hello, how to become active again?


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Hello , I dont know if is the best way to introduce myself, but im 20 y/o . im new here and i basically signed up cause i have big problem and i would like to see ur suggestions.

almost all my life i´ve been active in church, except when i went to live for a year to USA (im from mexico) and now im not really active because i wasnt living according to the gospel, i really want to change my life because I feel awkward,. i have a couple of questions, im in a relationship with a boy, he is not a LDS, But he became intrerested in the last weeks, we had broken the law of chastity but im really repented, i dont know where to start im suppose to confess but i dont know if I should go to the branch president, we dont have a stake so no bishop, or should i confess to the mission president? am i going to be able to marry in the temple with this boy one day?

Will he ask me very personal questions, like going in detail? im really embarrassed , im not sure if i can do it, .. so please help, i dont want my parents to know this,my dad is the president's first counselor i dont want him to know!

also, is there a posibility i will face excommunion? please answer these questions they really important for me, what can i do to overcome the embarrassment and confess?

I really need to do it i just know i cant even sleep because of what ive done

ps. hope u understand my english ,!!! its been a long time since I dont use it...

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Hi - and welcome :)

I'm not LDS myself, so I'm totally unqualified to answer your question, but I think it's time somebody responded to your message. I can't believe there isn't at least one person out there who's been (or knows someone who's been) in a similar position who can offer some advice/help/encouragement.

Best wishes, and I hope things work out for you and your bf.


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Having just recently become active myself within my ward I'm really not sure how to answer this one...umm i'm thinking maybe contact the people at the temple and they may be able to guide you in the right direction...I totally understand not wanting the family to know about this...it is a personal matter but in the meantime I suggest that you pray to Heavenly Father with real intent and a sincere heart and hopefully he would be able to give you the answers you seek.

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If I were you ... and really in love with this boy. I would take him with me to teh bishop tomorrow. Best would be to take your father too... and talk with him too anyway right after. If you done something wrong it wont help posponing the confession to your dad either.

Your options: Confess to the bishop. It will be enough for him to know that you broke the law of chasity. I think he may ask if it was of free will. Would be good to have him there too, if he also regrets, even thoug he is not LDS.

If he wants to marry you marry. Or wait a year and no sex. About after he has been a member for a year you can be married in a Temple.

If you want to marry now, do it... he may become a member he may not become one.... a year is a long time to wait especially as he has not even started the lessons yet. A lifetime with a spuse outside the church... is not easy!

Do talk with your dad. He may be angry and dissapointed, but what is done is done and he loves you very much and only wishes the best to you.

It is a big blow when you think your family is doing ok....

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hi, I just read your post, I'm from Mexico too!!! de que parte eres?? ... I think you should see the branch president or mission president and confess, if you are truly repented ,. si creo que debes ir a decir porque dice en D Y C, que si alguien se arrepiente de sus pecados "he aquí los confesará ylos abandonará", espero y te sirva mi opinion,

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