Scary Stories


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Originally posted by Please@Nov 9 2005, 01:46 PM

I have a phobia of spiders and yet I have not 'ran' down a hall to get away from them... LOL I think your story is a bit far fetched.... LOL But good... when are we going to see your book of incredible stories published???

I'm a little hurt. My story is absolutly true. I'm not afraid of spiders in the sense that I have a phobia but at that particular instant who would have imagined that a large fuzzy spider would have landed on my shoulder right in the middle of the shower!?! I mean I guess it was up on the wall or ceiling or something and it probably fell on me. Lets see how you react in that situation. Being afraid and confronted by something is one thing....being ambushed by it is another all together.

Just because a story is good doesnt make it false. I think the story of david is about as far fetched as they come but I dont discredit it based on that fact.

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Originally posted by Setheus+Nov 10 2005, 09:52 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Please@Nov 9 2005, 01:46 PM

I have a phobia of spiders and yet I have not 'ran' down a hall to get away from them... LOL I think your story is a bit far fetched.... LOL But good... when are we going to see your book of incredible stories published???

I'm a little hurt. My story is absolutely true. I'm not afraid of spiders in the sense that I have a phobia but at that particular instant who would have imagined that a large fuzzy spider would have landed on my shoulder right in the middle of the shower!?! I mean I guess it was up on the wall or ceiling or something and it probably fell on me. Lets see how you react in that situation. Being afraid and confronted by something is one thing....being ambushed by it is another all together.

Just because a story is good doesn't make it false. I think the story of david is about as far fetched as they come but I don't discredit it based on that fact.


I can see where you are coming from ... ordinarily when a person comes upon a spider they can walk around it or step on it. But if a person is caught off guard and is not expecting something to happen ... then a person can be startled and then a sudden panic can occur causing an involuntary fight or flight to kick in.

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Originally posted by Setheus+Nov 10 2005, 09:52 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Please@Nov 9 2005, 01:46 PM

I have a phobia of spiders and yet I have not 'ran' down a hall to get away from them... LOL I think your story is a bit far fetched.... LOL But good... when are we going to see your book of incredible stories published???

I'm a little hurt. My story is absolutly true. I'm not afraid of spiders in the sense that I have a phobia but at that particular instant who would have imagined that a large fuzzy spider would have landed on my shoulder right in the middle of the shower!?! I mean I guess it was up on the wall or ceiling or something and it probably fell on me. Lets see how you react in that situation. Being afraid and confronted by something is one thing....being ambushed by it is another all together.

Just because a story is good doesnt make it false. I think the story of david is about as far fetched as they come but I dont discredit it based on that fact.

I as well loved Sethus story. It was hillarious. I wanna know tho, did you ever catch the spider? Did someone kill it?

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Originally posted by Setheus+Nov 10 2005, 09:52 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Please@Nov 9 2005, 01:46 PM

I have a phobia of spiders and yet I have not 'ran' down a hall to get away from them... LOL I think your story is a bit far fetched.... LOL But good... when are we going to see your book of incredible stories published???

I'm a little hurt. My story is absolutly true. I'm not afraid of spiders in the sense that I have a phobia but at that particular instant who would have imagined that a large fuzzy spider would have landed on my shoulder right in the middle of the shower!?! I mean I guess it was up on the wall or ceiling or something and it probably fell on me. Lets see how you react in that situation. Being afraid and confronted by something is one thing....being ambushed by it is another all together.

Just because a story is good doesnt make it false. I think the story of david is about as far fetched as they come but I dont discredit it based on that fact.

I'm sorry. Seriously... I was 5. and toe headed..... had this long, unbrushed blond hair.... down to the middle of my back when brushed... but it was saturday and mom and dad had taken off to do their usual shopping... and no one had time to take care of my hair.

I was out side under the large staircase... leaning on one of its support beams..

I was enjoying being out in the summer sun, really relaxed and happy... having happy thoughts and everything... when this big, black, jumping spider got tangled up in all my piles of snarled hair....

Being blond... the black spider showed up really really clearly... even though I kept screaming and spinning in circles.... and trying desperately to bat the thing out of my hair... it remained in the tangles and even started crawling through them...

My older sister came to my rescue.. got the thing out...but I was forever scarred... had nightmares for years...

It would send a shock wave through me even if I saw a spider clear across the room...

So... if I wouldn't run... I just figured no one else would either...

But as you say... just because it sounded fantastic... doesn't mean it wasn't true... and so ... dear Setheus... I believe your story... and retract my comment to the contrary.

I still want to know.... when you are going to put a book together and get it published... a talent like yours should not be burried...

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my hair was the same as yours wehn i was 5 please...blonde curly and everywhere..never brushed and when it was it didn't look like it because the curls just got tangled again!! but no spider attacks for me lol

but tonight i was babysitting at the church for like 7 kids...there were other helpers..i was sitting on the couch with a little girl and i look away from her for 2 sec. when i look back all i can see are her legs going over the side of thecouch..i knew she had fallen on her head and it scared me so bad!! she was shocked for like 2 sec but then she starts crying..i know if it had been me i would have been screaming but she is ok..thank goodness

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Ok here goes another scarey story... well sort of scarey...

One day I was finishing up the chores at home to get ready for work. I worked 2nd schift so my days were free. Since Mom was at work, I would clean the house, do the laundry, and fix dinner.

I love to do housework, I don't mind it at all, but that day everything was in a rush. I was caught on a phone call longer than I had planned. Now it was late and I still hadn't had my shower yet so I could get ready for work.

As was Dad's custom, 2:00 pm rolled around and he asked me for his afternoon coffee. I was in the kitchen at the time and had just finished putting a pig to roast in the oven.

I carefully served his seasoned coffee (one teaspoon of sugar and a dab of skim milk) at the dining room table that is directly behind the kitchen. I returned to a sink full of breakfast and lunch dishes, turned the water on to fill the sink, to wash them as I had done so many times before.

Thru the sound of the running water, I faintly heard the sound of Dad griping about something again. I was accostumed to this behavior which happened from time to time. Not a usual occurance, but a nussiance when it does happen.

I couldn't make out the words. The cascade of water mixing with dishwashing liquid muffled it until, I heard what sounded like my name being called. I turned off the water, turned towards him, and asked if he was calling me.

"Bring me the butter, please," he asked.

I dried my hands off, opened the fridge, and pulled out a tub of I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER! and placed it before him on the table along with the butter knife.

Now Daddy was raised on a cow ranch, so he loves all sorts of dairy products. For those of you who refuse to drink milk, I can attest to its benefits. Daddy's teeth are perfect, he has maybe two fillings in his mouth, which is outstanding for a man who is retired. The only work he has ever had done on his teeth is getting them capped. This he did, because it was the superfly thing to do in the 70's.

However, because of the excesses in the dairy, he now has a colesterol problem. I guess too much of a good thing can be bad for you after all. So Mom has been substituting things in his diet, for example skim milk, ice milk, and I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER!

I ask him if he would like me to bring him something else and he shakes his head no, that he is ok.

This should have sent a red flag! But, being in a rush I quickly return to the sink and think nothing of it.

The griping continues so I tell myself, "Think good thoughts... Think good thoughts," as my mind races off into daydream never never land.

The tub of I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER inspires daydreams of Fabio and me waltzing down some beautiful narrow streets, in a small beautiful Italian village. He is dressed in a white shirt and jeans, I in a long flowing summer dress with pink flowers on it. We arrive at street cafe where he carefully ushers me into a chair, hands me a rose, and calls the waiter to order a bottle of fine Italian wine and some freshly baked Italian bread.

Now the first sink has filled up bringing me back to planet earth.

I really hate to waste water. So what I do is have one sink full with soapy water and the other sink filled with plain water. As one dish gets washed, it goes into the clean water and when all are done, I empty both sinks and rerinse the now clean dishes.

As the 2nd sink is filling with clean water I hear more muffled griping that I cant make out again. Inspiried by the sinks full of water, I decide to continue on my trip to Italy.

This time Fabio and I are off on a gondola in Venice. Acordians play O SOLO MIO, he places a huge diamond ring on my finger, and calls me Bellisima. Again the proverbial bottle of fine Italian wine and freshly baked Italian bread take the stage. Fabio now cuts a slice of bread, butters it generously, and is about to feed it to me when...

The griping gets louder.

Loosing my patience now, I gaze upon the venetian blind in the window, above the sink in front of me, and say to myself,, "So much for Venice," realizing this is the closest I am getting to Venice today, if ever!

See Dad's griping usually dies down after five minuets. The normal protocol is just let him vent. He normally goes on and on for a while and then when its been purged, he will ask if there is something to eat like nothing just transpired. The key is to not ask, back talk, or add your two cents on anything he says, because it will just add more fuel to the fire.

Now with both sinks filled, I proceed to pick up the first dirty dish and I hear the soliliquy.

"Look at how they bring things into the house, dont eat it, and let it go stale."

"Darn, these kids are sooooo spoiled."

"How many times have I told Margaret (MOM) not to buy them everything they want?"

"I give them everything, cars, house, food, clothes, cable tv, phone, video games, pets, (list goes on and on)"

"You don't have to go to college to learn that money doesn't grow on trees!"

"They must think I am made of money."

"For now on ,I am going to do the grocery shopping, instead of Margaret who just fills the cart, so that the food ends up in the trash once its spoiled, because no one eats it."

"AHA!" I tell myself, as I assume the griping is the result that he has read the tub of I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER! There had been similar griping when ice milk was used to replace ice cream.

I restamp my mental passport destination Italy. This time Fabio and I are riding a white horse. We arrive at a beautiful field where red and white checkered picnic blanket has been placed with a wicker picnic basket on it containing the bottle of fine Italian wine and the freshly baked Italian bread.

Fabio and I sit down, he looks deep into my eyes, and finally feeds me the slice of generously buttered freshly baked Italian bread. I close my eyes and just as I am about to declare those famous words, "I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER!", I hear my dog begin to yelp as if someone is killing him in the dining room.

Scared out of my witts I turn around.

But all I see is Daddy dunking something into his cup of coffee, chewing it alot, and then finally swallowing it with a gulp.

He then tells the dog, "You dont want any of this. Its sooo stale its like a brick."

Puzzled I am wondering,"What in the world is he eating?"

The dog is now bouncing up and down and yelping even more frantically.

What I saw next freaked me out so bad that my eyeballs popped out six inches in front of my nose.

Daddy reaches past his coffee mug, and reaches his hand into a box of doggie pizza treats, takes one out, smears a huge glob of I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER! on it, proceeds to dunk it in the coffee, just like before and eats it!!!


Why did I not tell Daddy what he was doing you may ask?

Well its simple. I didnt have a 6'3" tall Italian man with 18 inch biceps there to protect me should the griping escalate to shouting!

I turn around to try to gain my composure, and I want to laugh so bad, but I can't in front of him. You know how hard it is not to laugh expecially when you aren't supposed to and you want to?Well, with every yelp of the dog and every crunch I hear I start to shake even more.

Just when it couldn't get worse, I hear daddy scream, "Darn, I lost the cap on my front tooth! These stale junk cookies!"

This gives way to tears from my laughing so quietly which since I can't laugh outloud, now it gives way to snorting!

As I am wiping the tears with the back of my hand, Daddy notices my behavior, come up behind me and says, "There, there... don't cry princess. It's ok. I will be ok. I just get angry sometimes with Margaret. Just make an appointment for me with the dentist, ok?"

Unable to speak I nod ok.

He walks out of the kitchen, gets the keys, and leaves the house to pick Mom up from work.

As I see the car pull out of the drive way thru the partially opened venetial blinds, I collapse unto the kitchen floor and laugh, and laugh, and laugh!!!

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Originally posted by ldsgurl_2002@Nov 11 2005, 09:38 PM

my hair was the same as yours wehn i was 5 please...blonde curly and everywhere..never brushed and when it was it didn't look like it because the curls just got tangled again!! but no spider attacks for me lol

but tonight i was babysitting at the church for like 7 kids...there were other helpers..i  was sitting on the couch with a little girl and i look away from her for 2 sec. when i look back all i can see are her legs going over the side of thecouch..i knew she had fallen on her head and it scared me so bad!! she was shocked for like 2 sec but then she starts crying..i know if it had been me i would have been screaming but she is ok..thank goodness

Lucky you... no spiders.. but huge bummer for you and the little girl...I'm glad she was okay...

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Oh no, I can't believe what I just read! That would be funny, but I would have to risk my dad getting mad at me for telling him that he was eating dogie biscuits ... for one thing I wouldn't want my dad to eat such a thing when I knew better, and secondly I wouldn't want to be around when he finds out that he was eating dogie biscuits and I knew it, but didn't tell him! :) :ahhh::ph34r:

Good story! :)

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Originally posted by begood2@Nov 12 2005, 03:22 AM


Oh no, I can't believe what I just read! That would be funny, but I would have to risk my dad getting mad at me for telling him that he was eating dogie biscuits ... for one thing I wouldn't want my dad to eat such a thing when I knew better, and secondly I wouldn't want to be around when he finds out that he was eating dogie biscuits and I knew it, but didn't tell him! :)  :ahhh:  :ph34r:

Good story! :)

I have kept this secret from him for over a decade... the only way he will know is if he reads this post, and lucky for me, he doesn't have internet! LOL

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Originally posted by Justlooking+Nov 12 2005, 03:31 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-begood2@Nov 12 2005, 03:22 AM


Oh no, I can't believe what I just read! That would be funny, but I would have to risk my dad getting mad at me for telling him that he was eating dogie biscuits ... for one thing I wouldn't want my dad to eat such a thing when I knew better, and secondly I wouldn't want to be around when he finds out that he was eating dogie biscuits and I knew it, but didn't tell him! :)  :ahhh:   :ph34r:

Good story! :)

I have kept this secret from him for over a decade... the only way he will know is if he reads this post, and lucky for me, he doesn't have internet! LOL

lol :lol:

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Originally posted by Lindy@Nov 14 2005, 12:20 AM

Justlooking....THAT was another fantastic funny ha ha....

You and Setheus need to team up and publish a book.....heck I think we would all buy at least one copy! :)

Ty so much (takes a bow). Mom keeps telling me to write a book of memoirs lol.

I have many many more that I will post for your reading pleasure.

You hear that Setheus? We are two peas in a pod!!! :sparklygrin:

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Originally posted by Justlooking@Nov 14 2005, 02:23 AM

Oh by the way, I found the website for




so I emailed a copy of this.

After all, I blame FABIO for distracting me  :wub:  while doing the dishes when I should have been babysitting Daddy more closely.

I wonder what he is going to say... and what will come of this... I hope something fun and exciting. :lol:

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