Economy in S.L. and Utah


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I may have the option of moving from Indiana to Salt Lake this summer. How is the economy in that area and Utah in general? Is it better than Indiana? I recently got my four year B.A. degree from a local university. So that goal is done. I would like to leave Indiana for a time and try to make it some place else. A friend is coming back to Indiana for a visit and my friend suggested I go back with her to Salt Lake.

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It probably depends on what you are going into.

Utah is still feeling the affects of the economy, it just tends to affect us a little later (there is always this delay before things reach utah). That also could happen on the way out.

I don't know if it is any worst then any other state.

Utah does have a lower wages compared to other states. But our cost of living is lower also, but that is on the rise.

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id check out to see who/ what is hiring, just to make sure you can find a good job. i think utah is doing okay, all things considered. it has one of the best cost of living to work compensation ratios in the country. (or so ive heard.) im not at all familiar with indiana though, so id get online and compare. id youd like PM me and i can explain the SLValley a bit. cost of living differs a bit depending on which side of the freeway youre on lol

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Utah's statistics are comparatively solid; but I sure know an awful lot of people who seem to be either out of work completely or else stuck in a dead-end, low-income job. I'm not sure how our economic situation stacks up to Indiana's.

Look carefully before you leap.

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My husband and I moved two years ago to Illinois from SLC, why? Because the job market was very bad. We knew people there with PHDs who were working in call centers being paid minimum wage because it was all they could get. Things might have changed since then, however like Just_A_Guy says, look carefully before you leap. Consider some of the jobs you might want to apply for out there and see if there are any positions open. In this economy with the way the job market has been if you have a stable job in IN then I would stay there. Otherwise if you are currently looking for a job then maybe SLC is the place for you.

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LOL,..did any of that help. We thought of doing the samething my husband has 15yrs telecommunications experience and we didnt see him making the same per hour in SLC then in Michigan. Also the property was way higher and we were looking in the southern part of Utah.

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Its been several years since we have lived in Utah............8 to be exact. We left for better wages and a better possibility of getting into a home sooner.

Dh's BIL lives in the Ogden area and works in SLC...........thank goodness for TRAX. That might be an option for you. But I would advice to look and research before you take that leap.

Good Luck!

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Unemployment rates: Indiana 9.2 Utah 4.6

Look at it this way, you'll have a better chance of finding a new job in Utah than in Indiana, I moved to SLC last week, I arrived Saturday, I found an apartment on Monday and a job on Wednesday because I took Tuesday off to run errands and unpack for my wife. The way I see it 50% of the unemployeed are homeless/dont wanna work and the other 50% switching jobs/restarted school, I'd suggest moving before the next round of graduates hits the workforce.

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Unemployment rates: Indiana 9.2 Utah 4.6

Look at it this way, you'll have a better chance of finding a new job in Utah than in Indiana, I moved to SLC last week, I arrived Saturday, I found an apartment on Monday and a job on Wednesday because I took Tuesday off to run errands and unpack for my wife. The way I see it 50% of the unemployeed are homeless/dont wanna work and the other 50% switching jobs/restarted school, I'd suggest moving before the next round of graduates hits the workforce.

that happens ever semester.....
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