Mathematical proof that Girls are Evil!


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I call all you men to repentence. You all seem to agree that women are evil. Haven't we been taught to avoid the appearance of evil? Yet you can't seem to resist. There appears to be an inherent flaw in men. You perceive evil yet you can't seem to stay away.

Hey, I didn't say women are evil. I just said I'm confused. Oh well, I'll repent anyway......because you told me to. The "Yes, Dear" method works well in my home. I suppose it will work fine here too.

I'm still confused.

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"Here is your Crown Royal and thanks for coming in"..."oh, by the way, I put a pamphlet in your bag about how families can be together forever and a discount coupon for Whiskey Willi's bloody mary mix for you!...Thanks and come again!"

Ummm.....I'm thinking this may be posted in the wrong thread.......or I'm really, really, really confused. I guess either is equally likely.

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Um... Guys?

If we accept the premise that men and women are equal then:

If a = b and a = c then b = c.

In other words:

If Women = Evil and Women = Men then Men = Evil.

Ah, but according to the Proclamation on the Family, men and women aren't equal...they are equal partners.

Thus, men aren't evil, just partners in evil. Doesn't that make you feel better?

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Hey, all I know is

1+1 is 2, and 2+2 is 4, and 4X3 is 12, there's 12 inches in a foot, a ruler is a foot, Queen Elizabeth was a ruler, Queen Elizabeth was a ship, ships sail the seas, there's fish in the seas, fish have fins, the Fins fought the Reds, cabooses are red.......

That's why little red cabooses are red.

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I was told that

fire engines have footmen

Coaches have footmen

Queen Mary had a coach

Queen Mary is a ship

Ships sit in the ocean

Oceans have fish

Fish have fins

Fins fought the Russians

Russians are red

Fire engines are always 'russian' that's why fire engines are red.

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

Reading gives you more knowledge, knowledge is power, power corrupts, corruption is a crime, and crime doesn't pay... so if you keep reading, you'll go broke.

So go home, everyone. ^_^

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Okay, but if a man is walking alone in a forest and he says he still wrong?

Wouldn't that fall into the category: "If you have to ask you probably shouldn't do it?"

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