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I'm new here. I was raised in a VERY diverse family and am a convert to the LDS faith. I'm old and my conversion happened a hundred years ago (well maybe not quite 100) , prior to marriage, five kids and life. I know the Lord loves me and is actively involved in my life, plans and future. I see the Church as a vehicle to get me back to my Father's presence. As I visit with others and read blogs, etc. I am constantly amazed that we as members must not be doing a very good job of explaining our doctrine "out there in the world", as the ideas about us are pretty strange. Also, I have reached a point in my life where I finally understand that I have so much more to learn about the simple basics of the gospel and I am excited about the quest. With those things in mind, I would love to join your group.

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Yes welcome and enjoy the knowledge. One of the things I have noticed is taht it is amazing how the world denies having wrong knowledge of us. Like I corrected some things about us in a schoolbook of one of my kids and almost was hanged for it! You see those non LDS know so much better, what we believe in, than we..... we are never told it all... :roflmbo:

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