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Dear everyone,

It has come to my attention that some people are walking around with sticks strapped to their hindmosts and are unable to have a sence of humor because laughter causes them great pain.

I do not wish to be the cause of so much suffering so I am going to take a more passive role as an LDSTalk Moderator. I will only reply or respond to reports sent to the mods regarding problem posts etc...

You need no reply to this post for I will not reply to you. I will however remain loyal as a moderator and keep out the riff-raff.


the best option is the silent option

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Nov 29 2005, 09:15 AM

I hope I am wrong but I think I know what it is...The Chatroom.

Setheus wasn't trying to hurt anyone in there. He was making it fun. If I am right is he becomes silent in there it will become VERY BORING.

Yes true....he does make it fun in there when things get a little stressful! ;)

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Originally posted by Setheus@Nov 29 2005, 10:36 AM

Dear everyone,

      It has come to my attention that some people are walking around with sticks strapped to their hindmosts and are unable to have a sence of humor because laughter causes them great pain. 

    I do not wish to be the cause of so much suffering so I am going to take a more passive role as an LDSTalk Moderator.  I will only reply or respond to reports sent to the mods regarding problem posts etc...

    You need no reply to this post for I will not reply to you.  I will however remain loyal as a moderator and keep out the riff-raff.


    the best option is the silent option

What are you doing! You Can't do that! I Forbid It!

Celica has spoken :closedeyes:

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Just saw this thread....and need to add my 2 cents

The chatroom is a haven for a lot of us to come to and relax, enjoy the company of others and to have fun. have been one of the main reasons we can have fun, you of all people know what a stress relief it is to be able to just kick back and goof off for a little while.

I am sorry if there are others who take offense at the playtime we all enjoyed so much, but we shouldn't have to ALL suffer for the few who didn't like our brand of entertainment.

Life is too stressfull NOT to be able to have fun with those we can call friends.

I have met some great people in the chatroom, and we utalize that room quite often ......we MISS the fun that YOU....SETHEUS initiate.

It has everything to do with who you are....not what we want to think you are.

HUMOR is a God given blessing.....don't ever lose it.

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Setheus you shouldn't change just because others want you to or don't like the way you act....please don't...i love coming to the chatroom and you pop in there and you cheer me up if im having a bad day and i know you brighten others days maybe you can just layoff the people who take it too seriously but not the people who love what you do... :)

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solution for changing names.....

1. With permission of user

2. Can not change a name to that of another user ie Setheus to Snow

3. nothing that may offend or embarris ie Viking man to Trojan man.

4. Does not have to contain member name ie Setheus to AwsomeGuy NOT Setheus to AwsomeGuy-Setheus *i just think keeping the real name defeats the purpose*


Thanks LDSTAlk Moderating Team :wow:

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Don't thank me.........Seth went to bat for it, all the moderators talked and this was what we all agreed upon...We work as a team...It wouldn't have been a problem in the first place if certain people wouldnt have complained and went to setheus when they had a problem, instead of heather.

Moderators are getting tired of people pinning us against each other...We are going to be more in tune and aware from here on out....

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