Romney and Huckabee straw poll--Huckabee wins


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Romney defends record as Huckabee wins straw poll -

WASHINGTON (CNN) A day after former Baptist minister and likely presidential rival Mike Huckabee offered a withering critique of Mitt Romney's record, the former Massachusetts governor made his pitch to the same group of religious conservatives.

. . . .

The former Republican presidential candidate, widely considered a likely 2012 contender, was on the ballot for the gathering's 2012 presidential straw poll, along with Huckabee, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Indiana Rep. Mike Pence and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.

Huckabee won the straw poll Saturday, grabbing nearly 29 percent of the vote. Romney, Pawlenty, Palin and Pence each won roughly 12 percent of the 597 votes cast.

Actually the article is about Romney more than any other presidential hopefuls. What I've posted above was all it had to say about the straw poll.


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The figures publicized on AOL indicate only a 3% difference...of course, the 3% in favor of Huckabee would be of the anti-Mormon

persuasion. ;)

Who would be the best GOP presidential candidate for 2012?

Mike Huckabee 25%

Mitt Romney 22%

Someone else 14%

Sarah Palin 11%

Newt Gingrich 10%

Ron Paul 8%

Bobby Jindal 4%

Tim Pawlenty 3%

Rick Santorum 2%

Mike Pence 1%

Total Votes: 51,907


Incidentally, Ron Paul isn't electable, since he's not a member of the CFR/Trilateral Commission.

Edited by GrandmaAri
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In my humble opinion, this nation will never elect an LDS president.

I've been thinking about bringing this up, but didn't think it deserved it's own thread, so I'm glad you mentioned it.

I actually think Romney has a very good chance at being the Republican candidate, and it's all because of, who else, Glenn Beck.

Beck's followers are getting very used to him being a Mormon. He doesn't try to keep it hidden; rather, he wears it on his sleeve. He tells his story of redemption found in the Church, and how it gave him the faith to rise above his demons. I believe that's one of the reasons people are connecting with him--he is this very flawed person with whom he shares a faith in God, and thus, he is one of them.

Even more compelling, it's not just his Mormonism--it is his family's Mormonism. He speaks very lovingly of his wife and children, and is not embarassed to give credit to the Church for his famlial blessings.

In my opinion, it was inevitable Romney would lose last time, because the Republican base consisted of Evangelical Christians who believe Mormonism is a cult. But he is obviously gearing up for another go, and I think the pallette has completely changed this time.

If Romney can tap into Beck's formidable following made up of the Republican base, or perhaps I should say the "Disenchanted with the Republicans" base, he will be welcomed by the same people who shunned him two years ago.

I believe this is because Beck has "normalized" Mormonism in a way no other LDS celebrity has come close to doing, and in doing so he has almost eliminated the religious issue that doomed Romney two years ago.

Romney isn't sitting around waiting for this to happen. He has already made a brilliant move by writing a book with the genius title: No Apology: The Case for American Greatness. Additionally, his conservative fiscal policies, demonstrated by his success in business, are going to be manna from heaven to this faction who are so angry over Osama’s fiscal policy.

But the truth is, without Beck none of that would matter, and if Romney does succeed, it will be Beck who made it possible.

Sigh . . . too bad I can't stand the man. In fact, I'm about to boycott JAG's posts unless he gets rid of that craven image on his avatar!


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Elphaba, well said. While I only catch Beck occasionally I much prefer his way of presenting over Rush. To be honest Rush's whole purpose is to be extreme. Beck is more calm in his way of presenting and not as outlandish.

I see Beck as conservative first and LDS also. I see Romney as fiscally responsible, conservative, good values and so happens to be LDS too. When people will look at it that way instead of LDS and then the other is when he will be able to make a difference.

Ben Raines

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I actually think Romney has a very good chance at being the Republican candidate, and it's all because of, who else, Glenn Beck.

What a point! Wow...yes, I can see it. And Beck is such a study in contrasts. At times he remains a juvenile, with some very sophomoric humor. Then, there are times when he is passionate, sincere and moving. And then there are those times when he seems to have fallen off the mainstream conservative bus, and taken a charter into Conspiracy Theory Land. And one thing Beck is not--it's uptight. And that is an image that could be troublesome for any national LDS candidate. BTW, imho Romney does suffer, in that his integrity and competence sometimes comes across as passionless management. Ironically, Beck made note of this problem during Romney's first run...saying he lacked "fire in his belly."

In my opinion, it was inevitable Romney would lose last time, because the Republican base consisted of Evangelical Christians who believe Mormonism is a cult. But he is obviously gearing up for another go, and I think the pallette has completely changed this time.

I'm not sure what's changed. Romney will be badgered by an unfriendly press with the Mormon question, because the media knows it could divide the GOP voters. So, the candidate needs to find a prominent evangelical to endorse him early on, so he can respond, "I'll not concern myself with those few who cannot vote for a member of my church--rather I'll continue to reach out to like-minded patriots, like my good friend _Prison Chaplain :)_______, who want to work together to return this country to sound economic policies, that are both wise and compassionate. It's time to move past simplistic ideology and unproductive theological divides, and for all people of goodwill to return the great ship called America to a steady course. Edited by BenRaines
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Jadams, my (flaming liberal) civpro professor was saying the same thing about her own party's then-front-runners in 2005 right before Obama-mania took off.

I realize it sounds feeble, especially coming from a member of a current political minority--but don't underestimate how quickly a white knight can come in and save a political party that appears to be in its death throes.

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huckabee, romney, palin and all the other hopefulls need to give it up; Dont they {G.O.P} have a real politician?:huh:

That's the first valid point that I've seen you make, though I could vote for Romney. But, if Obama and the other cast of irresponsible nitwits continue as they have thus far, the American electorate will vote for anyone to end the madness......too bad we have to wait, no telling how much more damage he will do.

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Romneys creditials are impressive to me, however I have to agree with Beck in that Romney does not come across as him having fire in his belly, nor do I believe he has portrayed himself as being personable, likeable, or understanding of the everyday problems that face most Americans. It seemed to me during his last try, he wasn't very effective at selling himself nor showing a warmer side.

I certaintly don't think Beck has hurt the Image of Mormonism, but I am not quite sure I would laud that much praise suffiecently to indicate he single handly has helpedl helped Romney the most.

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<Sage wisdom>

I like everything you say, but didn't you read what Elphaba said about your avatar?! Are you trying to drive her away from her own thread?!

That's the first valid point that I've seen you make, though I could vote for Romney. But, if Obama and the other cast of irresponsible nitwits continue as they have thus far, the American electorate will vote for anyone to end the madness......too bad we have to wait, no telling how much more damage he will do.

It doesn't matter... Haven't you heard that the poles will shift in 2012 and we'll all die from flaming meteorites? :eek:

Okay... my nightly attempt at humor is over... time to go


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