Are You Born Again? Evangelical?


How would you label yourself?  

  1. 1. How would you label yourself?

    • I'm born again and evangelical
    • I'm born again but not evangelical
    • I'm evangelical but not born again
    • I'm neither born again nor evangelical

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The Barna Group reports that, based upon theological questions (not self-identification), 34% of Mormon respondents would have fit the common understanding of being "born again." Yet, only 1% would fit as evangelical. Ironically, my own movement had the highest numbers (77% and 33% respectively), yet also came in quite low.

With your answers feel free to post your own understandings of what it means to be born again and evangelical, and why you answered as you did. You need not be Mormon to answer, as this poll is meant to measure the site participants. Later on, I'll give Barna's criteria for both definitions.

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Guest ToasterOfen

Okay, this is my very limited understanding of it all (I had a difficult time finding the exact definition of what either was) and how it fits me.

I believe I would fit the "born-again but not evangelical" type.

When I was 17 in high school in seminary, there was a special guest, an LDS singer who came that day. One of his questions was "who here is a convert?" Since he was speaking to an LDS High school seminary in Utah, only 1 or 2 raised their hands. He then proceeded to tell us that he was a convert, although he had been baptized at age 8, when most LDS children are baptized and are not considered "converted".

So, most of us were quite confused. If he was baptized at 8, how could he be a convert? He said (in much more eloquent words) that he was converted once he opened up his whole life and spirit to God and let him in. That it was a conscious decision on his part to "convert" to the Lord's way of thinking.

That to me equated to being "born-again". A conscious thought process of giving of yourself and submitting to the Lord's will. Evangelical to me brings to mind the TV preachers, the "Halleluiah! Praise the Lord", give your money to me to further our TV ads, and be over-zealous and obnoxious about sharing the gospel. In my mind Evangelical is more about "saving" and focusing on everyone else, and "born-again" is about being humble and trying to better yourself and be an example through your own conduct, and having a great moment when your heart and soul are opened to God and Jesus Christ, and you let them in.

I had my own "born-again" experience when I went to the Temple for the first time. I was baptized at 8 years old, but hadn't always been active in the church, and had fallen away and rebelled. After having gone through a divorce at 18 and being a single mom for 3 & 1/2 years, I was pretty humbled. I had worked hard, had sacrificed and had cried many, many tears unto the Lord. So, when I was finally able to go to the Temple to be married and sealed to my second husband, I was there with a lot of blood, sweat and tears under my belt. As I entered, I cried and couldn't stop crying...I cried the whole time...I felt the love and tender mercies of the Lord...I had turned my heart and my life over to him, and I was blessed.

I don't call myself "evangelical" because I'm not trying to convert every man, woman and child I come in contact with. I'm trying more to better myself, to better my family, and through my example, if there are some that come unto Christ and convert, then that's great. But I feel if I'm going to tell someone what to do and how to live, I should be doing it first and living that way myself.

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Mosiah Chapter 27 verses

24 For, said he, I have repented of my sins, and have been redeemed of the Lord; behold I am born of the Spirit.

25 And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and dfallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;

26 And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.

Alma 5: 14

14 And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?

Based on that I would say that I believe that I am born again.

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You have to define your terms.

Some Mormons may define "born-again" differently based on what they think your are asking. Some think it is primarily concerned with baptism and others think in terms of becoming a new person in Christ marked ritualistically by baptism.

Likewise evangelical means different things. Ari (LDSgal) obviously thinks you mean missionary work oriented. Others may think:

-marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause. or

-of or pertaining to or in keeping with the Christian gospel especially as in the first 4 books of the New Testament, or

-relating to or being a Christian church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the 4 Gospels; "evangelical Christianity"; "an ultraconservative evangelical message"

Others still might think it applies to those specific denominations springing out of evangelical Protestantism and so would exclude Mormons who are not Prostestant.

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I voted born again non evangelical... cause I know what he means by both terms...

I would think every Mormon who reads the scriptures know what born again means... the book of Mormon is the book of choice when wanting to learn how to be born again...

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Later on, I'll give Barna's criteria for both definitions.

Barna's criteria for what "born again" means will explain why so many of you embrace the term. It applies to those who, "say they have made a personal commitment to Christ that is important in their life today and also say that when they die they know they will go to Heaven only because they have confessed their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their savior.

Once again, by way of contrast 34% of LDS church-goers said yes, 30% in the Episcopal church, and 25% in the Catholic parishes.

Barna's criteria for what "evangelical" means will explain not only why so few of you embrace the term, but why only 33% of Assemblies of God adherents (the largest denomination making up the National Association of Evangelicals, ended up qualifying. He requires an affirmative answer to all of the following: A. The Bible is totally accurate. B. We must tell faith to others. C. Religious faith is important. D. Satan is real. E. Works don't earn heaven. F. Christ was sinless. G. God is the all knowing, all powerful, Creator. and H. Be absolutely committed to Christianity. Barna offered "somewhat agree" "somewhat disagree" responses, but only counted those who answered with "strongly."

Mormons were least likely to agree with the following: Bible is totally accurate (29%) and Works don't earn heaven (15%).

In some ways, Barna's criteria intimated a "crisis of theological ignorance," that he challenged evangelical to tackle. His standards were stricter than mine might have been, but his point is valid. I would encourage anyone who wishes to engage in religious conversation--whether for evangelism or simple dialogue--ought to first be well-versed in their own faith. People get testy when they feel challenged and are not confident of the answers. However, when they are asked pointed questions about topics they know well, reasoned and calm responses are forthcoming. So, if you've been feeling flushed lately by these forums, recall the advice of your teachers, "The three rules for successful students: 1. Study 2. Study 3. Study.

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prisonchaplain, You have to define your terms.

My poll here is about as scientific as a ham & cheese sandwich is kosher. The answers were based on self-identification, not on textbook answers. Partially, my purpose was to see what kind of reaction the labels would bring out. One responder thought of flashy televangelists when she grappled with the word evangelical. That response was actually quite informative to me. The quotation from Mosaiah concerning "born again" was also helpful.

Ironically, by way of historical background, evangelicals were actually birthed out of the fundamentalist movement of the early part of the 20th century. Their purpose was to distance themselves from the perceived argumentativeness and insularity of fundamentalism. From a few of the postings I have read here in the last three weeks or so, it seems that we evangelicals have taken some of that roughness with us.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

The term evangelical has several distinct meanings:

"In its original sense, it means "belonging or related to the Gospel" (Greek: euangelion - good news) of the New Testament.

The term 'evangelical', in a lexical, but less-commonly-used sense, refers to anything implied in the belief that Jesus is the savior. The word comes from the Greek word for 'Gospel' or 'good news': ευαγγελιον evangelion. To be evangelical would then mean to be merely Christian, that is, founded upon, motivated by, acting in agreement with the good news message of the New Testament."

So you see PC.... I thought that evangelical always meant to be of Christ. And yet I know that so many think of it as being Protestant.

So I voted Born Again and Evangelical.... ;)

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Snow@Nov 18 2005, 08:28 PM

Likewise evangelical means different things. Ari (LDSgal) obviously thinks you mean missionary work oriented. Others may think:


I find it extremely interesting that you keep pointing me out specifically in your posts. lol

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That's because I find you and most of your posts annoying Ari. However in this case, your post simply was the best example of the various meanings that people attach to the word evangelical.

If I was in a less generous mood, I would point out that you constantly refer to me in many of your posts including the last one so it makes me laugh to see you complain about me refering to you in my posts. You do that alot Ari. Don't get all hyper sensitive, I am not trying to simply insult you but you do an awful lot of either what you accuse others of - whether that name calling or baiting or misstating.

A simple example, of which there are many... in a thread their was a discussion of amount of useless posting. You quoted somebodies long post and then replied "I, don't banter." What makes that so funny (and if I was in less generous mood I'd say hypocritical) is that your post was nothing more than a classic example of pure banter. Sure - it's possible that you were making a joke - that your posts were your obviously and mostly banter that any denial of such would be deliberately funny... but I don't think so, you don't come across as having that kind of sense of humor.

Likewise, you tell a story that sounds untrue and unfounded, (about, for example Target favoiring homosexuality while denigrating heterosexuality) and when you get called on it, you say 'I don't lie" but your story was obviously malicous and obviously untrue.

Further, you are as antagonistic as any single person on this forum, easily as antagonistic as I am or as Peace or Jason can be. It's obvious. It can't be denied. Everyone notices it. You insult people and call them names - and almost in the same breath, you say that you do not call people names.

Ari - that's just plain weird or bad or wrong.... not your posting per se. I myself am a fan of the arguing and such - but I don't deny what I do and what I say.

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Snow@Nov 19 2005, 12:03 PM

That's because I find you and most of your posts annoying Ari. However in this case, your post simply was the best example of the various meanings that people attach to the word evangelical.

If I was in a less generous mood, I would point out that you constantly refer to me in many of your posts including the last one so it makes me laugh to see you complain about me refering to you in my posts. You do that alot Ari. Don't get all hyper sensitive, I am not trying to simply insult you but you do an awful lot of either what you accuse others of - whether that name calling or baiting or misstating.

A simple example, of which there are many... in a thread their was a discussion of amount of useless posting. You quoted somebodies long post and then replied "I, don't banter." What makes that so funny (and if I was in less generous mood I'd say hypocritical) is that your post was nothing more than a classic example of pure banter. Sure - it's possible that you were making a joke - that your posts were your obviously and mostly banter that any denial of such would be deliberately funny... but I don't think so, you don't come across as having that kind of sense of humor.

Likewise, you tell a story that sounds untrue and unfounded, (about, for example Target favoiring homosexuality while denigrating heterosexuality) and when you get called on it, you say 'I don't lie" but your story was obviously malicous and obviously untrue.

Further, you are as antagonistic as any single person on this forum, easily as antagonistic as I am or as Peace or Jason can be. It's obvious. It can't be denied. Everyone notices it. You insult people and call them names - and almost in the same breath, you say that you do not call people names.

Ari - that's just plain weird or bad or wrong.... not your posting per se. I myself am a fan of the arguing and such - but I don't deny what I do and what I say.


You couldn't be more wrong about me.

Regardless of what you think in regard to my daughter's experience, it happened.

You may misconstrue whatever I say to fit your own needs for argument's sake, which is what you seem to like to do in this forum.

How very sad for those who come here for legitimate purposes, to be maligned by a moderator.

Your unprofessionalism toward ppl, and your attempt to disprove what ppl say (especially me) is very telling, and really qualifies you as an unfair and biased moderator.

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Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 19 2005, 11:01 AM

You couldn't be more wrong about me.

Regardless of what you think in regard to my daughter's experience, it happened.

You may misconstrue whatever I say to fit your own needs for argument's sake, which is what you seem to like to do in this forum.

How very sad for those who come here for legitimate purposes, to be maligned by a moderator.

Your unprofessionalism toward ppl, and your attempt to disprove what ppl say  (especially me) is very telling, and really qualifies you as an unfair and biased moderator.

Your reponse highlights exactly what I find so annoying about you. I made some very specific points. Your response is not to point out any factual erros or illogic but rather to say "You couldn't be more wrong about me." as if that means something. The points I made go unaddressed and so they stand. Now - if you can find a single instance of my miscontruction of what you have said, I would be most interested to see it and of course would apologize immediately.

Note: I have on occasion miscontrued posts to suit my purpose but I don't think you could find a single case of me doing it to you.

I don't doubt that the experience you recounted is what you understood your daughter to tell you. It was the conclusion you drew from it that is bogus. Again Ari- rather than telling me how or why I was wrong, you simply said I was wrong - that means nothing.

How many times have you made a point of telling us that you are an "intelligent woman?" I myself have seen it three times. Maybe you are and maybe you aren't, but 1. when you post rebuttals that consist of "nuh-uh" you don't seem like it and 2. If you are intelligent, Why must you tell us over and over, your posts should speak for themselves.

Further, I am a moderator just because I have been around awhile and have been asked to help out - I clean up duplicate threads, answer people's PMs and try to fix things, like I tried to help you when your username got messed up. Instead of calling me an unbiased moderator - why don't you do what an intelligent woman would do and show how I have been unfair or biased as a moderator. Have I ever done anything to you or anyone else to your knowledge as a moderator that is unfair or biased?

You needn't answer, it was a rhetorical question. I know that you won't be able to come up with a single instance of unfair moderating. Well here - let me predict it... you won't be able to come up with a single instance of unfair moderating from me. Now when my prediction comes true - I will look like a prophet and you will look like a voice talking into the wind.

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Snow@Nov 19 2005, 06:27 PM

Your reponse highlights exactly what I find so annoying about you. I made some very specific points. Your response is not to point out any factual erros or illogic but rather to say "You couldn't be more wrong about me." as if that means something. The points I made go unaddressed and so they stand. Now - if you can find a single instance of my miscontruction of what you have said, I would be most interested to see it and of course would apologize immediately.

Note: I have on occasion miscontrued posts to suit my purpose but I don't think you could find a single case of me doing it to you.

I don't doubt that the experience you recounted is what you understood your daughter to tell you. It was the conclusion you drew from it that is bogus. Again Ari- rather than telling me how or why I was wrong, you simply said I was wrong - that means nothing.

How many times have you made a point of telling us that you are an "intelligent woman?" I myself have seen it three times. Maybe you are and maybe you aren't, but 1. when you post rebuttals that consist of "nuh-uh" you don't seem like it and 2. If you are intelligent, Why must you tell us over and over, your posts should speak for themselves.

Further, I am a moderator just because I have been around awhile and have been asked to help out - I clean up duplicate threads, answer people's PMs and try to fix things, like I tried to help you when your username got messed up. Instead of calling me an unbiased moderator - why don't you do what an intelligent woman would do and show how I have been unfair or biased as a moderator. Have I ever done anything to you or anyone else to your knowledge as a moderator that is unfair or biased?

You needn't answer, it was a rhetorical question. I know that you won't be able to come up with a single instance of unfair moderating. Well here - let me predict it... you won't be able to come up with a single instance of unfair moderating from me. Now when my prediction comes true - I will look like a prophet and you will look like a voice talking into the wind.


First of all, you didn't make points, you made false accusations, which I find extremely annoying about you. I suppose I could prove my point by providing you with my daughter's notarized statement, but you probably wouldn't believe that either. "You couldn't be more wrong about me" means exactly that. I'm sorry for your lack of discernment and distrust.

Since you made no points, but only value judgements, as per your prejudice against me, I need not address anything other than standing up for my own integrity. Since your false accusations are based solely upon your apparent dislike of me, regardless of what I said, I would receive no apology from you.

Note: Everything in regard to your answering my posts are misconstrued, as you attempt to malign and discredit me.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with my memory, or my thought processes, and the story my daughter related is accurate. Why do you take issue with it? My daughter's experience is not bogus. What is bogus is the fact that you have called me a liar. And you are wrong again...which means, you are wrong...again.

I find it very interesting that you keep count of what I say. You'd think after the first time I've said it, you'd get it. I have never used the term, "nuh uh"...that sounds more like something your hero Napoleon Dynamite would say. lol.

What is unfair and biased about you is consistently telling posters that they are wrong...then calling attention to yourself as an expert on every subject presented which you respond to.

But what I really think was over the edge was your discrediting Pres. Benson, and deceiving yourself into thinking that you have "superior intellect" to the prophets. Perhaps you should change your username to Prophet Snow!

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Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 19 2005, 07:54 PM

First of all, you didn't make points, you made false accusations, which I find extremely annoying about you. I suppose I could prove my point by providing you with my daughter's notarized statement, but you probably wouldn't believe that either. "You couldn't be more wrong about me" means exactly that.  I'm sorry for your lack of discernment and distrust.

Since you made no points, but only value judgements, as per your prejudice against me, I need not address anything other than standing up for my own integrity. Since your false accusations are based solely upon your apparent dislike of me, regardless of what I said, I would receive no apology from you.

Note: Everything in regard to your answering my posts are misconstrued, as you attempt to malign and discredit me.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with my memory, or my thought processes, and the story my daughter related is accurate. Why do you take issue with it?  My daughter's experience is not bogus. What is bogus is the fact that you have called me a liar. And you are wrong again...which means, you are wrong...again.

I find it very interesting that you keep count of what I say. You'd think after the first time I've said it, you'd get it. I have never used the term, "nuh uh"...that sounds more like something your hero Napoleon Dynamite would say. lol. 

What is unfair and biased about you is consistently telling posters that they are wrong...then calling attention to yourself as an expert on every subject presented which you respond to. 

But what I really think was over the edge was your discrediting Pres. Benson, and  deceiving yourself into thinking that you have "superior intellect" to the prophets. Perhaps you should change your username to Prophet Snow!

I've never seen anyone with a biger marytr complex than this poster.

Truly Ari, you are the author of more contention on this board than anyone else. And we all know where contention comes from... :ph34r:

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Originally posted by LDSister+Nov 19 2005, 07:54 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Snow@Nov 19 2005, 06:27 PM

Your reponse highlights exactly what I find so annoying about you. I made some very specific points. Your response is not to point out any factual erros or illogic but rather to say "You couldn't be more wrong about me." as if that means something. The points I made go unaddressed and so they stand. Now - if you can find a single instance of my miscontruction of what you have said, I would be most interested to see it and of course would apologize immediately.

Note: I have on occasion miscontrued posts to suit my purpose but I don't think you could find a single case of me doing it to you.

I don't doubt that the experience you recounted is what you understood your daughter to tell you. It was the conclusion you drew from it that is bogus. Again Ari- rather than telling me how or why I was wrong, you simply said I was wrong - that means nothing.

How many times have you made a point of telling us that you are an "intelligent woman?" I myself have seen it three times. Maybe you are and maybe you aren't, but 1. when you post rebuttals that consist of "nuh-uh" you don't seem like it and 2. If you are intelligent, Why must you tell us over and over, your posts should speak for themselves.

Further, I am a moderator just because I have been around awhile and have been asked to help out - I clean up duplicate threads, answer people's PMs and try to fix things, like I tried to help you when your username got messed up. Instead of calling me an unbiased moderator - why don't you do what an intelligent woman would do and show how I have been unfair or biased as a moderator. Have I ever done anything to you or anyone else to your knowledge as a moderator that is unfair or biased?

You needn't answer, it was a rhetorical question. I know that you won't be able to come up with a single instance of unfair moderating. Well here - let me predict it... you won't be able to come up with a single instance of unfair moderating from me. Now when my prediction comes true - I will look like a prophet and you will look like a voice talking into the wind.


First of all, you didn't make points, you made false accusations, which I find extremely annoying about you. I suppose I could prove my point by providing you with my daughter's notarized statement, but you probably wouldn't believe that either. "You couldn't be more wrong about me" means exactly that. I'm sorry for your lack of discernment and distrust.

Since you made no points, but only value judgements, as per your prejudice against me, I need not address anything other than standing up for my own integrity. Since your false accusations are based solely upon your apparent dislike of me, regardless of what I said, I would receive no apology from you.

Note: Everything in regard to your answering my posts are misconstrued, as you attempt to malign and discredit me.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with my memory, or my thought processes, and the story my daughter related is accurate. Why do you take issue with it? My daughter's experience is not bogus. What is bogus is the fact that you have called me a liar. And you are wrong again...which means, you are wrong...again.

I find it very interesting that you keep count of what I say. You'd think after the first time I've said it, you'd get it. I have never used the term, "nuh uh"...that sounds more like something your hero Napoleon Dynamite would say. lol.

What is unfair and biased about you is consistently telling posters that they are wrong...then calling attention to yourself as an expert on every subject presented which you respond to.

But what I really think was over the edge was your discrediting Pres. Benson, and deceiving yourself into thinking that you have "superior intellect" to the prophets. Perhaps you should change your username to Prophet Snow!

I hope the prophet snow doesn't object to my quoting your whole post and not writing an entire epistle beneath it....

I just want to say that I have found your posts both informative and very people oriented. Snow likes to show off what he thinks his superior intellect and other than his great sense of humor and sometimes timely and poinient posts to the anti's who pop in... I find him overly critical which smacks of pride.

Of course he will continue to post as he always does... because he cannot take someone else doing to him what he does to them... which is (I have to actually spell this out since he didn't seem to know what you were talking about unless you wrote an epistle of full disclosure and explanation about each statement you made) being told that his posting method needs modified for the sake of the other people on this forum. I guess, after all is said and done, Snow is what this forum is for... the rest of us... meer knats in his soup... B)

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Ari, Ari, Ari, my dear, dear Ari.

First of all, you didn't make points, you made false accusations, which I find extremely annoying about you.


Point 1: You claim not to banter, but you do. I posted an example.

Point 2: You accuse other of antagonism but you are just as antagonistic as anyone - the point is self evidence and needs no proof, but I can offer 27 examples if necessary.

Point 3: (made earlier) You accuse other’s of name-calling but you yourself are a name-caller. Three examples that I have posted include moron, infiltrator and anti-Mormon.

Point 4: You exhibit a lack of critical thinking though I phrased it more liberally towards you and the example I gave is that you claimed Target (or one Target) promotes homosexuality and suppresses heterosexuality.

I suppose I could prove my point by providing you with my daughter's notarized statement, but you probably wouldn't believe that either.

Wrong - and you’ve missed the point. The point is not that your daughter (and by the way, does she post on this board?) didn’t have a bad experience, my post was that the two examples you mentioned do nothing to support your conclusion. As an “intelligent woman” you should be able to figure this out but I will help you - because I am a helper. Evidence would be something along the line of things that showed 1. systematic or institutional bias against straights (all you showed was two cases of what you think were mistreatment by persons who happen to be gay - which is not the same at all as institutional mistreatment and 2. that there was systematic or institution promotion of homosexuality. You provided neither.

"You couldn't be more wrong about me" means exactly that. I'm sorry for your lack of discernment and distrust.

That’s point number 5. You rebut things by saying “you’re wrong.” Maybe so but the intelligent response would be to show how and why I am wrong.

Since you made no points, but only value judgments, as per your prejudice against me, I need not address anything other than standing up for my own integrity. Since your false accusations are based solely upon your apparent dislike of me, regardless of what I said, I would receive no apology from you.

Wrong again. I made points (see above) and gave examples. Rather than me reposting them a third time, just read above.

Note: Everything in regard to your answering my posts are misconstrued, as you attempt to malign and discredit me.

Maybe (but actually not) but there you go again stating something with absolutely no evidence for it. Ari, what have I misconstrued? Specifically - what have I taken that you have said and how have I changed it to reflect something other than what you meant?

Answer: nothing!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with my memory, or my thought processes, and the story my daughter related is accurate. Why do you take issue with it? My daughter's experience is not bogus. What is bogus is the fact that you have called me a liar. And you are wrong again...which means, you are wrong...again.

Apparently you and reading aren’t in a close relationship. I specifically said that I accept what you think your daughter said to you. I don’t know if it true or not but that is irrelevant. It is not your daughter’s experience that is bogus - it is the conclusion you drew from it. One needn’t be an intelligent woman to understand that.

What is unfair and biased about you is consistently telling posters that they are wrong...then calling attention to yourself as an expert on every subject presented which you respond to.

That’s more a statement about you than about me. I am not an expert on anything really. What I do know is when I know a little or know a lot about something and I generally sense when I know more than the other person I am engaging in a topic. I’ll tell you that you are wrong IF I think I can show that you are wrong. What I avoid doing is saying that someone is wrong and offering no substantiation of it. That would be unintelligent.

But what I really think was over the edge was your discrediting Pres. Benson, and deceiving yourself into thinking that you have "superior intellect" to the prophets. Perhaps you should change your user name to Prophet Snow!

Are you ready for some good-natured, if not wholly inaccurate name-calling?

You are cuckoo. I said nothing about President Benson. You’re just making that up because you are mad or maybe cuckoo, but definitely making it up. I didn’t even think about President Benson when I was posting on the thread. Go back and check .

If you want to disagree with me - fine by all means disagree --- just be honest about it and don’t make stuff up.

Note: so far my prediction is coming true, even you dear Ari, must admit... it was prophetic.

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Guest Member_Deleted

Jason : I've never seen anyone with a biger marytr complex than this poster.

Truly Ari, you are the author of more contention on this board than anyone else. And we all know where contention comes from...

Look in the mirror. -_-

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Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 19 2005, 08:55 PM

:hmmm:  I think i have a much better understanding of Snow! :idea:

i think......maybe.......I'm..... liking......... him more........... and more

(On that day LisaJo's heart started to grow 3 sizes

and she returned to whoville and gave snow back his presents

Now we can all have rost beast) :wow:

:hmmm: I think the roles must be reversed here.... LOL lisajo the grinch? :dontknow:

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Originally posted by Please+Nov 19 2005, 07:03 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-lisajo@Nov 19 2005, 08:55 PM

:hmmm:  I think i have a much better understanding of Snow! :idea:

i think......maybe.......I'm..... liking......... him more........... and more

(On that day LisaJo's heart started to grow 3 sizes

and she returned to whoville and gave snow back his presents

Now we can all have rost beast) :wow:

:hmmm: I think the roles must be reversed here.... LOL lisajo the grinch? :dontknow:

AHHHHHHHHHHH what can i say.....I'm a little green LOL :sparklygrin: Love ya Please :P


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Originally posted by lisajo+Nov 19 2005, 09:05 PM-->

Originally posted by Please@Nov 19 2005, 07:03 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-lisajo@Nov 19 2005, 08:55 PM

:hmmm:  I think i have a much better understanding of Snow! :idea:

i think......maybe.......I'm..... liking......... him more........... and more

(On that day LisaJo's heart started to grow 3 sizes

and she returned to whoville and gave snow back his presents

Now we can all have rost beast) :wow:

:hmmm: I think the roles must be reversed here.... LOL lisajo the grinch? :dontknow:

AHHHHHHHHHHH what can i say.....I'm a little green LOL :sparklygrin: Love ya Please :P


Just for you lisajo! :lol:

Especially for little green things....LOL

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