Jon Stewart spoofs Glenn Beck


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I actually, thought Stewart's coverage of the lack of coverage by mainstream media on Acorn was far more interesting.

Jon Stewart Mocks Media on ACORN Story: ‘Where the Hell Were You?’ |

I'm a fake journalist, and I'm embarrassed these guys scooped me. Let's get to work people.

I think the mainstream media (other than Fox News) has a long way to go before I will consider them even remotely balanced when it comes to issues that may embarrass or harm the current presidential administration.

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Stewart Spoofs Beck: There's a War Going on in America, and The Stakes are Nothing Less than Glenn Beck's Internal Organs | TPMTV

This is absolutely wonderful. Stewart has presented us with the essence of Glenn Beck and he did it without any of the makeup and over-sized costumes of SNL.

I will never view Glenn Beck quite the same again. In many ways he is a masterful performer.

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I think the mainstream media (other than Fox News) has a long way to go before I will consider them even remotely balanced when it comes to issues that may embarrass or harm the current presidential administration.

I simply do not understand how anyone could claim FOX even tries to maintain any sort of balance. For example, when Fox's Hannity interviewed Bachmann about her "Super Bowl" tea party protest, she said there were between 20,000 to 45,000 people there.

Actually, it turns out that was a bold-faced lie. It was closer to 5,000.

Given Fox's latest efforts to excuse the misinformation its people, like Hannity, disseminate, I guess it doesn't matter that he lies; after all, it's only commentary.

But Hannity is not an elected official. Bachmann is. So, if she can not only go on Fox and tell a bold-faced lie, only to be cosseted by Fox when she does, why doesn't it bother you Fox cossets a liar?

Another example: After the 9/12 tea party protests, FOX ran an ad claiming a number of other cable and television stations did not cover the protest. Another lie.

YouTube - CNN's Rick Sanchez Calls FOX News Liars

Personally, I find CNN to be the most objective of the three, though I agree it leans more to the left. I can't, however, imagine how anyone could claim either FOX, or MSNBC, even attempts to be unbiased.


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I simply do not understand how anyone could claim FOX even tries to maintain any sort of balance. For example, when Fox's Hannity interviewed Bachmann about her "Super Bowl" tea party protest, she said there were between 20,000 to 45,000 people there.

On a related note, thought you might like this from Jon Stewart.

Hulu - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Sean Hannity Uses Glenn Becks Protest Footage

With luv,


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Guest Godless

I believe so.

"During the debate, about 1,500 demonstrators gathered outside the Capitol to protest the bill. Some waved American flags, and others displayed golden "Don't tread on me" rattlesnake flags. A copy of the nearly 2,000-page bill taped end to end stretched from the Capitol, down the steps and across the Southeast Lawn."

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Guest Godless

It certainly looked like a crowd of more than 1,500. Probably 5,000 or 6,000, but not much more than that. That's just a guess on my part based on photos and video footage. I could be wrong.

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I'm starting to think that when it comes to crowd estimates, no one knows what the heck they're doing. :)

They really shoud have an entrance booth to protests. You can sign your name, what exact thing your protesting, and for an extra 5 bucks be given your own protest sign in the following styles: Mundane, slightly risque, and outlandish metaphors.

It would be so much easier to keep track....;)

with luv,


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They really shoud have an entrance booth to protests. You can sign your name, what exact thing your protesting, and for an extra 5 bucks be given your own protest sign in the following styles: Mundane, slightly risque, and outlandish metaphors.

It would be so much easier to keep track....;)

with luv,


Indeed. And then we can send that list to [email protected], and the White House can show each participant the error of their ways . . .

(Tongue firmly in cheek, of course!)

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Indeed. And then we can send that list to [email protected], and the White House can show each participant the error of their ways . . .

Hey, if I started something up, you think I could earn an income as a government employee for repressing folk....err, I mean helping maintain order. I could use some extra cash.

(tongue walking out of mouth to find a new home in a more civil minded individual)

With luv,


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Elphaba, re the Bachman party, do you have any corroborating evidence on the crowd estimate besides the WaPo opinion column? Politico had it at at least 10,000.

(I do agree with your larger point, though.)

NBC's Luke Russert said a Capitol policeman told him the crowd was about 3,000 to 3,500. Later he updated that to 5,000. Of course, for some reason, I can only find a link to the 3,500 number, which I think everyone admits is too low.

Below is an aerial of the event. You can see there is nowhere near the 20,000 to 45,000 Bachman and Hannity, et al, claim. Personally, it doesn't look like 10,000 people to me, but I freely admit I have no experience determining crowd sizes.

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