No one knows the day or the hour

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by Jerry Ainsworth [June, 2009 article]

The twenty fourth chapter of Matthew identifies many of the events that will transpire prior to the event referred to as The Second Coming. When indicating some of these events, and then referring directly to “the coming of the son of man,” Matthew quotes the Savior as saying, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my father only.”

When I first read this scripture, I was befuddled, as all of the prominent dates related to the Savior’s life and death were clearly set in the councils of heaven, prophesied of and known by the prophets of old.

We know that the Savior was born on April 6th, (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:1) and that he was resurrected on April 6th, (see 3 Nephi 8:5 and 3 Nephi 2:8), and I would not be surprised to discover that he was also baptized (born again) on April 6th. He decided to restore his church on April 6, and certainly these dates were not a secret.

I was therefore puzzled by two dynamics related to His return:

1. Why was the date not set, as were all other important dates?

2. Why didn’t someone, other than the Father, know of that date?

It took me a few years, and paying close attention to the whole 24th chapter of Matthew, but I finally discovered what I believe to be the answer to those two questions.

First, I believe the date for the second coming was set in those Pre-Mortal councils from on high, as were all other significant dates. I also suspect that the date selected for this event was April 6, and I would not be surprised to discover it was set in a year when April 6th fell on the Sabbath, the Lord’s Day.

Second, the reason no one knows the actual day or the hour, is because the day and hour of His second coming is going to have to be changed, and no one knew the precise date or hour it is to be changed to.

In Matthew 24:22, still talking about the events that will preceed the second coming, the Savior states, “And except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”

The days being referred to, are those days of tribulation prior to the Second Coming. In other words, if the Lord were to wait until the actual time that was set for the coming, the destruction that precedes that coming is going to be so intense, that all flesh would be destroyed before his arrival. Therefore, for the “elect’s sake,” those days of tribulation will be shortened, which is another way of saying the Savior is going to come before the set time – which I theorize was April 6.

As a point of logic, “those days” cannot “be shortened,” unless there is a set date from which the days will be shortened. You cannot say a person is going to come early, unless you know of a set time in which they are scheduled to show up. Therefore, simply as a point of logic, there must have been a day and hour set, from which the days were to be shortened.

I assume the amount of time, the number of days that will be shortened, will be a direct by-product of the amount of, and the severity of sin going on at that time. Therefore the date of the second coming will be “pro-rated” accordingly, based upon the level of unrighteousness at the time, and the only person who could figure that precise quid pro quo, was the Father, which is why He was the only person, in AD 33, who knew the precise day and hour.

Now all you have to do is figure out what the originally date was, which was set for the Second Coming, and you’ll know that it will be some time before that.

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by Jerry Ainsworth [June, 2009 article]

The twenty fourth chapter of Matthew identifies many of the events that will transpire prior to the event referred to as The Second Coming. When indicating some of these events, and then referring directly to “the coming of the son of man,” Matthew quotes the Savior as saying, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my father only.”

When I first read this scripture, I was befuddled, as all of the prominent dates related to the Savior’s life and death were clearly set in the councils of heaven, prophesied of and known by the prophets of old.

We know that the Savior was born on April 6th, (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:1) and that he was resurrected on April 6th, (see 3 Nephi 8:5 and 3 Nephi 2:8), and I would not be surprised to discover that he was also baptized (born again) on April 6th. He decided to restore his church on April 6, and certainly these dates were not a secret.

I was therefore puzzled by two dynamics related to His return:

1. Why was the date not set, as were all other important dates?

2. Why didn’t someone, other than the Father, know of that date?

It took me a few years, and paying close attention to the whole 24th chapter of Matthew, but I finally discovered what I believe to be the answer to those two questions.

First, I believe the date for the second coming was set in those Pre-Mortal councils from on high, as were all other significant dates. I also suspect that the date selected for this event was April 6, and I would not be surprised to discover it was set in a year when April 6th fell on the Sabbath, the Lord’s Day.

Second, the reason no one knows the actual day or the hour, is because the day and hour of His second coming is going to have to be changed, and no one knew the precise date or hour it is to be changed to.

In Matthew 24:22, still talking about the events that will preceed the second coming, the Savior states, “And except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”

The days being referred to, are those days of tribulation prior to the Second Coming. In other words, if the Lord were to wait until the actual time that was set for the coming, the destruction that precedes that coming is going to be so intense, that all flesh would be destroyed before his arrival. Therefore, for the “elect’s sake,” those days of tribulation will be shortened, which is another way of saying the Savior is going to come before the set time – which I theorize was April 6.

As a point of logic, “those days” cannot “be shortened,” unless there is a set date from which the days will be shortened. You cannot say a person is going to come early, unless you know of a set time in which they are scheduled to show up. Therefore, simply as a point of logic, there must have been a day and hour set, from which the days were to be shortened.

I assume the amount of time, the number of days that will be shortened, will be a direct by-product of the amount of, and the severity of sin going on at that time. Therefore the date of the second coming will be “pro-rated” accordingly, based upon the level of unrighteousness at the time, and the only person who could figure that precise quid pro quo, was the Father, which is why He was the only person, in AD 33, who knew the precise day and hour.

Now all you have to do is figure out what the originally date was, which was set for the Second Coming, and you’ll know that it will be some time before that.

The Lord said Clearly that no man knoweth,which means you cannot figure it out,you cannot count some dates ,the only thing you can do is live righteously ,and look fore the signs given in the scriptures,so that you will be ready when that day comes!!!!!

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Thank you for this post, I agree 100% with everything that was mentioned here. Where did you get this article? Can you post it in it's entirety? Who is Jerry Ainsworth? I have also spent a great deal of time researching exact times and dates of the major events. I just want to take a moment and add something else...

The Problems with regular 7000 year chronology,

D&C 77:7 The first seal contains the things of the first thousand years, and the second of the second thousand years, and so on until the SEVENTH.

We don't have an account of Adam's time before the fall

The seal date would begin at the Fall of Adam when he was cast out of the garden into the world not at his Birth

If regular seal dates 4000BC-3000AD are correct then Christ was born at the beginning of the Fifth Seal. The Millennium should now be in progress.

Since the Millennium did not begin in 2000AD we can see that this projected model is INCORRECT.

THere is also the little season which is not taken into account. The Little Season in REV 20:3 140 years when Satan is loosed a little season.

In addition Christ birth actually happened according to scripture within the forth seal REV 8:12-13!

Three angels yet to sound so we know Christ lived and died in the Fourth Seal.

This means that somewhere in the scriptures we are missing something somewhere.

If you could find the date of even one seal we could according to D&C 77:7 find the dates for almost all of them.

Anyone have a seal date?

Seven Seals Dated:

Palmoni Scrolls

Seven Seal Dates Explained:

Palmoni Scrolls

~Angel Palmoni~

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No man can KNOW the day or hour but a man can GUESS. Somebody will probably have guessed that day right. They might not know 100% that it is the day but they would have guessed the right day.

My guess is on April 6, 2030.

Two hundred years from the founding of the church.

Two thousand years from the begining of Christ's ministry.

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Suppose you're right in your you know you're right? How would that knowledge affect your behavior?

If you knew excatly when Jesus was coming back, would you bother living the Gopsel until the set date approached?

All of this is undercutting the point of the Gospel Jesus gave us in the first place. The point is to have us live as righteously as we can. If we aren't under immediate threat of Jesus' return, will we be as valiant in our observance of the Gospel? What if you knew the very date and time of your death? How would that change your behavior?

The reason we don't know, and the reason it won't ever be revealed until it actually happens, is because we need to be obedient all the time, every day of our lives, whether the second coming happens during our lifetime or not.

guessing and calculating is fine, but remember that that's all it is...guessing. Jesus wouldn't even tell Joseph Smith when he would die. All he said was "Thy days have been numbered and they shall not be counted less". (attempt at quote without looking it up....)

What I take from it all is a poster I saw on my mission...

"Relax, I have everything under control."


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Thank you for this post, I agree 100% with everything that was mentioned here. Where did you get this article? Can you post it in it's entirety? Who is Jerry Ainsworth? I have also spent a great deal of time researching exact times and dates of the major events. I just want to take a moment and add something else...

The Problems with regular 7000 year chronology,

D&C 77:7 The first seal contains the things of the first thousand years, and the second of the second thousand years, and so on until the SEVENTH.

We don't have an account of Adam's time before the fall

The seal date would begin at the Fall of Adam when he was cast out of the garden into the world not at his Birth

If regular seal dates 4000BC-3000AD are correct then Christ was born at the beginning of the Fifth Seal. The Millennium should now be in progress.

Since the Millennium did not begin in 2000AD we can see that this projected model is INCORRECT.

THere is also the little season which is not taken into account. The Little Season in REV 20:3 140 years when Satan is loosed a little season.

In addition Christ birth actually happened according to scripture within the forth seal REV 8:12-13!

Three angels yet to sound so we know Christ lived and died in the Fourth Seal.

This means that somewhere in the scriptures we are missing something somewhere.

If you could find the date of even one seal we could according to D&C 77:7 find the dates for almost all of them.

Anyone have a seal date?

Seven Seals Dated:

Palmoni Scrolls

Seven Seal Dates Explained:

Palmoni Scrolls

~Angel Palmoni~

Do you believe these four [D&C 77:8] and not to forget the fith angel [D&C 77:9] will know the time frame since they have a major play with the removal of evil ones and sealing of those chosen of GOD?

Edited by Hemidakota
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Received e-mail from my son:

Very interesting email. I am not acquainted with this man, but he had brought up a good point with regards to the statement made in matt. 24. I must sadly refute his claim. He sounds like an intelligent gentleman, but sadly his 'logic' seems questionable. Please send to those to whom this email was sent.

Interesting! One thing I would make sure to caution is this idea that God did not know what would happen, or was not cognizant of the wars and rumors of wars that would take place during the last days. In (Acts 15:18) we read that God has all knowledge, he knows the beginning from the end. As Joseph smith elucidated in ( the lectures on faith ), if God did not have all knowledge, he would not be able to save his children. It seems perturbing to purport that God had set a date, which would not be the actual date in the future. If God is God, possessing all power, glory, knowledge in their fullness:

Why would he then set a date and have it fail, go through the planning book and establish a new one?

Hhmmmm. So God apparently didn't see quite clearly into the future to be able to discern future conditions that would take place. God is not a scientist. He doesn't allot time and study in a laboratory for further learning and understanding. In his exalted state all knowledge of both past present and future are before him. A point of 'logic' as Mr. Ainsworth most graciously put it, can help to illustrate this point:

In doctrine and covenants 122:9 we read of a revelation given to the prophet Joseph smith, one section of 3 which were given. Here the Lord brings peace and comfort to the heart of Joseph, in which he says,

“therefore, hold on thy way and the priesthood shall remain with thee; for their bounds are set, they cannot pass. Thy days are known and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever."

What hope sunk deep into the heart of the prophet, in knowing that he had a mission to preform, and no unhallowed hand could hinder his work from being accomplished. God knew Joseph Smith perfectly, just as he knows every one of us perfectly. We spent aeon's with him in the premortal life. He knows exactly how we will act in any given circumstance, under any sort of trial, bombarded with any sort of temptation. He knew joseph would impart the 116 pages to martin harris, that was why a provision was made. Christ knew who is betrayer would be, he had said so prior to the betrayal. God knows us so well, he understands what path his children will follow. Hence the beauty of a patriarchal blessing!!

To say that a date which God had previously set in the councils of heaven had failed, would be to say that God didn't foresee the future events that would cause such days to be shortened.

The only 3 plausible explanations, and mind you, this is nothing more that presupposition and theory, nothing doctrinal or true, but according to the logic of a 21 year old missionary, who is not well-acquainted with the scriptures, would be:

1) this date was conditional. when the date was established it was set on conditional terms based on the righteousness and wickedness found prevalent in the earth.

2) None of these dates were revealed in heaven. Having a pattern of significant events does not neccesarily entail that God had revealed the specified time and hour of these happenings. prophets of old had prophesied the coming of the messiah, yet where are there specific dates of his coming. General ideas were given, one prominent revelation given to jacob just one case example : 2 nephi 10:3 being one case example of a prophecy of conditions that would prevail during the coming of christ, but nowhere is any specific date given. Even the children of Israel were to celebrate the passover, in commemoration of the protection they received and liberty they were permitted to enjoy when the shackles of egyptian bondage were removed.

Why is that?? Could it possibly be for the very same reason that christ had given to his apostles in Acts 1:8

"it is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the father has put in his own power."

Maybe no one knows ( the precise date ) for any event to preserve the purpose of our very mission here on this earth. As Christ sweetly put it

" who then is a faithful and wise servant...?" Matt 24:45 "blessed is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing."

signs have been given to the faithful, has a means to exhume the future event which will take place. ( read the parable of the fig tree ).

Here's something Mr. Ainsworth would find insightful.

God has a perfect knowledge. correct. irrefutable.

Does Christ know the day of his coming? If unsubstantial claims say He didn't before, modern day revelation says he sure does now (D&C 38:2 and 93:22-26)

Bruce R. McKonkie comments on the statement found in Mark 13:32.

Neither the Son] These words are deleted from the Inspired Version; Jesus, of course, since he knows all things, knows the exact time of his return.

Does the Holy Ghost know all things? As a member of the Godhead with Jesus the Christ and God the father, without restraint, we would have to assume so. substantiated scripturally D&C 35:19 ).

To conclude this point, such an argument brought forth by Mr. Ainsworth is wholly probable only under the assertion that a specified date was revealed to all of God's children. The basis of his argument relies on the fact that God had revealed a date, which had to consequently be changed due to his children's disobedience, and for the protection of his 'peculiar treasure'.

This is why Mr. Ainsworth argument seems completely illogical. He says or seems to imply that the specified dates (HAD) to be revealed at that time saying,

"I believe the date for the second coming was set in those Pre-Mortal councils from on high, as were all other significant dates."

If it was so necessary to set dates before, why wouldn't God, who according to Mr. Ainsworth changed his mind, would not reveal those dates anew?? If it was so vital to have those dates specified in heaven, why are they not specified then to those angels in heaven?

Please read (D&C 49:7 ). It reads that the angels in heaven know not the date" nor shall they know until he comes." Does it not say in (D&C 38:12) that the angels of destruction "are waiting the great command to reap down the earth."?

3) "days shall be shortened" Mr. Ainsworth seemingly took this statement to mean that there was a set date, then God decided at random to shortened that date, due to wickedness, for the preservation of his saints, then erroneously concludes that such validates his argument that there was a set date.

4) "And except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened."

The days being referred to, are those days of tribulation prior to the Second Coming."

"As a point of logic, "those days" cannot "be shortened," unless there is a set date from which the days will be shortened. You cannot say a person is going to come early, unless you know of a set time in which they are scheduled to show up. Therefore, simply as a point of logic, there must have been a day and hour set, from which the days were to be shortened."

These statements are puzzling to me. If no one knows the exact date besides God, Jesus, and the holy ghost, then why would Christ tell his disciples that a new date will be established? I will come earlier than expected? (expected by whom, no one knows when you are coming specifically, we of course have a general idea, and can be prepared from the signs of your coming, but none the less, we don't know the original specified date, why would it matter that you tell us your coming earlier??? )

Let's read the statement together out of the inspired account, joseph smith's translation of this chapter:

"and except those days should be shortened, there should none of their flesh be saved; but for the elect's sake, according to the covenant, those days will be shortened."

Definition of shorten:

1)to make short or shorter

2)to reduce, decrease, take in, etc.

In light of what has just been discussed, and going off the interpretation that Mr. Ainsworth has just set forth, that these days are "days of tribulation prior to the second coming", couldn't it be possible that Christ was providing comfort and peace to his beloved disciples, then, who would be facing the ' abomination of desolation ' and his beloved friends, now, who are witnessing the events prior to the return of Jesus Christ the lord? Couldn't Christ have been saying,

"friends, be of good cheer, for 'I will shorten' or make short those days of tribulation by my coming, for your sake and for the sake of the covenant which I have made, I will make babylon's attacks and bombardments against you. You will suffer these hardships, and problems which will be prevalent, but find solace in my mercy, and in my promise that I 'will make your tribulations and trials' short, that you be not destroyed, that the covenant which I have made be fulfilled."

Mr. Ainsworth stated that such a statement meant, " the day of my coming will be shortened, I will come sooner than expected; a new date has been established, which no one else knows." But I must repeat, that even before the time of Christ were these very two "desolation of abominations" prophesied of by ancient prophets. They saw the trials of our days. They saw the war of our days. They ( Ezekiel comes to mind:) even prophesied of the great and dreadful war, the most dreadful war ever to transpire on the earth, Armageddon. Assuredly such troubling times have 'always' been known, even before the ancient of days received the breath of life. The statement, in light with this discussion, merely means that christ will make the tribulations and trials to be thrust upon his people but for a short moment, then he shall come and free them. If, as it alludes, he allowed such to continue, his people would be destroyed, and his covenant broken.

The very same comforting words given by christ are similar words, roughly 1835 years in the future, to the prophet Joseph Smith.

"my son, peace be unto thy soul;thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but for a small moment." ( doctrine and covenants 121:7 )

Counsel given before the comforting reminder of Joseph's days being numbered, and the protection which will be provided until the end of his mission. such counsel was given to the apostles, disciples and saints, my people, peace be unto thine souls; I will shorten those days of affliction and adversity, and make your tribulations but for a small moment. For ye are my covenant people, a peculiar treasure unto me. If you endure your trials and obstacles well, then ye shall abide the day of my coming, and shall be received into my father's presence."

I hope this exposition clarifies or at least shows the fallacies that were set forth in Dr.Ainsworth commentary and conjecture. I must conclude that these statements are merely opinion, and Dr. Ainsworth as well as myself do not consummately comprehend the exact hour or date of the saviors coming.

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One thing I would make sure to caution is this idea that God did not know what would happen, or was not cognizant of the wars and rumors of wars that would take place during the last days. In (Acts 15:18) we read that God has all knowledge, he knows the beginning from the end. As Joseph smith elucidated in ( the lectures on faith ), if God did not have all knowledge, he would not be able to save his children. It seems perturbing to purport that God had set a date, which would not be the actual date in the future. If God is God, possessing all power, glory, knowledge in their fullness:

Why would he then set a date and have it fail, go through the planning book and establish a new one?

Almost quit reading the posts and responded with this exact thought. Glad to see someone else feels the same.

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I really enjoy this topic probably more than most because I feel that we actually have a great deal of more information than we think!

Each Day For a Year!

A Little Season is Less than 182.6 years

A Season is 182.6 years

A Time is 365.25 years

Ezk 4:6 I have appointed thee each day for a year.

Daniel 12:11-13:

11 And from the time that the daily asacrifice shall be taken away, and the babomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt arest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

(546 BC) Daniel 4: 23, 25, 32 SEVEN TIMES - 2556.75 years - ZION EST

23 And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him;

25 That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

32 And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

(481 BC) Daniel 8:14 2300 DAYS (Each Day for a Year)

14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

(527 AD) Dan 7:25 TIME AND TIMES AND THE DIVIDING OF TIME (1278 years) (A time is 365.25 Years!)

25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

D&C 100:13 And now I give unto you a word concerning Zion. aZion shall be bredeemed, although she is chastened for a little season.

And there are many many many more!!!!!!!!!!

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When Jesus said “no man knows the hour or the day” he was quoting a phrase that at the time was often said concerning the first day of the Jewish New Year. In the translation of this scripture – I believe something has been lost and misguided by those that do not understand the methods of the Jews. In fact I submit that someone that pays attention to events that are taking place will indeed know the day of Jesus' return well before it happens just as those that understood the meaning of a new moon and how it marked the New Year before that happened.

The Traveler

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thank you for this post, I agree 100% with everything that was mentioned here. Where did you get this article? Can you post it in it's entirety? Who is Jerry Ainsworth? I have also spent a great deal of time researching exact times and dates of the major events. I just want to take a moment and add something else...

The Problems with regular 7000 year chronology,

D&C 77:7 The first seal contains the things of the first thousand years, and the second of the second thousand years, and so on until the SEVENTH.

We don't have an account of Adam's time before the fall

The seal date would begin at the Fall of Adam when he was cast out of the garden into the world not at his Birth

If regular seal dates 4000BC-3000AD are correct then Christ was born at the beginning of the Fifth Seal. The Millennium should now be in progress.

Since the Millennium did not begin in 2000AD we can see that this projected model is INCORRECT.

THere is also the little season which is not taken into account. The Little Season in REV 20:3 140 years when Satan is loosed a little season.

In addition Christ birth actually happened according to scripture within the forth seal REV 8:12-13!

Three angels yet to sound so we know Christ lived and died in the Fourth Seal.

This means that somewhere in the scriptures we are missing something somewhere.

If you could find the date of even one seal we could according to D&C 77:7 find the dates for almost all of them.

Anyone have a seal date?

Seven Seals Dated:

Palmoni Scrolls

Seven Seal Dates Explained:

Palmoni Scrolls

~Angel Palmoni~

I concur with your assessment. We are missing information here and perhaps, there is a reason for it. I can say, there are doctrines and principles, which the church as a whole is not capable of living it or practicing it.

Rereading D&C 77, I do believe the four angels mentioned [verse 8] in that same section will have something to do with what will occur in bringing forth the Savior in the last day. For me, it is a team integration of GOD own ensuring the earth is cleansed prior to HIS Son return. Tasking consummation of this team is the key of when the Savior returns.

Like John the beloved received in his vision, each of the four will be given books in describing there tasking in mortal life on what will occur, there roles, and reward for doing so. Yet, I have to say this, for the four to receive the honor of GOD and be able to exercise HIS will upon this earth; the four may not be born in the covenant but outside of the covenant in order to experience life itself. Being outside of the covenant, the four may experience the world and have knowledge of distinguishing between righteous and what is considered evil before GOD. What a ‘wheat shaft’ is and what a ‘tare shaft’ within the Savior’s ‘church.’ The four will be given the authority to not only judge but to curse those who opposed the Godhead. They may received this invested authority to judge within mortality, through the Godhead and at times, be instructed by those across the veil from time-to-time. In addition, they will have the authority to place a seal upon those the Godhead have chosen for the membership in the Church of the Firstborn.

Being born outside of the covenant, the four will be sought out in mortality by the Savior himself, and be ministered [by those assigned] too with respective of receiving divine knowledge, sealed unto salvation, be given the fullness of the priesthood and authority to judge or curse those of the world. In doing so, they will need to have special priesthood keys from the Godhead, in respect of receiving GOD’s honor or power in having dominion over the assigned regions of the earth. Again, what the four exercises in the earth in mortality will be answered upon their heads in righteousness; whether it be sealing others, casting judgment, even to cursing those being prompted by the Spirit.

The four will be led by John, as described in verse 14, in gathering the tribes of Israel and ministered the fullness and the sealing powers of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. All of this will be accomplished prior to the Savior return.

Edited by Hemidakota
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