new here.. and interested in the LDS church


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Hey! My names Melissa (:

I'm quite active on a few other online forums, so I know how fun they can be :P

So I guess this is my story..

So I was raised Catholic, there were parts of it I believed in and parts I didn't.. I never was fully into it. I just went to church and learned about it because my parents made me lol.

But I've been interested in the LDS church for a really long time (but my family doesn't know). I have a friend who belongs to the church and has taught me everything I know today. She even got me my own Book Of Mormon. ^_^ For a long long long time I was really confused, I wasn't sure if religion was something for me.. but part of me just had a feeling that this was the right religion for me. I dont really know why I thought that but I did. My friend told me to just keep praying about and that I'll get my answer when it's time to. I guess I got frustrated because I was praying for awhile and never got an answer. Well basically.. I had a bad day, and I went to my room to pray (I've started doing that a lot on bad days) and I ended up thinking about this, and I was just confused and not sure what to do. And then I realized that I wasn't wanting to know the truth enough, because of my family. I'm positive that my sister will be upset when she finds out I'm interested in this religion, I think my father might be to.. As for my mom she has a small idea about it, and I know she wouldn't be upset and my brother would not care. But I realized that day that this is for me, not them, if they want to judge me then they can.. I shouldn't have to worry about it. And so after that, I was praying for awhile.. but I had never prayed in this way before. It was like I was having a conversation with god.. it was strange (my friend had told me about it before but I never understood till this moment) well during this prayer, I felt the spirit. It was the most amazing thing ever. I ended up crying when it happened haha.

But now I know its true.. and ever sense then I have been reading the BOM almost every night. And I've just had a more positive outlook on everything, like I have been trying to just find the positive even in the worst things.

It's just crazy how one simple thing like this can just change your life.

I definitly want to join the LDS church someday, but I probably should tell my family first. :mellow:

And my friend mentioned that I should check out a singles ward.. and I and really interested in doing that (she doesn't live near me) I just don't know where to find one. I've tried googling it but nothing has helped. Anyone have any ideas? It would be great to get to know some people around here to help me get involved and stuff.

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Welcome Melissa! Isn't that first experience feeling the direct comunication through the Holy Ghost amazing? More then 20 years later and I can still remember that first time. I was taking the 'discussions' from the full time missionaries at the time. What you have experienced is something more precious than all the riches of the earth, and I'm very impressed you have been able to tap into it without guidance and help from anyone but your friend (it took a lot of coaching from the missionaries for me to become prepared to feel and understand)

Go the LDS Church's congregation map site, enter your address, and it will give you all the congregations in your area, including singles wards (if any). Click on the congregation name and it will even give you a phone number or two call if you have questions.

Thanks for sharing your story. Keep reading the Book of Mormon daily and it will definately help you be in tune to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

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Thank you everyone! (: It's nice to meet you all.

Jbs2763 - thats a good idea I will check out the groups on facebook!

Misshalfway - I'm not quite sure how my dad is going to feel, I have a feeling he will look down upon it. But I really can't do anything about that. If that is what happens I'll just have to try and explain it all to him. As for my mom, she's definitly more understanding, and one of her best friends is mormon so thats a good thing. But she may still be a bit sad about it.

raynh - yes that experience really blew me away. I was shocked by it happening so soon, I thought that it would take me a long time for that to happen. Oh really you needed missionaries help to have your first experience with the holy ghost? Wow, I guess I got lucky haha. And thankyou for that information.

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Guest missingsomething

Welcome to the site. Thank you for sharing... I look forward to getting to know you better. I was also from a catholic home.

Good luck with your studies.

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wellcome to the site. i am a convert and like you i was afraid of telling my family. but when i did it went well they are not happy with my decision but they accept it and are still my family. joining the church is the biggest blessing in my life it has brought so much happiness.

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Thankyou everyone!! I can't wait to get to know you guys as well (:

jmcic - thats good to know that they accepted it. i feel like it's one of those things that it will never feel like the right time to do. but sense I'm fairly new to all this, I definitly want to learn a lot more before I do even think about telling them. And I'm already starting to see a difference in my life, even tho I've been believing it and really into it for just about a month now. (but I was interested in it for like a year or 2 before that lol)

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