Which book to read first?

Guest Tungsten

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Actually I suggest the Book of "John".

It is more appropriate for the "Church" age

rather then the transition period.

I focus more on style and approach than when the book was written. Mark is newspaper, John is more sermons with references to events. John teaches, while Mark recounts. So, for a quick overview of who/what/where/why/when/& how, I'd go with Mark.

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Personally I rather enjoy all of the books of scripture. I would start with the Book of Mormon because it is simplest and most straight forward to me. Omaha is right in that in order to understand the scriptures with respect to Judaism, it is best to get the background of the OT. But if you are looking for self applicable life lessons, the BoM is a good starting place.

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Posted Image oh now I'm indecisive...

What you said makes sense mrmarklin, I think I'll read the bible first then. I'm a pretty good reader! :lol:

thanks for all the suggestions guys

The simple fact is this: There is no wrong answer!

The Bible is a fine place to start, but you need to be aware of a few things. I can go through Genesis and Exodus easily and in not much time at all. Leviticus is a killer because it is effectively a play-by-play instruction manual to Levites and Priests on how to sacrifice that and how to perform one ritual or another -- most of which is no longer relevant after the fulfillment of the Law of Moses. You can try to tackle Leviticus, but be prepared to bail out and just skip it.

Judges through Ecclesiastes isn't bad .. though Psalms is so long that I thought I'd never get through it. Song of Solomon seemed like a waste of time to me.

I LOVED Isaiah, but it's probably because I love a challenge. Digging in and understanding what he's saying is challenging, and it doesn't get easier after Isaiah. I would venture to say that Ezekiel is easily the most difficult prophet to read. If you find yourself struggling with Isaiah through Malachi, skip it and go to the New Testament, but don't forget to return to "fight another day." There's immensely valuable teachings in the words of these prophets, but the word-play and imagery is going to be very unfamiliar. To me, Isaiah is the best book in all of scripture. Most will say I'm nuts.

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Read the New Testament first. Like someone else said the BoM is "Another Testament of Jesus Christ." Learn about Christ's mortal ministry first, then read the other stuff. At the very least, read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and THEN read the BoM.

But, the Book of Mormon gives you a better perspective on how to interpret much of what's in the New Testament. :)


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When reading The Lord of the Rings, some say start with the Hobbit. I would suggest starting with the Silmarillion. So it goes with the texts of your faith. Start with the beginning, the middle or the end at your pleasure. If you like chronological order, read them by their publication dates. If you wish to place greater emphasis on the Mormon portions, read the BoM first - after all, there are continual challenges of reading the BoM by such and such a date and by reading it now you will be ahead of that curve.

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When reading The Lord of the Rings, some say start with the Hobbit. I would suggest starting with the Silmarillion. So it goes with the texts of your faith. Start with the beginning, the middle or the end at your pleasure. If you like chronological order, read them by their publication dates. If you wish to place greater emphasis on the Mormon portions, read the BoM first - after all, there are continual challenges of reading the BoM by such and such a date and by reading it now you will be ahead of that curve.

In that respect I recomend starting with Gen, The Book of Moses and the Book of Abraham.

But to round out your reading experence I recomend as I stated earlier.

At first it may seem like random reading but in time it will all start fitting together in such a way as you neve at first thought it would.

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Not long ago our stake conducted a joint relief society and priesthood lesson. The subject was on the scriptures. The teacher asked for a show of hands how many were reading scripture daily, there was quite a few hands raised. Next he saked how many spent 20 or 30 minutes. All was silent for awhile as only 2 or 3 raised thier hand. Of the 99% of members I have talked to about this only the missionairies are doing this. On the average people find the BoM easiest and most interesting to read. It is also a commandment to read scripture daily. Is it that hard to decide what might be best to read? I find it just as hard to get anti mormonists to understand this as I do most members. It's like anything else concerning spiritual things, you have to do it before you can know or experience it. I endured 30 years as a member before realising this amazing scripture reading magic.

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