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Hi, it's me, LostSheep (New avatar ^_^, don't know if it's showing up though....)

Quick question...does anyone in here think that using the term "ASL" (Age/Sex/Location) in a chat is considered rude? I've had a few people tell me that it sounds like a bad pick up line. Really, I only ask it to get to know people. But if I'd known it was rude, I would never have done it. Any thoughts on this?

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I think it depends on the context, but in most cases asking ASL lets the other person know that you're looking to hook up with people of the opposite sex hopefully but not necessarily geographically close to you. If that's not your intent, I probably wouldn't start out with that because the vast majority of people who would start a conversation with ASL fit what I described above.

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I think it depends on the context, but in most cases asking ASL lets the other person know that you're looking to hook up with people of the opposite sex hopefully but not necessarily geographically close to you. If that's not your intent, I probably wouldn't start out with that because the vast majority of people who would start a conversation with ASL fit what I described above.

Oh...I'm not looking to hook up with ANYONE. :o

I just hate it when I've been talking to some one for half an hour, and I call them "she", when they are really a guy. Or I think I'm talking to a 30 year old, when I'm really talking to a 12 year old. Is it really that bad that I like to get an idea of WHO I'm talking to?

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Oh...I'm not looking to hook up with ANYONE. :o

I just hate it when I've been talking to some one for half an hour, and I call them "she", when they are really a guy. Or I think I'm talking to a 30 year old, when I'm really talking to a 12 year old. Is it really that bad that I like to get an idea of WHO I'm talking to?

I don't think it's bad to get an idea of who you're talking to, but that acronym has been abused by many annoying people to the point where using it now has some very negative connotations to many people.

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I've never taken offense to it although I hear people say that it's so terrible and that they hate it. All three of those things are things that most people ask at one point anyway, and that's just a quick way to find it out. Some people who are looking to hook up don't even ask it, and some people who aren't just looking to hook up do. It just doesn't bother me that much to be asked. Thank goodness this site kinda helps alleviate the problem because of the profiles (which not everyone checks, but can be a nice resource in knowing who you're talking to). Anyway, that's my .02.

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That makes me wonder how many deaf people on the internet end up very confused when they try to ask people if they know American Sign Language.

I can just see their conversation:

Hearing Guy: asl?

Deaf Gal: yeah, howd u know? r u deaf?

HG: what do u mean? i asked asl, r u blind?

DG: um, yeah, i answered, y so rude?

HG:no time for games, im outta here <sign out>

DG: ???????

TLA: communications facilitator or communications inhibitor?

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I think it's just a history of how it's been used. My experience it has usually been the start of a pick up. Personally, I have learned to despise when someone asks a/s/l?

Or if they say asl? I'm like nope, I haven't learned American Sign Language.

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I remember the first time I went into a chatroom, I was about 11 or 12. Anyway, I'm sure you'll all remember what it's like trying to pick up the lingo i.e. what does LOL mean? I saw someone ask ASL and another person reply 15/f/OH and in my young mind at the time I guessed the F to stand for 'from', so it'd be 15 from Ohio. I had no idea people really cared what gender they were talking to, I thought people only went in there to chat about sport/the weather/whats on TV (innocence eh?). Anyway later on some guy asked me a/s/l so I replied 12/f/UK and he started a private chat with me. He was quite shocked when 10 minutes later I told him I was male. He wasn't very impressed lol and at that point I realised F actually meant female.

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