am an atheist. I believe in facts, numbers and coincidence.

I am open to debate with anyone concerning topics such as gay marriage, Intelligent Design vs. Darwinism, Rode Vs Wade, etc. However, i will not discuss religion. I have my own beliefs and you have your own.

I'm sorry for betraying your trust.

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How is it that you'd "examine the psychological stability of mormons in online forums in comparison to that of Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews and Bhuddists"? What standard for stability could u get from that comparison sir? What are your anchors? Thanks

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Guest loveofthelord94

How is it that you'd "examine the psychological stability of mormons in online forums in comparison to that of Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews and Bhuddists"? What standard for stability could u get from that comparison sir? What are your anchors? Thanks

my anchor is the flying spaghetti monster and his divine noodley appendages, sir. and don't talk to me about scientific processes.

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Anyway, I know I messed up by putting a picture of a catholic boy as my picture. That was my first mistake.

I had an odd feeling about that pic. I knew I should have gone with my first gut reaction on the first post I responded.

Intresting way of doing things I think. Personally I would have prefered you have been straight forward and honest. We have many people on this forum not just LDS and they come out and state the way they stand. Sorry, but intellectual honesty is something that I consider important even on an online forum.

Edited by AngelLynn
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Hi LoveoftheLord94,

I KNEW you weren't Catholic :) You see I am and if you were also you would have known that the Catholics skipped 1993 and 1994 and began our Religion again in 1995. Soooo when I saw you were LovetheLord " 94 " I knew you were a fraud :):)

Good luck with your stability thing :)


Ceeboo ( 1995 )

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Hi LoveoftheLord94,

I KNEW you weren't Catholic :) You see I am and if you were also you would have known that the Catholics skipped 1993 and 1994 and began our Religion again in 1995. Soooo when I saw you were LovetheLord " 94 " I knew you were a fraud :):)

I should have said it sooner but I looked at his profile and it said he was LDS and he had a Catholic picture, and that from one perspective struck me as unusual, So from that I knew something didn't add up. On that refrence there is on the profile selection that states Catholic.

Edited by AngelLynn
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my anchor is the flying spaghetti monster and his divine noodley appendages, sir. and don't talk to me about scientific processes.

K, wait, "don't talk to u about scientific processes"? So now I'm confused. You said that's is what you're doing and I was just asking that's all. :huh:

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He's being inflammatory... Someone please close this thread.

loveofthelord94, come back with a real screen name and be honest if you want to discuss. Personally, I'm inclined to believe all of your views are incorrect if you have to lie about who you are. Deceit breeds deceit.

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