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I jumped straight in with a question so would like to backtrack and introduce myself.

I live in Wales with my family, was baptized some 30 years ago, all my family are active and doing OK. I am retired (early) but started university a year ago, I am busier now than when I worked. I also started playing in a bluegrass band and did some national festivals last year, the band has since split and I am now looking for something else.

My wife and I visited Salt Lake 2 years ago, it was a great trip, we drove from LA through Vegas and enjoyed every minute of it. We especially liked California, you are so lucky to live in such a vast country with so many climate variations.

Wales is also beautiful, but it rains a lot. The coast is fantastic, I would say even better than California. We have seen a lot of Europe, we have decided that our favorite places are Rome and Jerusalem.

We are forever thankful to the two missionaries who knocked on our door back in '78, Elders Mitchell and Goiny. Bro Goiny has since left the church and I last saw him about 15 years ago.

Elder Mitchell, if your out there, thank you.

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Welcome! So have you been in Norway and seen the fjords? Welcome! Just swim over :P. We ahve some beautifull coastline here, but so is the coast of Finland beautiful too! Oh I miss my cottage in Finland, soon I will be going there!

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Hi Pam, Sorry, it was a rushed visit, it rained, was cold, and we couldn't wait to get back to California! It was far too much like Wales! The Temple was interesting though, never seen a live session before. Can't say we enjoyed it, Lucifer resembled a mild mannered, soft spoken High Councilor we have back here! (who is in charge of casting!)

My dream is to come back to the US and tour, but it wont happen, I am now a impoverished student back at University. Do you have adult learners in the States?

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We have many. There was recently a story in a local paper about a 90 year old woman who just received her high school diploma.

I, myself, have been strongly thinking of going back to school. I never finished my degree and while I wouldn't be doing it to further a career...I would like to say that I got my degree before I die. Knowledge is what we take with us isn't is?

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Do it Pam, I left school at 15 (48 years ago) and worked all my life. The 3rd oldest university in the UK is 18 miles away and I could go fully funded. I took a foundation year to learn how to study and write essay's etc and ended up winning an award, now I am waiting to start the degree.

I can see it's not for everyone but if you enjoy learning, have a subject that is interesting and good tutors then it's 3 years of being entertained.

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