Republicans and Democrats


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Ummm.... That's pretty bad. Thanks for that, JAG.

I am NOT lying or engaging in groundless fear-mongering when I say that, at 0:43, when he says "cleaning up after them", his anger and charisma remind me of Hitler. I'll be the first to admit that that's very open to opinion, but it honestly shocked me to see that.

Edited by Maxel
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A big problem is the left-right paradigm that exists. It's liberty vs. tyranny, well, that's how it should be.

Democrats and Republicans are just two sides of the same coin.

Two wings of the same eagle.

Two hands of the same body.

Two headlights of the same car.

... you see where I'm going with this.

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Guest SmarterBlue

I often ponder the great divide in this country. Right or left, red or blue, Republican or Democrat. America is in a huge mess.....a mess caused by politicians. Often well intentioned from both sides of the political aisle, which is why I am a strong supporter of limited government.

Republicans are typically married and white with traditional family values and a tend to have some sort of Judeo-Christian belief system and are usually described as racist, bigoted, homophobic, greedy war mongers.

Democrats are made up of some of the above and also include the vast majority of minorities and single women. They are usually described as godless, baby killers, tax and spend liberals, socialists and the blame America first crowd.

I see two parties that have hood winked the American public. They are two wings of the same bird. Both parties have embraced big, all powerful, intrusive central government, out of control spending and they both love to tax and waste money in the name of inefficient and often and mostly unnecessary government programs.

They have done such a good sales job on the American public that we actually believe there never ending lies and support the party leaders regardless of how detrimental they are to our country. As I have said before, it is like rooting for your favorite football team, regardless of how stupid the players are....except this isn't football. It is our lives and our future generations lives.

Don't be a Democrat or a an a Patriot. Throw the bums out!!!

I have to agree in with now wanting a bipartisan country anymore. There are a lot of things many people would like to change. I’m afraid that the problem isn’t the wanting of the people to make a change as much as the people who have the finances to make change don’t want them.

Without going into conspiracy theories as to what’s wrong with the country, I do agree that the nation as a whole is long over due for a change.

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Without going into conspiracy theories as to what’s wrong with the country, I do agree that the nation as a whole is long over due for a change.

There's no need for conspiracy theory. The root of the vast majority of these issues can be traced back to lobbyists. We fix THAT problem and we'll have fixed many of the others.

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Guest SmarterBlue

There's no need for conspiracy theory. The root of the vast majority of these issues can be traced back to lobbyists. We fix THAT problem and we'll have fixed many of the others.

I agree with you on that note. And then we could go on with whose really controlling our money, coupled with our Federal Reserve notes not being worth the paper they are printed on.

Nonetheless, going back to the OP, I have to state that on both sides of the fence remains a common enemy, and unfortunately the enemy is a never-ending circle of greed.

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We need to give our political parties their proper names. I suggest the Republicrats (that believe that corporate corruption and its resulting economic control of people is the definition of Capitalism) and the Demigods (that believe that laws can fix anything – as long as it supports their agenda).

Very few "Americans" are members of political parties because they believe in the political methods those parties utilize – only because they have the mistaken idea that political parties will help them look after the needs and benefits of the people.

The Traveler

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Boyando? You do realize that in my post I didn't bring up the health care issue at all, right? That I said in Washington's America, both sides would be allowed to speak and be heard and both would argue passionately to try to make America great, but in the Nixonesque America both sides would try to silence the other?

That you spent the entire page arguing with something that had nothing to do with my post?

So basically, you are suggesting that my post, that there are people splitting the US up in to party lines because it grants them more power is wrong? Since my post had nothing to do with health care, I have to assume that's what you were arguing with.

Although, I thank you for your opinion, I can find little that you have written to agree with you on.

Washington did want equal opportunity for every man woman or child, but he didn't advocate in anyway, that I can see, equal results.

There were rich and there were poor in Washington's day. Washington himself would be counted among the rich. Same with Jefferson and many other of the founding father's. In there day, it would have been a crime for the government to tax the rich and give too the poor. If they thought that it was a good idea to do so, they would have made it law.

Instead, they felt some of the things that I feel. I am not a poorer man if my neighbor makes more money than I do. I am not better off if my boss has half his money taken away from him. I should decide how much and were I give charitable contributions. My self interest does not effect your self interest or that of the country. My hard work makes me stronger.

Our founders wanted it to be hard to change the Constitution, but changeable. But not make it a living document were the meaning of any right can be changed by a judge, lawyer or politician.

I can not abide the idea that health care should be denied any one. But neither do I see any one being denied health care. I have experienced the high cost of health care for most of my adult life. But if I decided to go steal from my neighbor to pay for my medical expenses, I would deserve to go to jail. If the government takes from my neighbor for my medical expenses, that is no more moral.

And I think that you are confused as too who is silencing debate. Just today I heard President Obama say that he wants those who caused the health care problem to shut up. I guess if I think that it was people like him who caused the problem, I should ask him to shut up. but I don't expect him to be quite.

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There's no need for conspiracy theory. The root of the vast majority of these issues can be traced back to lobbyists. We fix THAT problem and we'll have fixed many of the others.

From experience, I would agree with the problem of lobbyist. But I would also say that all politicians, be they Washington or local, Need a A.P. dectomy. Every morning when politicians roll out of bed, they reach for a newspaper.

The newspaper have become commentary's of what story they get from the American Press, aka A.P.. So lets say that a Senator from Utah reads that we Rebublicans don't want legal or illegal emagration, he becomes very timid about defending that position. He may vote no on the so called emagration reform act, but he doesn't stand up and speak out against it. And it is only after he goes to the convention that he finds out that Republicans from Utah are for legal emigration.

Having 95% of all story go through the American Press, negates the purpose of freedom of the press.

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