Spiritual Needs of Homosexuals


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(I am not LDS) By the authority of the State or country or jurisdiction where it is legal, and also the denominations that allow gltb marriages. The Unitarian Universalists, United Church of Christ, United Church of Canada, and some sects of Judaism, pagans, etc can perform gay marriages where it is legal. In the little window when it was legal in California 80 retired Methodist ministers volunteered to perform marriage ceremonies, so that the active ministers would not be sanctioned. They figured it would not be worth the denomination's effort to sanction the retired ones.

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how so!? under whose authority??? :huh:

I imagine under God's. As far as how so, if one believes that SSM is not sinful and just as valid as an OSM (and God approves of the latter) then the stance that God can approve of both isn't out there. Remember the religious objection to SSM rests on the premise that homosexual behavior is sinful and that God does not approve and would not solemnize it with marriage. However if you change the premise to that of God doesn't object to two people in love getting married irrespective of gender then the fact that he would hold both SSM and OSM in equal regard is pretty logical. Kinda like how if you change the speed limit from 35 to 55 there is nothing wrong with going 55.

Of course its the premise a lot of people choke on, but if you accept the premise (whether for real or as part of a mental exercise to understand where the other side is coming from) it isn't a stretch.

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There needs to be someone to minister to the spiritual needs of Homosexuals. To quote the famous saying by Rabbi Hillel, "If not me, then who?".

If not We the LDS Church, then who?


I know that this thread has kinda gone off topic, But I would like to try and answer this.

Answer: Me.

By this i mean. It is my duty as a follower of Christ to do as he would do. He would love the person and do all that he could for them. This does not mean accepting sin or even judging what is sin. Simply loving them.

I like many on here believe that homosexuallity is a sin. What that means to me is that i personally would not engage in it, because I believe it to be sinful. With that said, it still does not give me the right to judge someone who believes it isnt a sin. That would be like judging a Catholic that takes wine at Mass or a Jew judging me for eating a bacon butty.

Respecting each others beliefs was talked about by Paul, if Im not mistaken.

I would fellowship with anyone regardless of there particular beliefs. As long as it did not bring harm to myself or my family and IMO someone being LGBT does not fall into that particular box.

I pray that God will bless all his children with his love, regardless of there particular needs.

Edited by Lost_one
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I think the best thing that we can do is to seek to understand each other better. Problem is we are too threatened by each other and we humans desperately need to be "right" or justified some how. I see condemnation being thrown from both sides of this issue.

I suppose that is part of being human and mortal and flawed. But perhaps it is an opportunity to learn HOW the Savior loved even with all the imperfection and sinfulness. Judging another person.....even condemning another person just isn't our job! And requiring that people come to truth or repentance on our time schedule isn't either. What we are to do is to invite and then let each other choose. God takes care of the rest.

Can the LDS church and its members understand SSA better? Yes. But I don't think it should have to compromise its values to do so.

That's why I'm visiting here. I want to put a human face on the LDS and understand the foundations of why? Not the stuff on tv or in print where we justify and draw lines, but the authentic neighborly kind of sharing done at a kitchen table. I can't do that in person, so this fellowship is the kitchen table/laptop where we can talk from the heart.

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It is my duty as a follower of Christ to do as he would do. He would love the person and do all that he could for them.

I don't know about you, but I also think he'd try and point them in the direction of Heavenly Father. And I'm saying this from the perspective of a person who struggles with homosexual conditioning myself on a daily basis. Ofcourse I can see where you're coming from, I think, that Christ is our advocate before the Father.

Isn't it the sinful act that makes someone homosexual?

Didn't Christ also say that if you lust after another in your heart that you've committed adultery? So, I'd say it's a psychological thing as well as a physical thing.
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I don't know about you, but I also think he'd try and point them in the direction of Heavenly Father. And I'm saying this from the perspective of a person who struggles with homosexual conditioning myself on a daily basis. Ofcourse I can see where you're coming from, I think, that Christ is our advocate before the Father.

That is what i ment by, i would do all that i could for them. But to love them would be my top priority. In order for someone to make changes in there lives, they themselves must choose to change. All i can do is be there to support them in anyway they need me too be. I will love them no less, if they continued in there lifestyle.
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I am confused by this.....how are his spiritual needs not being met there? Do the members know he has same sex attraction? Or has he been out spoken on the issue? Just curious.

Some people knew, some didn't, some suspected. He felt marginalized because there were members who said some pretty hateful and hurtful things about gays, told jokes, etc.

I have often wondered how someone can be homosexual if the are not involved in any sinful acts. Isn't it the sinful act that makes someone homosexual? We all fight against some kind of temptation, it is in yielding to the temptation that makes one a liar, fornicator, thief, adulterer, homosexual, etc.....no?

No, homosexuality is being attracted to members of the same sex, regardless of whether or not you act on it. I am attracted to members of the opposite sex and am therefore heterosexual, even though as a widower, I don't currently have a sexual partner. 'Asexual' means a person has no, or very little, desire for sex at all. (Just thought I'd throw that in! :P)


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That's why I'm visiting here. I want to put a human face on the LDS and understand the foundations of why? Not the stuff on tv or in print where we justify and draw lines, but the authentic neighborly kind of sharing done at a kitchen table. I can't do that in person, so this fellowship is the kitchen table/laptop where we can talk from the heart.

Putting a face to things does take the abstraction out our thoughts about a given topic. Makes us realize we are discussing real people who are our family, friends and neighbors. Makes the question of whether we are abrogating responsibility for inclusion of active Homosexuals, by concentrating on the avoidance of same sex attraction, one with many human faces as well - instead of a sermon on paper.

Thank you for reminding us. :)

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I agree. Martin Luther King once said "We must become the change we want to see in the world."

Aesa: I have not said much in this discussion. I hope you understand that I am interested in assisting you in your spiritual needs. However, the expression of homosexuality is directed towards the physical and not the spiritual. I believe the spiritual needs of all are the same - regardless of gender or orentation.

I wish you well in your spiritual quests.

The Traveler

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  • 3 years later...
Guest Tozan35

So... A practicing homosexual who won't change his/her ways to come unto God is as damned as anyone else who won't repent; a practicing homosexual who will change his/her ways to come unto God is as redeemed as anyone else who will repent.

Murderers are Children of God who just happen to be predisposed to taking the lives of others. So are we indeed ministering to their spiritual needs, if they do not choose to make themselves abstain from the spilling of blood?

Thieves are Children of God who just happen to be predisposed to steal things. So, are we indeed ministering to their spiritual needs, if they do not choose to live their lives in a manner where they keep their hands to their own property?

Liars are Children of God who just happen to be predisposed to not tell the truth. So, are we indeed ministering to their spiritual needs, if they do not choose to live their lives in a manner where they're honest with their fellow man?

Where do you get your 'understanding' that practicing homosexuals aren't welcome in the Church? How do you define 'welcome'? Where do you get the idea that the Church should cater to the 'spiritual needs' of sinners- repentant or unrepentant? In the end, the spiritual needs are met by each individual: if a homosexual chooses not to utilize the resources of the Church to come unto Christ, than they're as damned as a heterosexual in the same boat.

Read the article that Justice linked.

You people who don't have the SSA are the ones that the worst offenders in here

married couples doing all the lecturing and all the judging and all the dictating on how

we SSA singles should feel, and how we should act and how we should live? Just who the

hell do you temple saints think you are? You're not the judge of Israel or the stake president. What we do in our own personal lives as single church members, how we live the church life is simply none of your dam business......So keep your noses out of ours.


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You people who don't have the SSA are the ones that the worst offenders in here

married couples doing all the lecturing and all the judging and all the dictating on how

we SSA singles should feel, and how we should act and how we should live? Just who the

hell do you temple saints think you are? You're not the judge of Israel or the stake president. What we do in our own personal lives as single church members, how we live the church life is simply none of your dam business......So keep your noses out of ours.


Let me check...

Yep. My nose is right here. On my face. Out of yours.


Way to resurrect an old thread...

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