reid dumps on church


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while I agree that marriage should only be between a man and a woman I do not think that government should be involved, it is a social issue...the government has enough control over us...

that said as a CA resident I did vote for and support prop 8 because the prophet told us to.....he knows more than me, but it dosent mean I have to agree with him politically....

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FWIW, Will, I think what you did in California is honorable.

But it seems to me that the claim that "government shouldn't control marriage" is more of an argument for government to stop recognizing straight marriages, than it is for government to start recognizing gay ones.

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Welcome to yet another time when things that greatly offend God are going out of their way to enter the mainstream. Homosexuality is ordinarily condemned by both the laws of the land and by the religions of the day. If we just sit back and let the media and the world to continue to redefine what is right and wrong, it won't be long before we are like the Romans:

1.) Gladiatorial games where people really die, and not just by freak accident.

2.) Pedophiles will be considered acceptable and create their own social norms within society.

3.) Gluttony and decadence among the priviledged classes of society.

4.) Homosexuality and bisexuality are considered to be perfectly normal and acceptable.

Isn't it interesting how close we are to all of that being a reality?

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Welcome to yet another time when things that greatly offend God are going out of their way to enter the mainstream. Homosexuality is ordinarily condemned by both the laws of the land and by the religions of the day. If we just sit back and let the media and the world to continue to redefine what is right and wrong, it won't be long before we are like the Romans:

1.) Gladiatorial games where people really die, and not just by freak accident.

2.) Pedophiles will be considered acceptable and create their own social norms within society.

3.) Gluttony and decadence among the priviledged classes of society.

4.) Homosexuality and bisexuality are considered to be perfectly normal and acceptable.

Isn't it interesting how close we are to all of that being a reality?

well you got 2 out of 4

numbers 3-4...I think we are there already.....saddly

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FWIW, Will, I think what you did in California is honorable.

But it seems to me that the claim that "government shouldn't control marriage" is more of an argument for government to stop recognizing straight marriages, than it is for government to start recognizing gay ones.

I tend to be very libertarian in my political me I think the government should be way less involved in most everthing....

it is sad that homosexuality it is becoming the me I see it all the time in CA...but legislation is not the way to fix it.

and no I have no good anwsers to help resolve the decay of our society...

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I appreciate what you are saying, Will. I just wonder if legislation is all we have. I think we have a political responsibility to vote according to our consciences.

I voted against my concience in voting for prop 8....

if legislation is all we have we are indeed in trouble....

it is also a two edged sword if we can legislate marriage what else can be controlled by our government?

I am sure that Oboma has our best intrests inmind....right?

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It will be interesting on what the Church's response is. The standard is that as long as a person keeps their personal views personal, the Church will do nothing about it. But given his position in the Senate and in the Church, he may receive some warning by the Church not to attack the Church or go publicly against it in such an open way.

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When I was in Utah and the vote came to our state on whether or not to allow gay marriage I really had a tough time with the vote. At the time I worked with and was friends with a few gay and lesbian couples, I could see things from their side, I could understand their arguments and what they were looking for from the bill. And so when I went to vote I had a tough decision ahead of me. Did I vote for the way I believed or did I vote for my friends and co-workers? In the end I went with my beliefs, and I voted no against the bill. There were a few riders on it that made voting no easier, but I still had the moral dilemma that I had to stare down.

It is difficult when it comes to these matters, especially when you know people who it affects. However, when it comes down to it for me, I want to stick to my beliefs on something like this. I don’t want my children not knowing the difference between right and wrong because political correctness has become more important than morals. I see it as fearing the arm of man more than we fear the hand of God.

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I have to agree with Reid, I think the Church's resources could be used more effectively elsewhere. I recently read that 70% of all African American children are born out of wedlock.

I think it is more beneficial to encourage people to get married and stay married than it is to prevent a small minority from getting married.

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