Late Night Working


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So, I am sitting here at work. It's 2:42am. And boy this is fun.

I normally work 4 10's. Monday - Thursday. But some times, I get to come in really late at night. And work the wee hours of the morning. Good times.

And what stinks, is I am new to this site. And in these wee hours, there is hardly anyone on!

Anyway, just a late night post from me. Cause I am waiting for something to finish here.

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All Americans love England lol. Except, the ones I know who live here, HATE it and are desperate to move back to the States. The romantic ideal is far more appealing than the reality, apparantly. But if u served here, u really must like it! Alhough Ireland is different. My DH served in Manchester too, 99-01.

Agreed 100% :) Generally Americans have a very distorted view of England, one Elder I was speaking to believed he was coming to thatched cottages - he was pretty shocked when he arrived. He also had the misfortune of having Birmingham UK as his mission area. Birmingham and surrounding areas are probably the most polluted and dirty parts of the UK.

As for working late nights, I can also relate however this was a few years back now when I worked on shifts. I found between 4am and 6am to be the hardest hours to stay awake, particularly as I was doing a job at the time which only required my presence at night "just in case" something bad happened. So basically I had little to do to keep me awake. It's always nice to hand over to the day shift though, and a plus side is that I love the night air... it's not something I often get to appreciate.

Edited by Mahone
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Last night I was working my tail feathers off trying to do 3 jobs (people on vacations) and a couple little 'see if you can squeeze this in if you can find the time''s from the big boss :P

Potato processing plants are hopping places at 230am. See what kind of sacrifices my coworkers and I make to keep everyone eating the best veggie in the world? We were on the Sonic fries. Everyone likes Sonic :D Awwww, if it weren't Sunday I would so totally get one of the cherry limeades.

I wish I could get on the internet at work, but they blocked access. Darn you IT people!

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I wish I could get on the internet at work, but they blocked access. Darn you IT people!

Heh, I didn't have it either when I was working night shifts. But then computers were fairly scarce in the building I was working in and the ones they did have were running windows 3.1 and 95 (it was about seven or eight years ago, but that is still pretty bad). So I think internet was out of the question :D

I had the TV to occupy me, but late night TV is extremely weird to say the least. I dread to think what the target audience is like.

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I work overnight too, just so happens that I had to accept an overnight shift that requires me to work saturday and sunday nights, this makes it very difficult to make it so sacrament meeting, has anyone else had to deal with this? How did you make it? did you feel bad for missing eveyonce in a while? 2 weeks in a row?

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I work overnight too, just so happens that I had to accept an overnight shift that requires me to work saturday and sunday nights, this makes it very difficult to make it so sacrament meeting, has anyone else had to deal with this? How did you make it? did you feel bad for missing eveyonce in a while? 2 weeks in a row?

I've not been in that situation personally, though a lady in my ward used to work night shifts for the NHS. I'm not sure what exact time she worked from and to, but she used to drag herself to church and leave immediately after taking the sacrament. Not sure if that is that is considered the right thing to do or not, it's dedication, but she could be making herself ill or causing herself to be more tired on her next shift.

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Way to improvise. This thread reads just like a chat.

Uh huh... your point being? A forum is just a chatroom but not in real time... posts don't always have to be well preprared, researched and thought out. But if it makes it any better for you, I can add a little note saying I was speaking whatever came into my mind at that moment :P

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Uh huh... your point being? A forum is just a chatroom but not in real time... posts don't always have to be well preprared, researched and thought out. But if it makes it any better for you, I can add a little note saying I was speaking whatever came into my mind at that moment :P

Sounds like a hit a nerve. I didn't mean anything more than good for you for finding a way around the no chat option.

I often speak whatever comes to a few minutes ago when I responded to the thread. lol.

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Sounds like a hit a nerve. I didn't mean anything more than good for you for finding a way around the no chat option.

I often speak whatever comes to a few minutes ago when I responded to the thread. lol.

It was meant more tongue in cheek, hence the little :P at the end :)

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