Any proof?


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That Christ showed up in South America.Outside of Mormonism?

Proof, no.. (but then if you're asking for absolute proof, that is hard to come by, even when everything is in your favor... heck we still don't have proof black holes and/or neutron stars exist)

Evidence that supports the Christ coming to America theory?


things such as the white god who promised to return myth in ancient central american legends.

Ill have to see if i can find some of my old links in regards to this, but theres some pretty interesting stuff.

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That Christ showed up in South America.Outside of Mormonism?

No. And there's no proof inside Mormonism either. There is some inconclusive evidence supporting elements of the BoM.

In such questions, it's important to consider the difference between proof and evidence. And consider further, the difference between inconclusive and conclusive evidence.

And then it's important to think about the role of faith in religious belief in general. Proof makes faith impossible. Evidence doesn't. (Even conclusive evidence doesn't, because not everyone has the rational toolset to understand when something is conclusive and when it isn't.)


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The "evidence" is a few million people claiming God has told them something, and encouraging you to find out if God will tell you the same thing.

If you won't do that, it's more than likely that nothing else would convince you. And even if it did, and you embraced Mormonism, your empirical knowledge would do you no good since the fundamental purpose of Mormonism is to teach us to walk by faith.

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Evidence...Wouldn't exactly make something true.Would it?

Nope. Of course lack of evidence doesn't mean it isn't, the joys of argumentum ad ignorantum.

Of course I can understand why people are skeptical with a lack of proof and all, and the lack of evidence certainly isn't proof. But primarily the support structure for LDS belief is founded on personal revelation or faith. Same with any other religious beliefs really. There is no proof (physical) that Christ was the Son of God, that Mohammad was a prophet, or that Buddha had a clue. Now obviously I'm biased on which of those three I consider to be true despite the lack of physical evidence, but that is because it isn't based on physical evidence, it's based on personal revelation. *shrug*

You are free to discuss what evidences people feel are present in supporting their belief systems, I'm not telling you to be mum on the subject. But if you are looking for overwhelming physical evidence that Christ visited the Americas it doesn't exist. If you are looking to declare (as opposed to asking honest questions in good faith) that LDS Beliefs are false and attempt to tear down faith you are looking to run afoul of rule #1 of this site.

Just some friendly thoughts.

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Evidence...Wouldn't exactly make something true.Would it?

There are very few things in this world that can undeniably be true. However for everything everyone has to make a judgement on it and accept or deny, modify, or shelve it... and the logical way to influence judgement that is through use of evidence.

If one is to wait for absolute proofs for everything they would not get far in life.

however what is interesting about the book of mormon is that God has brought it forth in a manner that pretty much forces an individual to seek a spiritual answer.

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Fine kick me off.But life goes on!

If you wish to have your account deleted you can request such by using the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.

I was not threatening to kick you off. I was just making you aware of the site rules. If your intentions (and actions) are to follow those rules you are welcome to be here, otherwise there will be problems.

Edited by Dravin
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There are Millions of Christians&Muslims.Some Muslims a Muslims.Would die.For their cause.Should i believe them?

not necessarily.... but if they are all saying something it may be worth doing a good study.

I also caution you - you want to believe something, if you want to stay in the realm of "absolute" truths, and none else you can't believe anything.

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So Joseph Smith.Taught this without Proof?

I know, right? I mean, isn't that wild?

But before you can even talk about Jesus going to South America, heck, where's the proof that Jesus Christ is even the Son of God?

Mind-boggling isn't it?

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