Catholic to LDS?


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Hello everyone! My name is Jason. I'm from New York (just outside of the city), and have considered conversion to the LDS church for some time (I've had my copy of the Book of Mormon since 2002, though I've only read about 3 pages), and strongly considered conversion less than a year ago. There are many things that I love about the LDS faith, however certain things about my Catholic faith pull me back. I'm here to hopefully dialogue with converts, particularly those that were Catholic, and see how they addressed the issues that I have.

A little about myself: I was baptized Catholic as a child, and was (and still am somewhat) pretty active. I taught 8th grade religion class, was a lector (a lay person that reads from the scriptures at Mass) and a Eucharistic Minister (a lay person that helps the priest and deacon distribute the Eucharist). I went to Georgetown University (a Catholic/Jesuit college), and was part of the Campus Ministry for two years, until other activities began to take up more of my time. I'm pretty well read on all things Catholicism, and still love much about it.

At this point, I think that certain areas of the LDS faith make more sense, and/or are more Biblically based. I have begun to read the latest Biblical scholarship on a number of issues which tend to support more LDS conclusions than traditional Christian conclusions (I recently purchased "The Origins of Biblical Monotheism" and "The Priestly Vision of Genesis I", both by Mark S. Smith, "The Great Angel-A Study of Israel's Second God" by Margaret Barker, and "Exploring Mormon Thought: Of God and Gods" by Blake Ostler). I guess we'll see where all of this leads me!

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wow, you sound realy smart and well read. (i read a lot too, but mostly fiction) but of all those books you listed the most important one to read is the book of mormon. (yeah, iknow the language seems a little off, expecilaly at first) I sugguest speaking with the missonarys. its not unusual to be curios about the church for a long time before converting, I got my first BOM in 2001, and was just baptised this spring. welcome to the site, and remeber we are all just a bunch of ordinary people, everyone has their own opion about something.


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Hi, Jason...

Welcome! I was born and raised Catholic myself and converted to LDS when I was 18. While I was an active Catholic I certainly wasn't as scholarly or well-read as you are. I, did, however, join the church while I was a freshman in college (UCLA) and so it was interesting joining a new faith in the midst of academia. My fellow students came from all religions and backgrounds so we had healthy "scholarly" debates about religion in general all the time.

As you know, there is much literature out there from doctrinal experts and theologians both in support as well as against the LDS faith...and I applaud your endeavor to seek the truth from a purely academic standpoint.

That being said...truly, Jason...what converts a person is the Holy Spirit...and after reading your books...and the end of the day, you must simply just ask God if it's true. Like lydlou said, if you truly want to know if the LDS church is right for you, the most important book to read is the Book of Mormon which is basically another witness of Jesus Christ.

There's a promise in there that all investigators are asked to read and implement: It's Moroni 10:4-5

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

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Welcome. I would imagine changing faiths would be difficult because there is that temptation to catagorize the old ways as wrong or bad. But you don't have to see things this way. Its ok to still love your old faith and appreciate what it taught you or what good it still accomplishes even as you shift or expand your belief system. Even though I have chosen to be LDS, I still find many uplifting ideas and practices from other faiths and people I meet. And I hope that helps to make me into a better person.

Anyway.....Best wishes to you as you sort it all out.

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Welcome. I would imagine changing faiths would be difficult because there is that temptation to catagorize the old ways as wrong or bad. But you don't have to see things this way. Its ok to still love your old faith and appreciate what it taught you or what good it still accomplishes even as you shift or expand your belief system. Even though I have chosen to be LDS, I still find many uplifting ideas and practices from other faiths and people I meet. And I hope that helps to make me into a better person.

Anyway.....Best wishes to you as you sort it all out.

Good point, Miss!

As a devout Catholic turned LDS, I can tell you I love the Catholic faith. It would have been very difficult to learn the truths of Joseph Smith's teachings without having had my Catholic background. I have been blessed to have been raised by my devout Catholic parents. I truly believe that was the path for me - it wouldn't have worked any other way because of the kind of person I am.

And yes, you can only study the scholarly teachings so far. Your intellect alone cannot get you there. Eventually, you will have to come to a point where you seek God spiritually. And this is where the fun begins.

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Hey Jason! Welcome. I was a Catholic for 21 years before I converted to the LDS faith. I'd love to start a dialogue with you if you are interested...I'm sure I know where you are coming from. By the way, I created a video that shows my reason for converting. I hope you can take a few minutes to watch:

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Im new to this are you still there. This is my first time on this. Well I was a catholic as a child and grew up knowing it was not right. Searched for true church and prayed. Got answer through prayer and common sense. Dont know how to answer ur question. I always knew only one church in the world and decided to find out.

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