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I am not LDS. But I do know very well some people who have grown up in the church and continue to be active, some who were raised in but have left the church, and one who was raised outside the church and joined in college, as well as others less well. I have attended LDS church one time. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about the church. I am pleased to be a part of these forums. Can anyone who replies to this message tell me (obviously, briefly, if you like) why you believe? Example: "I am convicted in my heart that it is true." Or: "It just makes sense," etc.

Thanks in advance, and "hello" again.

Edited by mountthepavement
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be glad to. first, i am a convert. i studied eastern religions for most of my adult life, jainism, primarily......and while learning to meditate, i was able to better recognise when Spirit was talking to me......so, when i began investigating, i prayed about the church, aking HF if this was true......and the joy that i felt inside was my answer. as simple as that.

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be glad to. first, i am a convert. i studied eastern religions for most of my adult life, jainism, primarily......and while learning to meditate, i was able to better recognise when Spirit was talking to me......so, when i began investigating, i prayed about the church, aking HF if this was true......and the joy that i felt inside was my answer. as simple as that.

Dude, I'm honored to have you with on the site. That's such a cool story. You must have a fascinating life. I love it how religions all over the world prepare you for the gospel and that God works through every faith.

Where people seek him, God is.

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it seems you have a fitting name then Diversity! You seem to value it.

Thank you. I do. :)

I actually tried to go to a catholic mass today. But there's no mass at 6 in the summer. :( I also signed up to be a soup kitchen volunteer. I love learning about different faiths. I figure, I'm secure enough in my own, learning about others would only help me love them more. ANd plus, it's interesting.

I think we should always strive to learn more and educate ourselves about all different kinds of things. Because ignorance to me is one of the worst evils that exist.

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Thank you. I do. :)

I actually tried to go to a catholic mass today. But there's no mass at 6 in the summer. :( I also signed up to be a soup kitchen volunteer. I love learning about different faiths. I figure, I'm secure enough in my own, learning about others would only help me love them more. ANd plus, it's interesting.

I think we should always strive to learn more and educate ourselves about all different kinds of things. Because ignorance to me is one of the worst evils that exist.


you should let me know about stuff you learn about doing those kinds of things, if you think about it. It would be really interesting to hear the perspective you bring wherever you end up bringing it. hmm, you LDS or no?

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Hi m.... so short... I doubt... heheh.

Well I been an active lutheran til I was 30 and met the missionaries and it said "click"! Oh yes I also studied eastern religions buddhism aso, Orthodox, different protestantic churches pentacostals aso when I was around 20. I have always been interested in religion and believed in Jesus and God, but trinity was too much.:P

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Hi m.... so short... I doubt... heheh.

Well I been an active lutheran til I was 30 and met the missionaries and it said "click"! Oh yes I also studied eastern religions buddhism aso, Orthodox, different protestantic churches pentacostals aso when I was around 20. I have always been interested in religion and believed in Jesus and God, but trinity was too much.:P

I'm intrigued. I'll be looking for you! If you want I started a thread with the same question, so if you want to chat about it more in depth, head over to the gospel section.

That goes for everyone too.

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you should let me know about stuff you learn about doing those kinds of things, if you think about it. It would be really interesting to hear the perspective you bring wherever you end up bringing it. hmm, you LDS or no?

Yes I am. And it really does a lot to strengthen my own testimony. You see the roots of the gospel in every religion.

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Hi M . . .

I was brought up strict Seventh Day Adventist as a child, and then my mother converted to the Evangelical Church. As a young adult (18 yrs.) I started reading quite a bit of "New Age" but attended Relief Society with a good friend, which I loved. I never joined the church because of my mothers insistence that it was a "cult." I then joined the Episcopal Church for about 20 years. I never forgot about the people I had met in the LDS church and my dear friend who took me to Relief Society. FWIW, I do not believe that the church is a cult by any means. I mean if you think eating lots of jell-o, living a healthy wholesome life, and playing lots of sports is a cult, well then . . . maybe so . . .:lol:

I started investigating the church about three years ago on a serious basis, and finally decided to be baptized. I can tell you that it works wonderfully for me and I believe that it has made an absolute positive transformation in my life. I wish I had followed my heart years ago, and joined then, but I don't think I was quite ready. Sometimes life teaches you some harsh lessons that prepares you for the goodness you can only appreciate later.

I'm believe that it's a wonderful and true church, M!

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When I first told my mom she nearly fainted. Truly, she shrieked.:eek: She said, "why did you have to tell me this???" My older sister hasn't spoke a word to me in three months, which I think is odd for a Christian woman. However, my mom and I have started speaking and it's all very new and different. We actually seem closer now than before for some reason. My sister is another story. It has been very heart breaking for me, but I can tell you I wouldn't "go back or undo" anything I've done by joining the church. Hopefully it will all iron it's self out in time.

Keep asking away!

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I can tell you that it works wonderfully for me and I believe that it has made an absolute positive transformation in my life.

Cool... next question: Could you elaborate on this? What do you mean by "works for me" and what are "positive changes" (Are there any negatives?) Pretend I am from Mars and don't know the first thing about human idioms if you like! Thanks!! You are very generous with your enthusiasm!

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Let's see, I think it works for me because things make more sense in a biblical and spiritual context. I'm a believer.:) However, the trinity always confused me the way I was taught as a child. "Three in one" was hard to grasp. I believe the three are separate. But then again, it works better for me, doesn't have to for everyone else. Some like apples some like oranges.

Also, the "rapture" seemed sort of bazaar to me. I don't believe that one day millions of people will suddenly disappear to heaven and others are left to doom and gloom. I know that some mainstream christians believe that Mormons are not saved and will be left behind. The one shot deal where you get to go to heaven if you accept Jesus as your savior is sort of limited. I like the idea and it makes sense to me that you are given more than one chance after death as Mormons believe. I think that the LDS church teaches a pretty forgiving and more positive outlook on eternal life.

Besides having the greatest friends I've made in years, I also love that they look after their own and others too. It's a very well organized and beautiful group of people. I think that there's some pretty scary and strange things written about Mormons that is really sorta dumb. Once you get past the fears of what has been said "out there" it's really not as mysterious as one would think. It's just my humble opinion though.

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Makes sense.

One question: I understand feeling the trinity is an odd concept. However, why not choose the explanation that there is one god with different manifestations to more thoroughly explain himself, rather than the route of believing there are three gods central to the christian religion? I'm not saying one belief is superior exactly; actually curious whether you think whether the former or latter is preferable and why.

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You know, I think it probably comes down to what I feel in my heart is true. I truly believe what the Book of Mormon teaches about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I just do. It falls into place for me. But then again, I think that so many things in the Book of Mormon are fascinating.

I think that Joseph Smith did indeed have a miracle happen to him and what he saw and heard was real and true. I know it might sound crazy for some people, but I believe it happened. You know, it has been said "If a donkey to speak in the Old Testament (book of Numbers chpt. 22 I believe) why can't a young man have a vision?"

I'm not a very good apologist for the LDS faith, M . . . But I can tell you that my life has changed and my world would seem too bleak and lonely without my faith. You can take my car, home, and precious heirlooms, but losing my testimony would be the ultimate loss I couldn't bear.

I believe the vision Joseph Smith had that day in the grove is true. I don't think he was having a hypnagogic hallucination from sleeping, nor do I think it was the early onset of bipolar disease, or any other such ailment. I don't think a man would sacrifice his life and endure the things he did if it wasn't true. It's just what I believe, and that's probably all I have to say, but it's enough for me.

I don't know if I'm answering your questions, but . . . I'm just trying the best I can.

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