How would YOU fundamentally change missionary work?


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Heh :eek: me again ... I know , I know.... an other idea that I forgot to wite here is ... somethign I would like to do...

How about a internet LDS TV station (even rado station would be ok) in Finnish or/and in Norwegean (Swdish and Dannish would go in te same) ... sending all day the Church movies and then news chanal. News would be country news and translated Headquarters news from BUY tv or such. Would be LDS but not Official. Could have nice news on families too, good news. Movie chanel would be sending sometimes real movies like Work and Glory, Zarahemla.... Even a channel like that would be great without the news... but then I would not get my face on TV :o:lol:

Just one problem... I am most uneducated... :(

Here too I might do this on my own... but I am afraid people would not be interested... I men church people... as they might take it as a misleading path.... get the picture? (It has become a bit easire now than a few years ago though. Leaders usually just smile at me and my internett... but I ahve a feeling every time we talk about misionary work or such and if I answer a quetion people go like... :rolleyes: there she goes again... before I even say a word and I have not been "preaching" so terribly much about CMs.

I ahd my Cm pin on last sunday and a friend looked at it "hey what is that?" then she got a closer look and turned in a hurru and said dissapointed... "Oh it is THAT" :huh:

If CM s had been a program... I am sure she had said someting positive about it.

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In teaching yesterday's Gospel Doctrine class on the Field is White, Ready to Harvest, I mentioned a concept we often forget:

Sometimes we are so busy doing Church Work that we forget to be busy doing the Lord's Work.

We have to stop administering, and start ministering. Just because we're busy, does not mean we are progressing or being effective. Stephen R. Covey describes this as the difference between managing and leadership. The manager has the crew in the jungle chopping a path, ensuring the machetes are sharp and that the path stays exactly 10 feet wide (within a margin of error, of course). Meanwhile, the leader climbs a tree and surveys everything, comparing it to the map. Once he has his bearings, he shouts to the manager, "wrong forest!" The manager shouts back, "shut up! we're making progress!"

We are so busy making sure our youth are entertained, and we're getting 100% contacts on the hometeaching that we forget to reach out to the individual to really know him/her. We neglect stopping on the side of the road to help someone, because we are rushing to our next meeting.

While those things can be important, they do not have the impact of lifting a single individual up.

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While I can agree with the concept (busy != effective), I disagree that 100% home teaching fails to lift up a single person. Unless you are talking about the, "All I care is if its a countable visit" mentality some have: Borrowed a cup of sugar, asked if I can help, HT done for the month! Then I'll agree, yeah that probably doesn't lift most folks, that said I've never actually run into anyone like that personally.

Retention has been mentioned, one of the keys to retention of new converts is contact with their new ward and friendship, which is one of the things Home Teaching (and Visiting Teaching) is supposed to help with though not be the sole fulfiller of. HT/VT done properly certainly lifts people.

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Anyway I would have a course for those who are interested or maybe chosen in cyber misionarywork and I would do it fast! Why so fast... Because I feel it is important, that we get people on line who KNOW what they are doing and how to do it.

Thanks Maya for all your ideas (and for your passion about online missionary work). I too strongly believe that the Internet must play a bigger role in finding people and that members need to be trained how to do it. We have had talks and classes for decades now (180 years!) about how to talk to friends and family about the gospel. It should be no surprise that with a new medium, most members need some clear direction.

P.S.--I saw your Finnish translation of the temple video--great job! Make sure to put it up on Youtube with a Finnish title!

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The missionaries are our best tool because they focus on the missionary work

and they have the spirit with them in a special way - more than we common

members have. Another side effect of the mission is the following: There is

no better school for life than a mission - noone is as active as an returned


I´d release all members from "alibi callings" and call as much as possible to

be ward missionaries.

All Acticities must be checked if they have a mission effect- and if so - use it.

The quality of activities must increase so that i can invite friends.

(I´m glad that i sometimes didn´t invite friends because the quality of the

activity was bad.)

Then create hometeachercouples with a ward member and a missionary.

Then create a new class between seminary and institute with the subject:

"Preparation for a mission"

Then encourage the young members to fulfill a mission.

More short - mission - activities.

Revive the scout program and add another target behind "Eagle Scout":

"Mission Scout".

Everyone should prefer to marry a RM.

As long as we followed three of the above points we had the best success in

comparison with the stake.

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Okay, here's some of my own ideas:

- Worthiness standards remain the same

- The existing program should remain the same as there are many symbolic lessons for the families of missionaries.


- All full-time missionaries should be required to pass an emotional assessment test.

This should help weed out those who may be worthy, but not quite emotionally stable or secure with themselves to help others - or lead their companions astray from missionary rules.

- They should also be given more instruction on how to communicate with empathy and understanding.

The problem with some missionaries is they get this really BIG head and ego about what they know and are UNWILLING to really listen to what others are saying. True teachers will communicate - and that's a two-way street. Yes, the Lord has instructed his missionaries to teach and not be taught, but in order to teach, you must LISTEN. In order to teach someTHING to someONE, that someone must feel valued and loved as a human being first - not as someone who is seen as their next "convert baptism".

You must also learn how to ask thought-provoking questions and be comfortable with the silence as they think about that question.

All of these points require a higher level of maturity in communication and emotional stability - that I think most missionaries lack.

I went on my mission when I was 21. I had some sales experience by that time and (while I am quite humble about my mission) I led the mission in convert baptisms in the South. (The number was 30.) I attribute it to teaching by the Spirit, but I was also older and more emotionally mature. When investigators spoke, I listened. I sought to truly understand what they were telling me. I wanted them to feel that their experiences are of value and that I respect them. I then help them take those experiences and apply them to gospel stories and concepts.

Unfortunately, I don't think this is the case for most missionaries who are serving.

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Then encourage the young members to fulfill a mission.

Its pretty encouraged in my experience. Heck, the purposes of the Aaronic Priesthood has been recited in every ward I've been to in the past couple years and one of the points is to prepare to serve an honorable full time mission, and its hit on quite a lot besides just that.

Everyone should prefer to marry a RM.

I'm not so sure that's the best idea, one it can leave converts out in the cold, second it can create pressures that result in people going on missions for the wrong reasons. A missionary who is simply there because he feels he won't get married unless he goes isn't the best companion, I actually knew of a missionary where this was the case. Additionally, while missions tend to accelerate spiritual growth, I've known plenty of non-RMs who blow RMs away in the potential spouse qualities department.

Then create a new class between seminary and institute with the subject:

"Preparation for a mission"

Most wards I know of (which admittedly is a small number) have had mission prep classes.

I notice your location is Germany, so that may explain the differences.

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There have been a number of articles written about how though the Church is still growing, in the US and worldwide, its growth has slowed compared to the 70s, 80s and early 90s. Church growth has stayed about flat since President Hinckley encouraged us to "double the baptism" ten years ago.

Most of us have thought about this, at least from time to time.

How would you fundamentally change the approach to missionary work?

How would you specifically use the Internet, media and other new tools?

My questions are aimed at changes or ideas that can bring us significantly closer to doubling the baptisms, not just slightly increasing growth. Looking forward to people's thoughts.

From my understanding, while the growth has remained level, the retention of new converts has risen significantly. One of the most important things we can possibly do is actually retain the new members. So whatever ideas anyone has, it is crucial that retention be a major consideration.

The traditional missionary program of the Church is not in tremendous need for radical change. Three things are lacking:

1.) The number of full-time missionaries should be growing in direct proportion to the membership of the Church, but it isn't. Clearly, we need more of them.

2.) Missionaries need to learn to exercise greater faith.

3.) The membership of the Church has the growing tendency to leave everything to the full-time missionaries. Each Latter Day Saint that this is true of needs to find a way to change their thinking. This is the BIG ONE. If the membership of the Church can accomplish a few things, the effectiveness of both proselyting and retention grows exponentially.

  • 100% Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching. It's not difficult, and it can open doors in unexpected ways.
  • Be less fearful and take the opportunities when the opportunities arise to share the Restored Gospel with others.
  • Simply get more involved and enthusiastic in every aspect of Church attendance.

The Internet is an excellent medium for a variety of reasons. For those who are fearful about being embarrassed by sharing the Restored Gospel, it can provide enough anonymity for them to practice and get better -- so they can soon do better in real-life circumstances.

As with any newer media type, the most despicable elements of society have jumped in headlong and done all they can to dominate. I'm talking about pornography and anti-Mormon groups. It's imperative that we do more than just make our voices heard. We need to be heard in spite of the over-loud armies of Satan trying to drown our message out. The question is, how can we drastically increase our online presence? Ads perhaps?

I can't remember the last time I saw a LDS Commercial on a major cable TV network. Is the Church abandoning TV adds for some reason?

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I can't remember the last time I saw a LDS Commercial on a major cable TV network. Is the Church abandoning TV adds for some reason?

The best publicity is FREE publicity - and the Church has been getting MORE than its fair share!

Sure it's negative, but it sparks up conversations with those whom are MEMBERS.

Just my thoughts.

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The best publicity is FREE publicity - and the Church has been getting MORE than its fair share!

Sure it's negative, but it sparks up conversations with those whom are MEMBERS.

Just my thoughts.

You're right that free publicity is definitely the best. I'm not sure whether the Church has scaled back its media efforts or not, but it is a very expensive way to find people.

I wonder if we as members are effectively engaging these people who ask questions. Surely the last couple years has brought more publicity to the Church than it has in a while. Have the number of investigators and converts increased as a result?

I'm not sure.

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Around here the Church do not advertise. I know it costs pretty much to advertize every Saturday in a magazine about the meetting or happenings through oput the week, but someone once said that as you guys dont advertize in the magazines, like every other congrigation, no one knows your meetingsa are open to everybody or what time they are.

To travell from one side of this ward to the other it takes at least 2 hours. Memebers that live furthest away it takes about a bit less than an hour one way.

Quality of activitise debends on the ward FAMILY. Some ward families dont have such good resurses as an other does. It is a family where everyone is allowed to do the best they can which pretty often is not that good. And mostly people do not want to do anything as they have been critizized before.

We are going to have the musical experience of "wemen at the well" soon here. It was taken together by some members in wards around... stil the quality may be varied.

I really think that internet Cybering is an opening doors thing to us. So many people nowadays are surfing around and if we fill the internett with good things .... not only church things, more people get qurious and may find us and come to us and ask for missionary conversations.

Many countries like Finland are living in a religious vacum, where most people hang in the old traditional church just because the wedding is so pretty in that or that church or that you get a graveplace cheeper or that it is a family custom. Most vist church only on Christmas as it gives a good feeling, seldom on easter, some marriages and babtizements of a baby but hardly ever on Sundays.

They are not interested. They have been thought that everyone will be saved... everyone who says they believe... 2 words and that ist it. Many of these people in fact are searching. They are loosing their belief in the old church because of the new directions the churches have taken. I can see many who are spiritually totally lost, but hang in the old customs.

The anti movement has been very awoken in finnish and has had for years a very significant internett side with ALL the possible accusitions thowards us... and we... we have had the official sites. So what the common person in Findland know about us is usually from the antisite. For some reason the anties have managed to teach the people NOT to trust the official site...

We really need mormon on the internett in many laguages. Like if we have a few good postitive sites in Chinese, any language, on the internett before they get the antistuff there, if it not already is there... so we might find more interested people to visit the missionaries.

The internett misionary work should be (and is) aimed at finding and encouraging people to take contact with LDS and also correcting wrong accusitions. Unfortunately very few dare to come forward as LDS on the internett or make LDS sites as theya re afraid they may say siomethig doctorinally wroong and get corrected. And nowadays one has to think of the fact that you may loose a good job or school possibility if you are an actice LDS on the internett.

I really think a good internet family moovie station would be fantastic....

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I think Maya hits the point exactly. On the Internet, there is absolutely no shortage of spiritual pornography (anti-Mormon garbage) and it's because they are so obsessive about destroying our Church. I think it's very interesting that the peddlers of actual pornography, hate groups and the anti-Mormons have in common. They all got to the Internet very early on and established an overwhelming presence there.

It's not a question of whether we should overcome such adversity. It's a matter of doing it. Every piece of new technology offers boundless opportunities to share the message of God with the world. Each new technological advance in communication is a gift from God. It's up to the members of God's Church to reclaim that gift from those who would misuse it.

But human networking is infinitely more powerful. Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching provide the minimum standard. We should be aiming higher than visiting families once a month. But why do we struggle to even meet the minimum standard? If we can first meet and then exceed the minimum standard, then I think it will have a greater impact on Missionary Work than anything else we can do.

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I think I had the most success on my mission when I was actively engaged in the community we served. We didn't do a lot of door knocking, but we did ride the bus constantly, and talked to people on the street. Everyone in that small town knew who we were, and knew we were friendly, and willing to help them out even with non-church related things. We were bold. One thing about the standard dark suit, white shirt, prominant nametag, is that you can't hide your light under a bushel. Everyone knows you are different. Missionaries need to take advantage of the fact that they stand out like a sore thumb, and be bold at talking to people. We had one bus driver reading the Book of Mormon between each run of his route. He eventually moved to the Doctrine and Covenants, and took a lot of ribbing by his coworkes who told hm to "stay away from those scary Mormons!" We need to make sure we are not scary, and that people who are looking for the light of Christ will come to us (missionaries and members alike) and ask how they can receive that light themselves.

I also think the goal of the missionaries should be to build the Kingdom of God, which means working with the local ward or branch. Setting goals to grow and fill the pews with visitors and new memebers. Get them excited at the idea of a new chapel being built, or the ward splitting or growinng into a stake. What joy we would have seeing prophecy fulfilled as the gospel literally fills the entire Earth.

YouTube - LDS Church Growth 2007 Version

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I think it would be helpful if more unofficial but dedicated LDS cyber missionaries searched for non-LDS religion forums in their own language and started "Ask a Mormon" threads. Then for every message posted, regardless of how toxic in may be, respond with the calm teaching of a gospel principle and a signature encouraging people to anonymously browse at - Home for more information.

As it is in the physical world, it is possible for cyber missionaries to arrange with each other to work the same thread and provide a supporting second witness of their teachings. Such arrangements are beginning to take place at a new discussion board created specifically for LDS cyber missionaries to interact with each other and share their ideas and experiences.

Ask a Mormon threads are sometimes hugely popular. One I started got more than 5,000 posts and 80,000 views. On another board my gospel oriented posts have been viewed almost 90,000 times. That's a whole lot of 'door-knocking' when I never even left my home!

Any faithful Saint can do it. If you keep calm in the midst of strong adversity, intent on being a patient and loving Teacher of Righteousness, the Holy Spirit will be your constant companion and guide.

The cyber fields are white my brothers and sisters. It is my belief that if you have the desire you are called to the work. Why not tithe a portion of your online time specifically for cyber missionary service?

Just in case you missed the other thread, I'll copy below a recent post at from an excited anxiously engaged LDS cyber missionary.


“I have been over on Facebook- group “All Christians On Face book” usually posting under a thread started by Jeff Stevens (i think I have his name spelled right?)– and it is interestingly enough titled “Ask a Mormon”!

There have been a LOT of “hecklers” who post reams of anti stuff- but the administrators do a pretty good job of banning those who get personal or dirty in their language. — bless them!

I have just recently had several posters say that from my work there, they have decided to look into the church, and one said they would read the BofM!

Just yesterday a Jehovahs’ Witness has suggested that from my respectful posting there, that he would like to learn more of our doctrines! WOWIE ZOWIE! Made my day! So we are just inching into that.

I wish I had MORE time! I wish I didn’t need to eat or sleep or shower or clean my house etc! (boy would my husband be upset!– but I AM blessed as he totally approves of my posting- but does worry if I let the dishes go unwashed for more than 2 days — yea– I worry about that too! ;/ and I work to NOT let that happen!

May God bless us all in our work for Him and guide us in how we post!”

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Glad to hear of the success you're having in reaching people online.

It's probable that many Latter-day Saints online are contributing to the cyber missionary service. What I'm trying to do is encourage more LDS to take the initiative and get anxiously engaged in the work instead of just hanging around the usual familiar and comfortable online haunts.

That's why I created It is my hope that that forum specifically for LDS cyber missionaries will be helpful and fun to participate in, sort of an unofficial virtual ward or 'mission.' But we're just starting out and our numbers are few. I think quite a few members take a quick glance at our still fewer than 100 board numbers and keep on surfing. Maybe with time that will change...

In addition to starting "Ask a Mormon" threads on non-LDS boards our sister board has a board member who seems very close to baptism. Because of the board he's going to testimony meeting tomorrow he says, instead of to another church he had been leaning towards.

But who knows what good may come from potential investigators reading those Ask a Mormon threads? My personal opinion is that all LDS cyber missionaries should try to encourage readers to browse at - Home

Thanks for your kind comments.

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Hello just adding my small 2cents

member-missionary work should be encouraged from all levels of your ward more active community work also leaders should attend ward missionary meetings to find out whats up with helping the missionaries

We had a Ward missionary leader who was always harping on about baptisms when someone mentioned that we should focus on spreading the message(Gospel)and not overly focus on baptism things started to improve where alot more non-members turned up to activities but a lot more members contributed to that in small ways, are number of baptism increased by about 20percent for the year our Ward mission leader was still harping about baptism statisics but I would say alot more people now know about the LDS Church(our ward)in our area

I myself still striving to convert myself with the help of the Saviour and live the Gospel:):)

Its very simply live the gospel and God sorts out the baptsim:):)

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On just about any Christian Forum you come to, there is an intense interest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. For example, here's a screenshot from :

Unorthodox Theology - Christian Forums

Posted Image

We are already very aware that we're often criticized by other religions for our beliefs. But what does this really mean? Well, for starters, lets rank the "Unorthodox" based on volume of discussion:

1.) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

  • 1,257 Threads
  • 67,000 Posts
2.) Messianic Judaism and Traditional Judaism (basically, they are combined together.)

  • 671 Threads
  • 22,575 Posts
3.) Unitarian/Non-Trinitarian

  • 172 Threads
  • 4,417 Posts
4.) Jehovah's Witnesses

  • 171 Threads
  • 4548 Posts
(Fellowship is not a category, it's a heading of sorts.)

We're number one!! :lol: There is roughly 3 times as much discussion about the LDS Church than the next most popular "theology". Bear in mind that Messianic Judaism and Non-Trinitarian/Unitarian are broad stroke categories that contain many, many religions. The LDS Church is apparently far more interesting than entire religious movements containing numerous denominations. The reason that we and the Jehovah's Witness faith qualify as a separate category is probably because they are two theologies that are extremely different from any other Christian theology, so they can't readily be categorized. Apparently, we're about 15 times more interesting to talk about than Jehovah's Witnesses. There LDS section of that sub-forum is over twice as active as all other sections combined. (67,000 to 31,540)

And you better believe that "Mormon" threads are all over the place on ANY Christian Forum!! I clicked into a completely unrelated section and one of the most recent threads was "mormon is a nickname for these christians?"

One very important thing we can take from this: People are very interested in talking about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In many, many cases, they are not only open to participation from LDS members. They're asking for it. Some of what you will find online about our religion is very critical. A significant amount of it is surprisingly complimentary and conciliatory. But if a regular on a Christian forum wants to hear it from the horse's mouth, so to speak, where are they going to go for their information about Mormons? Well, it's easiest to go somewhere you already know, so they'll most likely go check out that sub-forum. It's more within their own comfort zone.

People are talking a LOT about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The "Welcome LDS" sign is already hanging on the door and the discussion is already ongoing. It is up to the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints -- you can either sit back while other people talk about you or you can be part of the discussions.

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In all seriousness, This is the Lord's work and if He wanted things to be going better he'd make it happen by inspiring everyone to do His will. We are not doing the best we can, and that will come down to our personal faults. The Lord's work will go forth with or without you or me. I'm just doing the best I can to help... but it's nothing compared to what the Lord is going to do hopefully sooner than later to light the flame within the world.

My personal guess is that missionary work will stay the same pretty much. But something will happen to bring so many baptisms into the church all at once by Dec 2011. My feeling is that very influential people will slowly come into the church and they will be super missionaries and bring in millions.

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But something will happen to bring so many baptisms into the church all at once by Dec 2011. My feeling is that very influential people will slowly come into the church and they will be super missionaries and bring in millions.

Please explain the basis for your "feeling" and why the specific date, thanks.

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How would you fundamentally change the approach to missionary work?


My first obvious response is that there is very little missionary work among the general populous of the church. That is where we will double baptisms is there, so a new question of how to increase missionary work among members? should be the next question you should ask.

Number 2 is for missionaries, they need to understand that its not about the quotas but about humbly seeking the lords assistance in finding those ready for baptism. Often times mission presidents preach hellfire and brimstone for quotas, missionaries are not going to have the spirit if they are continually strung up more then they already are.

How would you specifically use the Internet, media and other new tools?

Just dont make things out to look to much like Hollywood productions or make ads that look like you are trying to sell them something. Those usually turn people off.

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