Bulgaria - Socialists vs Conservatives.


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For those who don't follow international elections, Boyko Borisov was elected the new Prime Minister of Bulgaria.

What does this have to do with anything? Boyko is a cigar chomping ex-bodyguard/former mayor who has promised to eliminate corruption in an area that is widely considered one of the most corrupt in Europe. Head of the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria, a center-right party, he will be making a coalition government with... Well, no one is quite sure. Most are fairly certain it will be another center-right party, though some suspect it might even be Ataka - A racist far-right party.

In a country governed very popularly by socialism, it's a very interesting idea that corruption sickened the majority to the point that they booted the socialists back to the stone-age. Considering how colorful his history has been, you might want to keep your eyes on Boyko.

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Funny, the stone age is precisely the only feasible outcome of state socialism.


Hahah. Touche. I'm a fan of Boyko, I will admit. Considering his history, if he can get away with not creating an alliance coalition with the Socialists, I will be very interested in seeing how he plans on changing Bulgaria.

I might even set some time out to go visit Sofia next year and see how his changes have affected it.

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When I was in Bulgaria last May 2008, my aunt and uncle were so excited to listen to their president (can't remember his name). I couldn't catch everything he said (my Bulgarian language has diminished), but he sounded so communist. My aunt/uncle remembered the days of communism with fondness--always had a job, always had food, never went cold, etc. Their economy now is tenuous and many people suffer because of corruption and ineffeciency.

What was interesting to me was they forgot how they had to live in a military camp for several years because my dad ran away from the country and was living in US. The government punished the family for my dad's actions. They forgot how they were forced from their homes to view propaganda films and no one was exempt (it was outdoors at night and even the sick and elderly had to sit outside to watch these films). They'v forgotten other atrocities.

Socialism now...communism later.

I hope this man is a good man who can bring stability and success for this country which has suffered alot.

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