Scary Stories


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Write them as soon as you get time!! I love hearing stories....let me try to think of a scary story of mine...oh wait here we go...ok Well I we have a chihuahua and my bro were mowing down some tall grass, and I had to walk around this patch of grass to make sure there were no big rocks in there...well I started walking on this patch and felt something beneath, I was about to bend down and check but luckily my bro got impatient and said just move out of the way..Well my bro started mowing and after he got down I walked over there to move this rock and stepped on a huge fat snake!!! All the sudden it popped up and I about had a heart attack!!! IT WAS SCARY!! I thought it was a rattle snake!!

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Share on other sites I'm in 5th grade. And there is this beautiful girl from school that lives 4 houses down and across the street from me. Her name is Amanda and she has long blonde hair and blue eyes and is every fellow fith graders' dream. I just barely know her and actually only have the nerve to even exist within a 300 mile radius when I have a friend with me. * I'm shy by nature*

So anyways, you know how it is at that age. The girl that "likes" you is the one that hits you on the play ground and then turns around and asks to borrow your pencil. Well, my friend who lived at the opposite end of the block from me and on the same side of the street as Amanda told me I should just go knock on her door and see if she wanted to come with us to his house and hang out. I of course didnt do it. BUT, the next day after school I thought I had the nerve up to knock on the door so I creeped up to the door. And with heavy breath and sweat pouring down my brow I knocked on the door and thats when it happened...I went into shock! I lost all courage and I ran like a lightning bolt. I ran to my friends house becuse it was closer than mine and I ran inside without knocking.

Well, for reasons I dont even understand myself I thought it would be funny if I knocked and ran away from her door every time I was on my way to or from my friends at the end of the block. I guess it was some kind of high. I had a crush on her plus the risk of getting caught must have made it a game I couldnt resist.

This went on for a week or so.

Well, one day my friend and I were once again walking from my house to his. Since I was with him I had absoutly no intention of playing my game and actually was not even thinking about it. We were busy talking about what ever new nintindo game he'd gotten or something. As we were walking across the house just this side of Amanda's house we hear a man's voice yell out "Ah haa!". We both look over and standing between the houses is AMANDA's DAD! and he's got his eyes pinned right on me. I guess he'd seen me knock and run away but didnt ever have a chance to confront me about it before I ran off......well he wasnt getting that chance this day either! Again I blasted off at a full sprint and let the angels of heaven escort me with god-like speed down the street. I could hear his heavy foot steps and breathing very close behind me. I didnt look back and I didnt slow down. I made a sharp cut to the right and headed across the street. As I crossed onto a lawn on the other side of the street I felt him grab the back of my jacket, HE'd CAUGHT ME!!...but my body reacted as though his touch were fire and it spured me into the limits of my body's ability to HAUL A** and just as his grip would have been too sure to escape from my small 5th grader body slipped between an out-door central heating and cooling unit and a 15ft outboard fishing boat parked very close to it between two houses. His hand slipped from my jacket as he had to scream to a halt before he slammed into the boat allowing me to make my escape between the houses and into the alley. I kept running down the alley and circled the next block to take the scenic route to my house. When I made it back to my driveway breathing very hard and still shell shocked I saw my friend who'd been waiting for my triumphant return. He was laughing his head off and told me he was sure I was a dead man before I slipped through that narrow squeez between the Unit and the boat. We snuck down the alley to his house to avoide Amanda's dad and needless to say I didnt knock on her door for a couple days after that. :sparklygrin:

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Originally posted by ldsgurl_2002@Nov 7 2005, 06:12 PM

your crazy setheus lol

LOL I so agree! but he writes it sooooo goood!

I have had dozens of scary experiences... I just don't think I can tell them good enough...

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well just last tusday this guy on drugs came into our church building. i didnt see him but i saw the police. one of the sisters in our ward talked to him when he entered. i guess he actually said he was on drugs and he was acting wierd so she told the bishop and the bishop called the police. they cought him. i am not sure how scary that is. it may have been for the sister that talked to him.

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Share on other sites there I was, standing in the shower. I believe I was in the 10th grade. So, I'm showering, washing the hair, I may have been singing some song that was popular at the time. And you know how it is in the shower, you're nice and relaxed and just not really thinking about anything. As I stood there with the shower water running down my neck and shoulders I feel something on my left shoulder as though someone had ever so gently tapped me with their finger. Perhaps just the tip of their finger nail. I thought nothing of it and assumed perhaps a large slash of shampoo had dripped from my hair to my shoulder...but then that "finger" seemed to move up ever so slighty on my neck. Shampoo does not fall "up".

I tuned my head to the left and to my absolute horror I saw a big brown fuzzy wolf spider just chillin on my shoulder!

I let out a shreak of terror and began flapping my arms wildly in an attempt to rid myself of this aggressor. In my panic I forgot to open the shower curtain but instead ran "through" it knocking it to the floor, shower rod and all as my wet, naked, soapy body went screaming out into the hall and then towards the living room, where yes, we had company. Of course! Of course at that exact moment in time that I am under attack by a killer spider and left naked and helpless OF COURSE the girl my brother was dating and two of her friends would be sitting in the living room meeting our mother for the first time.

But on a high note I did get a few dates with one of those girls the following weekend. :sparklygrin:

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Originally posted by Setheus@Nov 8 2005, 12:15 PM


I let out a shreak of terror and began flapping my arms wildly in an attempt to rid myself of this aggressor.  In my panic I forgot to open the shower curtain but instead ran "through" it knocking it to the floor, shower rod and all as my wet, naked, soapy body went screaming out into the hall and then towards the living room, where yes, we had company.  Of course!  Of course at that exact moment in time that I am under attack by a killer spider and left naked and helpless OF COURSE the girl my brother was dating and two of her friends would be sitting in the living room meeting our mother for the first time.

ROFL....THAT was great! :D

Your visuals are fantastic

Your poor mother.....LOL

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Originally posted by Setheus@Nov 8 2005, 01:15 PM there I was, standing in the shower.  I believe I was in the 10th grade.  So, I'm showering, washing the hair, I may have been singing some song that was popular at the time.  And you know how it is in the shower, you're nice and relaxed and just not really thinking about anything.  As I stood there with the shower water running down my neck and shoulders I feel something on my left shoulder as though someone had ever so gently tapped me with their finger. Perhaps just the tip of their finger nail.  I thought nothing of it and assumed perhaps a large slash of shampoo had dripped from my hair to my shoulder...but then that "finger" seemed to move up ever so slighty on my neck. Shampoo does not fall "up". 

I tuned my head to the left and to my absolute horror I saw a big brown fuzzy wolf spider just chillin on my shoulder! 

I let out a shreak of terror and began flapping my arms wildly in an attempt to rid myself of this aggressor.  In my panic I forgot to open the shower curtain but instead ran "through" it knocking it to the floor, shower rod and all as my wet, naked, soapy body went screaming out into the hall and then towards the living room, where yes, we had company.  Of course!  Of course at that exact moment in time that I am under attack by a killer spider and left naked and helpless OF COURSE the girl my brother was dating and two of her friends would be sitting in the living room meeting our mother for the first time.

But on a high note I did get a few dates with one of those girls the following weekend. :sparklygrin:

Teen horror stories involving the bathrooms, spiders, and nakedness will never go out of style. After all that is what hollywood is made of. This anecdote posted above brought back flashbacks of my own experience.

When I was 18 one of my musician boyfriends invited me to see him perform a concert three towns away. It was a small town, population 200 including pets, hence a small arena holding about 500 people maximum. However, there were four huge bathroom facilities.

Since the bathrooms were so huge and the crowd was only about 100 people for this small town in the sticks venue, some genius decided to use the bathroom space for coordinating the event.

Two of the bathrooms were female and two male. So some man, (yes, it had to be a man, because all women know how often we have to powder our noses, not to mention reapply lipstick, and discuss how our dates are going) decided to use one of the female bathrooms for a dressing room for the act, and use the other female bathroom for his office. Funny, I thought only the Fonz used bathrooms as an office.

That generously left us of the weaker sex with the weaker bladders no bathroom whatsoever. When us gals addressed our concerns, we were told by another gentleman, "Don't worry. It will be ok. You won't have to go to the bathroom since we rarely go either."

Mid way thru the concert, nature called and I needed to desperately see a man about a horse. I quickly thought of my options. I could either go outside in some dark bushes, be attacked by torpedo mosquitos, have to use rocks and leaves for toilet paper, and worse risk being seen by some peeping tom, or I could sneak into the men's room go in really fast, forgoing the lipstick reapplication and having a shiny nose. The latter seemed the safer.

For the next 10 minuets as my boyfriend sang to me and danced, I instead had my eyes fixed on the door to the men's room, careful to monitor ever entrance and exit.

When finally the last man came out of the bathroom, I quickly took visual attendance again of all the men, saw that they were all accounted for and nonchalantly walked towards the back wall where the men's room was located.

I took one small step for my bladder and one giant leap for womankind as I crossed the threshold into the forbidden zone. I was in awe as I looked around my surrounding. The mystery at once had been revealed. So this is what the men's room is like! On the wall I saw some weird looking sinks with some funny looking small frisbees in them. I was not bold enough to explore this so I just walked on by. Maybe these were for the shorter men to wash their hands in since there is such a difference in height in men than in women. Boy, was I naive!

I was more interested in seeing if the myth of women's phone numbers written on the wall was real. Finding some scribble proved it was true after all. In a rush, my inquisitive nature compelled me to check each one and make sure my name wasn't on the wall. "How could it be?" I wondered. I was after all three towns away and had never been there before, but then again, it was a small town. A girl can never be too sure.

I had become so distracted in my new environment due to my incessant curiosity, that I nearly forgot why I was there.

Locating the stalls I walked into the first one, but there was no door. So I ventured on to the second one.

In the second one, someone must have past by the first one without time to spare and had gotten sick in it, so again I had to forgo that option.

I laughed and told myself third time is a charm, and walked in to find no toilet paper. Not much different than the option that had been presented in a nocturnal nature hike.

On to door number four. This stall had never been used, if ever, in a really, really, really long time. I realized that after I shrieked due to it being completely covered with huge, ugly, hairy, beady eyed spiders. There were millions of them and they had managed to weave curtains, seat covers, and doilies all over the place. It was the decorating dream of some morbid halloween movie set. There was no way that this Little Miss Muffet would be sitting on that tuffet!

Last option to go was stall number five. At this point I recalled The Lady and The Tiger. This was the last chance for me, and being The Lady, there couldn't possibly be a tiger in there after all I had seen. But then again, who knew what was behind this door.

Carefully I slowly pushed the door open, took a deep breathe and opened my eyes to a clean sparkling wonderful bathroom. Finally a throne for a queen. It was the most beautiful commode I had ever seen. The only think lacking was pink toilet paper, however the white would do.

Yes, there was a GOD after all. Now I knew how Goldie locks had felt after trying so many different things that were either too this or too that to find the one that was just right.

I had hit bathroom LOTTO big time!

Just as I was done and about to open the door and brag about my latest adventure, I heard a sound that send chills down my spine, made me ###### in my breathe, and took the color out of my cheeks. It was the shuffle of men's dress shoes on the tile floor.

Cowarding in the stall. I tried to calm myself down with the plan of just waiting til he finished, and then slipping out as I had snuck in. Then after about 30 seconds, I heard another man come in. Then immediately five seconds later yet another.

This sudden influx could only mean one thing, INTERMISSION!!!

My heart sank as yet another walked in and now the men's room was alive with the sounds of footsteps, running water, and some chatter among them. There was no way to hide myself any longer, since it was just a matter of time before someone noticed my pink pumps under the closed stall door.

There was only one thing left for any self respecting woman to do. I carefully smoothed my skirt, held my head high, shielded my eyes and walked out of the stall. Of course I walked straight into a man who was coming my way. He looked scareder than I was, so I just told him, "Stall five is the dive avoid one thru four. "

As I graced out the door the sound of my heels on the tile floor punctuated,

" I came, I saw, I conquered!"

My only regret was not being able to wash my hands. But then again it was a small town, in the sticks, three towns away... Who would ever know?

Well news runs very fast in small towns and even faster with telecommunications.

When I arrived home, I was greeted by the phone ringing. So late on a saturday night, whoever could it be?

I answered."Hello?" expecting to hear bad news of some sort.

I heard the voice of Fernando, one of my other boyfriends reclaiming,


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you kept me on the edge of my seat!!! you are a great story teller! if you have any more.. i would love to hear them!

well i have one from girls camp..duh dun dun<--- creepy sound to get u interested lol

well my best friend is a joker..she always kids around and so we were at was the early morning just woken up...we were in a corner on two bunks next to each other..well she was sitting up in bed with that sleepy stare that people get when its too early to be waking up from staying up late...well anyway she was staring under my bed for like 5 minutes and she was like "Ashley there is a snake under your bed" she said it so calmly..i didn't believe her because the way she acts all the time..and i was like no there isn't and then she said Ashley there IS a snake under your bed...and i still didn't believe her..she said yes there is and then jumped up the ladder to the top bunk totally squishing our other friend that was up there..then i believed her.....

so i jumped up on the top bunk too and she called for her mom who got some lady to come and kill the water mocassin that shot out from under the bed when they stuck a shovel down there...i was so scared to get back on the floor...and so was

well that night..we stayed up till like 4 in the morning because we were scared of snakes AND flying beetles that attack!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Setheus@Nov 8 2005, 01:15 PM there I was, standing in the shower.  I believe I was in the 10th grade.  So, I'm showering, washing the hair, I may have been singing some song that was popular at the time.  And you know how it is in the shower, you're nice and relaxed and just not really thinking about anything.  As I stood there with the shower water running down my neck and shoulders I feel something on my left shoulder as though someone had ever so gently tapped me with their finger. Perhaps just the tip of their finger nail.  I thought nothing of it and assumed perhaps a large slash of shampoo had dripped from my hair to my shoulder...but then that "finger" seemed to move up ever so slighty on my neck. Shampoo does not fall "up". 

I tuned my head to the left and to my absolute horror I saw a big brown fuzzy wolf spider just chillin on my shoulder! 

I let out a shreak of terror and began flapping my arms wildly in an attempt to rid myself of this aggressor.  In my panic I forgot to open the shower curtain but instead ran "through" it knocking it to the floor, shower rod and all as my wet, naked, soapy body went screaming out into the hall and then towards the living room, where yes, we had company.  Of course!  Of course at that exact moment in time that I am under attack by a killer spider and left naked and helpless OF COURSE the girl my brother was dating and two of her friends would be sitting in the living room meeting our mother for the first time.

But on a high note I did get a few dates with one of those girls the following weekend. :sparklygrin:

I have a phobia of spiders and yet I have not 'ran' down a hall to get away from them... LOL I think your story is a bit far fetched.... LOL But good... when are we going to see your book of incredible stories published???

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Originally posted by Setheus@Nov 8 2005, 11:15 AM there I was, standing in the shower.  I believe I was in the 10th grade.  So, I'm showering, washing the hair, I may have been singing some song that was popular at the time.  And you know how it is in the shower, you're nice and relaxed and just not really thinking about anything.  As I stood there with the shower water running down my neck and shoulders I feel something on my left shoulder as though someone had ever so gently tapped me with their finger. Perhaps just the tip of their finger nail.  I thought nothing of it and assumed perhaps a large slash of shampoo had dripped from my hair to my shoulder...but then that "finger" seemed to move up ever so slighty on my neck. Shampoo does not fall "up". 

I tuned my head to the left and to my absolute horror I saw a big brown fuzzy wolf spider just chillin on my shoulder! 

I let out a shreak of terror and began flapping my arms wildly in an attempt to rid myself of this aggressor.  In my panic I forgot to open the shower curtain but instead ran "through" it knocking it to the floor, shower rod and all as my wet, naked, soapy body went screaming out into the hall and then towards the living room, where yes, we had company.  Of course!  Of course at that exact moment in time that I am under attack by a killer spider and left naked and helpless OF COURSE the girl my brother was dating and two of her friends would be sitting in the living room meeting our mother for the first time.

But on a high note I did get a few dates with one of those girls the following weekend. :sparklygrin:

WAYYYYYYYYYYYY to funny! :bouncing:

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