The Conception of Jesus Christ


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He learned line uppon line but He knew who He was ... like the time they founf Him in the temple as a child where he said he was about His fathers business.

Well, He had that much figured out didn't He:)

Yet, He was not yet out raising the dead or healing the sick or organizing His Church:p

Bro. Rudick

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Hello Faded,

Indeed, it is offensive, to say the least.

I wonder though, how can so many LDS members seem to disagree on this " teaching " or " not teaching "???



I have visited Wards all over and never have I heard this "teaching" as you call it taught in any of our meetin' houses.


Bro. Rudick

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What puzzles me is the " not sure " of this or " not certain " of that. Then how can you pick the things ( like plan of salvation ) that you DO feel is prophetized accuratly???

Seems VERY VERY strange to say we believe this with all our heart and say we are not sure or it doesn't really matter, they are human, when the INFORMATION comes from the very same mouths.:confused::confused::confused:

Don't be puzzled, there really is no need. Again, much is speculation. If it isn't canonized in scripture, then really it's best to pray about it and be led by the Holy Spirit. The plan of salvation is canonized as scripture.

The church, our beliefs, our doctrine and the direction given by men sustained as Prophets, Seers and Revelators is not nearly as confusing as you may be lead to believe by reading an internet forum.

I am guessing that if you could read all of the quotes from past Pope's, you might be left scratching your head because you really don't know the context of their statements.

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Thanks for the reply,

If I may ask a follow up to your post, What is LDS teaching regarding this???

Is there no direction from your current prophet??

Was there teachings from past prophets??

Thanks again,


I thought the Scriptures are already clear on the subject.

Any other "teaching" is only speculation at best and should be avoided.

Bro. Rudick

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Actually, no, you could answer my questions.

Hey Vort

Remember me, I am Ceebooboo, the one who you mocked and pointed fingers at to start this whole thing.

Have you decided to take this up with a lady??

Is that more your comfort level (I noticed you did not respond to my answer to your threats towards me ??:confused:) Do you prefer MY WIFE?????


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I thought the Scriptures are already clear on the subject.

Any other "teaching" is only speculation at best and should be avoided.

Bro. Rudick

Hello Johnny,

I could not agree with you more.

Why then, if Scripture is already clear, has this thread developed??



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Remember me, I am Ceebooboo,

Yeah, I think I remember you.

the one who you mocked and pointed fingers at to start this whole thing.

Oh, my. Aren't we just having a pity party?

Have you decided to take this up with a lady??

My conversation with said "lady" is separate from my conversation with you. Mind your own business.

Is that more your comfort level (I noticed you did not respond to my answer to your threats towards me ??:confused:) Do you prefer MY WIFE?????

What do you mean, your "wife"? When I asked about you as her "husband", her response was:

WHOS MY HUSBAND?:confused:rolleyes:

So either you're not married, or she's not claiming you.


Heh, heh...and you call me a liar...

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I am guessing that if you could read all of the quotes from past Pope's, you might be left scratching your head because you really don't know the context of their statements.

Hi bytor,

As always, thanks for the kind manner you offer things to me.:)

I agree that I may be a little surprised by what some Popes may have said in the 2000 year history but I can't imagine any of them saying things like are being discussed here.

At any rate, thanks for you even handed contribution.



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Hello Johnny,

I could not agree with you more.

Why then, if Scripture is already clear, has this thread developed??



Because a non-member read something on an anti-site that claims that Mormons believe God had sexual intercourse with Mary and wanted to find out if that is indeed our beliefs.

Edited by bytor2112
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Vort vort vort

you just dont know when to stop...

This site is for adults not children! They have play grounds for people like you so run along.

Not a very creative ad hominem.

Why didn't you acknowledge your husband as such when I asked you about him?

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