On What Common Ground?


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By your Churches watch, they're abominable and in apostasy - how can their work be great?

1 Nephi 13 reads to me like the Catholic Church, especially if you know their history well (and I do, because I was raised a catholic).

I can understand being friendly, as Christ would be to a degree - but calling them great? Hmm.

Nice video, but seriously, using John Lennon? A guy that almost definitely opposed them? "Imagine there's no heaven, it isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. No religion, too." ???

Edited by Aesa
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By your Churches watch, they're abominable and in apostasy - how can their work be great?

1 Nephi 13 reads to me like the Catholic Church, especially if you know their history well (and I do, because I was raised a catholic).

Gee, Aesa, can’t we give other religions credit when credit is due? We don’t hold a monopoly on all great things. Other religions can do great things on their own.

Please, let me point out the obvious about the video that I think you may have overlooked if you watched the entire video. I think the message of the video is saying it is better to give babies up to adoption not ABORTION. If those persons were aborted instead, we would have missed out on some very talented people who contributed greatly to society irregardless of whether we believe in their religion, philosophy, sociology, race, nationality, music, art or whatever. That is the meaning of the message that I got from the video.

The last part of the 13th Article of Faith says “...If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.” We should seek after those things that are good and even great in other faiths. Let’s stand together shoulder to shoulder with other faiths who believe the same we way we do and give them great credit for it. Great faith and talent exists in other faiths. It isn’t all in the LDS faith.

May I point out, I am LDS so I understand where you are coming from. But I appreciate it when Catholics and Mormons and other religions can stand together for a common cause and belief whether it be the sanctity of marriage between man and woman only or the sacred life of unborn children or in other beliefs or causes. To me, that is GREAT. We will be much further along in society being UNITED with them when we agree than to argue with them because of their history or their other beliefs.

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The only thing is...you kind of took two verses and put them together. When he talked about nothing to kill or die for...he was talking about imagining there were no more countries.

Also I've never heard that LDS consider the Catholic church to be an abomination.

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Imagine there's no Heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today

Now I can't read John's mind as to his meaning and intent when he wrote these lyrics. But if I were to put my own idea of what he meant by these words it would be...that people have forgotten God..that they live only for today with no thought of what may be tomorrow. That's what I get out of the lyrics.

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While I do enjoy the music of John Lennon, and I do applaud the message given by the video, I doubt he would have endorsed this cause. I believe he would very firmly stand on the pro-choice side of the coin, and absolutely support a woman's choice to abort a fetus. Of course, that's just my opinion, so take it for what it's worth. Frankly, I was shocked that a Catholic society would choose to spotlight Lennon. Yes, he was a great talent, but I don't know that he embraced a lifestyle condoned or looked upon favorably by the Catholic Church.

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I think there were different portions to the video. When John Lennon was brought up in the video it was with a person such as Nelson Mandela. Both have or had been vocal in world peace. I didn't get that the whole video was about about abortion or adoption. I guess it's a matter of the perspective we took on the video.

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By your Churches watch, they're abominable and in apostasy - how can their work be great?

What are you mumbling about?

The RCC is one of the world's greatest Churches. Calling them abominable is not only stupid, it also stupid. Catholicism has shaped an incredible amount of modern western civilization, having made very significant contribution to science, the advent of universities, law, art, culture, scripture, and just about every facet of life.

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