How Did You Come To Your Faith?


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In postmodern society you can argue with someone until you're blue in the face. You figure you've nailed them intellectually, logically, scientifically, and rationally. After several hours of conversation (or dozens of back and forth posts), your spiritual sparing partner throws up his/her hands :dontknow: and says that great conversation-ender (or grave-sign for a string of posts), "Oh well...whatever works FOR YOU."

You've worked so hard to prove that you are right, and the ultimate retort is, "Perhaps you are right...for you anyway." I never consider such encounters a waste. Both the Old and New Testaments declare that anyone who sincerely searches for God will find him. The Scripture also declares that it is powerful, and will not be unfruitful.

Nevertheless, my encouragement to believers with a burning desire to share their faith is to be able to tell their story. How did they become believers, and what difference has God made in their lives.

So, here's my challenge to everyone here, regardless of denominational affiliation. What has brought you to your current state of faith, and what difference has God (or disbelief in God, or disbelief in God's active personal involvement in his creation) made in your life?

My own story is that at the age of 10 people from the local Assemblies of God church came out to our neighborhood with candy and balloons. They passed them out and said if we came to Sunday School we would hear fun stories and get more candy and balloons. So, my friend, who was older and bigger than me, dragged me to Sunday School so he would win a free candybar. He got his chocolate, and I received the gospel. The teacher explained to us that God loved us so much that he sent his one and only Son, Jesus, to die for our sins. If we would believe in him, and confess our sins, he would forgive our sins, and help us to be good boys and girls, and to some day go to heaven. So, in November 1974 I prayed, and became born again.

What difference has God made in my life? He got me through my adolescent years without drugs, alcohol, premature sexual relationships, depression. This despite growing up in a nonChristian non-churched home. My senior year five of my classmates died. Three from alcohol related traffic accidents, two from suicides. One person very close to me growing up committed suicide in his mid-twenties. Another friend was on his third marriage by mid-twenties. Another friend ended up deep into the Jehovah's Witnesses, and his brother ended up in and out of jail, disappearing from his family for months at a time.

My story then, the one I share with the prison inmates, is that God called me to minister to them this simple message--that they can return to their homes and their neighborhoods, and not reenter the life that got them locked up. Hey, if God can protect a 10-year old kid, he can sure protect an adult convert.

That's my initial testimony. Let's hear yours.

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Originally posted by prisonchaplain@Dec 2 2005, 11:52 PM

Another friend ended up deep into the Jehovah's Witnesses....

Tell me Chap, what right do you have to insult the Jehovah's Witnesses? Especially considering that it's your church whose membership is best know for talking jibberish and rolling on the floor like the mentally insane?

Do you pass out helmet's before services? Have you padded the walls and pews?

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Jason quotes me saying Another friend ended up deep into the Jehovah's Witnesses

Jason says: Tell me Chap, what right do you have to insult the Jehovah's Witnesses?

:dontknow: Jason, I'm not sure what's got you turned upside down and looking backwards on this response. I was pointing out that many of those around me ended up in vastly different paths. In fact a fuller quote would have shown that I contrasted this fellow who ended up in JWs with his brother who ended up in jail.

Jason says: Especially considering that it's your church whose membership is best know for talking jibberish and rolling on the floor like the mentally insane?

Do you pass out helmet's before services? Have you padded the walls and pews?

I'm not sure if you're under deep conviction here, and that's what's causing your allergic irrational spasm to my simple story, or maybe you're just feeling awnry today.

Maybe I should bring out the snakes and find out if you've got any Holy Ghost in ya or not? :ph34r::sparklygrin:

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The way you pointed out the JW's made them sould like some kind of bizarre satanic cult. Perhaps I could remind you of the rules of LDSTALK against bashing specific religious beliefs?

Not that my post was any better....I tend to respond in kind.

And I loved Robert Duvall's "Holy Ghost Power" comments. Great flick.

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Well I was raised Roman Catholic. Wasn't forced to attend church on a regular basis, although my older sister and brother were both in the Choir at times, so we used to go along for that occasionally. I was the most 'spiritual' of the 3 of us, and so began to attend church myself more often when I was around 11. I also went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes because I have a heart condition, must admit I didn't really believe I would be cured, but then it was a freebie for me and my friend who had Cystic Fibrosis (we were 10 at the time), so we weren't gonna argue!! LOL. Unfortunately she died at 21. My heart condition stayed around too, and I've now got an artificial aortic valve that's keeping me alive and well...

When I was around 12/13 I started to look more closely into the LDS faith, firstly because I was an Osmonds fan and they used to write regularly about their religion in their magazines...but beyond the 'fan worship', I liked what I read about their religion and attitude to families...mine was in a dire state at that time, my dad drank lots and beat my mum, so I was really pulled into the church by the hopes of finding a family of my own...when married, that would be better than my existing one. I attended the LDS church from 78 till 82 but 'grew up' and out of it by that time, having met boyfriends out of the church and broken a few WoW...I also began to question some of their beliefs now I was actually amongst the congregation. I stopped attending in 82, and thought about returning in 2001, when my life was pretty rock bottom, drinking too much and trying to commit suicide...I took a few lessons then decided it wasn't going to be 'the one' for me afterall...too many doubts about doctrines etc.

I still love the years I attended the church, it got me thru some hard times at home and I made plenty of good friends. Unfortunately I'm not in touch with any of them now, but have been told I would be welcomed back if I ever wanted to visit. I learned how to treat friends/family and strangers well, and with consideration whilst attending the LDS church...also how to be humble enough to say sorry! These are the things that I've taken away from the church and continued, I hope, to apply in my own life...people say I'm very diplomatic :)

I don't have a strong belief in any sort of God or the existence of Jesus as more than a good person, or perhaps a mythical figure created to teach us how to love one another more 'dearly' (George Harrison!), but I acknowledge that many of the teachings contained in the Bible are good morally and ought to be followed, as much as is relevant to the times in which we are now living...

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Jason, why don't you just tell us your story? How did you come to your current place of faith/philosophy? How has AMWAY made a change in your life (rofl)? Seriously, we all know that there are some compelling reasons not to affiliate with organized religions. So, how has your journey away from them helped you?

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Thanks PC and Pushka for your testimonies....

as an aside....I didn't think that the reference to the JW's was meant as a slur, I know I didn't take it as such.

PC~ I grew up knowing in my heart that there was God, and his Son Jesus Christ, and something called the Holy Ghost. I remember my dad taking me to the Methodist church when we lived in California.....when we moved to Oregon, he encouraged me to keep going to church. And as a pre-teen, I started going with my step brothers at first....but then they both decided they didn't believe in anything religious, so they stopped going. I was the only one in the family to keep going to church also.

All my teen age years, I had questions about God and the GodHead, and I searched for the answers in a lot of different churches. Couldn't find the answers, I wanted so badly.

Edited with post being continued..... Got married in my teens, went totally inactive from any church for a while.....but I always kept the light of Christ in my life...never could turn my back on Him.....well,.then it came to a point when I knew I needed to take my children to a church..any church to help build on what I had told them about God and Jesus Christ. So, the search continued.....

I found the answers I was looking for when the missionaries came over for the first discussion ( I wasn't really expecting much- just going to listen to them to pacify a friend of my ex's) That first discussion turned into an (over) 4 hour discussion...I wouldn't let them leave!

We were baptized shortly there after, But, my ex couldn't handle the rules and regs of the he left.... I stayed with what I had searched for all my life.

When it has come to a choice between my faith and a good man... well, I'm still single and LDS..that must say something...LOL

God has protected me, countless amounts of times...has given me strength in life to overcome anything thrown in my path; He has blessed me with patience and understanding (for most people and things)- And I have the Spirit to guide me.

I had the opportunity to increase my understanding of what Christ went through for us, and I know that partaking of the Sacrament means so much more to me than it ever did, and with that increased knowledge came a rock solid testimony of what is true and right for and in my life.

And with that testimony comes the peace I have in my life..and it's a great feeling.


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Kick version....

I attended a Baptist church on my own (no parental involvement) until about age 13. I asked the questions along the lines of "what about the dinosaurs" and the answers didn't work very well. I then spent the next 25 years pretty much an agnostic. Then I tried the LDS religion a few years back (hence how I am on this board).... my last attempt at things religious. Different questions... but similar answers..... that didn't work very well.

Always a skeptic I am done with religion.... other than talking about it and occasionally doing battle with it on boards, or politically speaking, depending on the circumstances or issues. As far as how I am now, versus my last attempt at religion.... pretty much the same. The time with this religion didn't hurt me, and it didn't make me any better. It was just an interesting experiece.

So, these days I am entirely secular. In a secular house. Raising what will probably be a secular child (religious wise I'd call her a diest at the moment).... or another godless heathen like dear ol' dad. :lol:

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When i was working at the school running the kitchen there, we had a sub who was from assemb. of god church here in town, I never told her what relgion i was , but one day some one told her to make sure she called the bishop at the Mormon church for a christmas caroling thing they wanted to do with all the relgions, She not knowing what LDS people believed said some stange stuff to us Like Mormons don't like music , and other oddities, OK i said nothing to her becase i did not want a confrontation, well she helped on and off there for some time....We talked alot about her church and she was a great lady, then one morning she came in early, I had a habit of starting out my day with Hyms i have on CD, she knew the song playing and said to me, Lisa i did not know you were Christian, I said to her Yes I am, I am Mormon, her face went red and she looked at me and said, I have to appologies to you for all the things i have said about Mormons to you...If i had of Known..........Well we talked, She learned alittle More about Mormons that day, and now she is one of my greatest friends, I have learned a lesson from this.......Never assume what a person belives, for i also assumed what her religon was ...we were both in the dark ..........Now i understand more and i will never tell a person what they believe in for i don't have that right, I think that knowledge of all relgions and their beliefs are important, ;)

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How did I come to believe in Jesus Christ?

My parents taught me to believe in Jesus Christ as they believed in Him when I was very young, and as I grew older I also came to believe in Jesus Christ as my parents believed in Him until I later came to believe in Jesus Christ based on my own experiences with Him. Or in other words, I first believed what other people told me until I attained my personal Faith in Him.

And btw, to understand how my parents believed in Jesus Christ, it might help you to know that my parents were both members of a church called the “Church of Christ”, and they were also raised by their parents who were members of that church. And they were also very “active” and familiar with the teachings of that church, my Dad and Granddad both having been preachers or “ministers” for that church.

What has brought me to my current state of faith?

Generally, I have been brought to my current state of faith by receiving and accepting Faith from God concerning all of the things I have been told, line upon line, and precept upon precept.

Or in other words, I was given the Faith I now have after receiving and accepting the Faith I was given concerning all of the things I had received or heard.

And btw, I define “faith” as an assurance, and I use a capital “F” to refer to an assurance from God.

(p.s. I didn't interpret this question to mean that you were asking how I came become a member of the Church, 16 years ago.)

What difference has God made in my life?

I believe God is the source of all the good things in our lives, and by having God in my life, I believe I have access to all the good things that are available, as God helps me to know what is good and then helps me to know how to attain those things.

Or in other words, if I did not have God in my life before, and if I did not have God in my life now, I would be “lost” in this world, not having or not knowing how to have many of the good things that are available in life.

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For me it all started when I decided to go on a mission at 19. At 20 I sent in my papers and was called to the OHIO-Cincinatti mission. I was in the MTC Jan. 14 of 2004. I was feeling good, loving the MTC, trying to love some of the guys going to Cincy with me and getting the itch to get out and start proselyting. Unfortunately, I am manic(and hadn't yet figured it out), and it came on full tilt right before Feb. 1st. It was a friday, and I had talked to a counselor about my anxiety and depression that I was experiencing, so he got me on some temporary medication for the weekend. That next monday I was called into the office at the middle of lunch and told I was going home and I had two hours to pack and get on the shuttle headed for SLC. So I got sent home and was really down, for a good few months.

Then the counselor I was seeing just happened to be LDS and was called to be the branch president of a branch about a half hour away from my house(in Lakewood, Washington about 10 minutes from Tacoma). He told me it was small and the church was going to dissolve it if it didn't make it, so this was it's last chance. Well, I accepted the call(along with my sister as well, my irish twin) to go and help build up the branch and get it going. The first sunday that I walked into the chapel I saw 6 Young Adults. That's it. However, through much hard work, those of us who started out as the originals of that branch developed a bond like that of a close-knit family. Within 6 months we were above 50 members and by a year it had leveled off at about 88 members. Not to mention that 75-80 percent of our "sacrament meeting attendance" also attended FHE, Institute, and all other activities provided by the branch. Then the call came from my homeward bishop to return to my mission, but this time in the Temple. So I did. When I first got to Bellevue and started working at the Temple things were going well. Then medication troubles set in and by my 6 month mark in through my 8th month I was at my "Gordon B Hinckley moment". I didn't feel useful, like I was becoming anything, and that it was a waste of money to have me here. I just wanted to quit.

However, my homeward bishop sat me down and got me to focus. That is when I started doing ordinance work in the Temple and since then I have found the extra energy I have needed to make it through my trials. I will also be returning to the Bridgeport Branch, and instead of just saving the ward from dissolving I feel a great desire to labor in making it a ward.

So that is my story, there is more to it than that, but I don't think anyone really wants to read a novel online. I'm just glad I have experienced what I did, because now I will never be able to deny what I know to be true. This Church, my God, the Lord and Savior even Jesus the Christ, his Holy House, those wonderful and sacred Temples in which we bring families together forever to live with our Heavenly Father in happiness that is never ending. The spirit of that temple hones and refines me, and slowly but surely uproots the natural man within my being and brings me closer to that Christ-like submission to the divine nature of which I so humbly wish to attain. That is my witness. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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Guest ToasterOfen

I started to tell my story, but it became a novel, so I deleted it, tried again to make it short and sweet, and failed miserably. It was still long, and I felt embarrassed about how long it was, so I moved it to my blog : How I gained my faith and testimony

***I think I messed up my blog, it isn't working. If it doesn't work by the time I go to bed tonight, I'll post the whole thing here.***

That is my testimony, born out of the flames of the wasn't easy to come by, and there are days I still struggle, but I don't doubt that God and Jesus Christ are there for me.

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Guest ToasterOfen

For the time being until I can figure out what is going on with my blog, my faith journey will be posted here. Again, sorry it is so long, but that's the story.


To begin with: I was born LDS, baptized at 8. Family screwed up, emotionally and psychologically abusive. Was molested and raped by non-family members. Parents divorced at 14, bounced around a lot. Lost faith... Mom's boyfriend tried to rape me; mom didn't believe me and didn't really care. Felt betrayed by her and alone in the world. I turned to alcohol and "cutting" to make the pain stop. Had a couple of suicide attempts.

I was manipulated into going back to live with mom...I tried to make the best of the situation--I start going back to church, change my friends, stop the boozing, start reading the scriptures and praying multiple times a day. Mom rips the rug out from underneath me again...she remarries 3 months after I moved back with her. Her husband is a jerk; emotional abuse continues and gets worse.

I was dating an LDS convert of a year, thought he was my knight in shining armor. We think we are in love, he wants out of his house, I want out of mine, so we get married when I'm only 17.He starts emotionally abusing me within one month of being married, turns to physical abuse. I stay because I think I'm in love, and if I'm a good enough wife, he will love me and will stop hitting me. Besides, I have nowhere else to go. He goes to jail for abuse, I take him back, and find out I'm pregnant.

It was during my pregnancy that I really started wanting and needing the companionship of the Savior. The physical abuse continued, and the emotional abuse was brutal. I wanted to make my marriage work, but I couldn't do anything when he didn't want it to work. He didn't want the baby...I couldn't give the baby up...He would play mental games with me, telling me he wanted a divorce daily, but then when I would tell him "okay, let's get divorced" he would tell me he was only joking. (My stomach is tightening, I am feeling nauseous...the abuse still hurts.) The only thing I could do during that time was turn to my Father in Heaven. He was the ONLY one there for me...He listened to me, He carried me through.

After enduring more abuse, it was finally time for the baby to come. Labor and delivery was horrible, physically, but more so emotionally because my husband was there, but didn't care...(I was in excruciating labor, and he didn't care. He wouldn't take me to the hospital, and kicked me out to the couch because I was being too "loud". I finally called my mom to meet me at the hospital. He told me to drive there myself, and then he'd come up when the baby was ready. I told him if that happened, I wouldn't call him, so he took me, but degraded me the whole way to the hospital. Then, he just stood in the corner watching the whole time.) After enduring more abuse, we filed for divorce when the baby was 4 weeks old. I couldn't make this child live like this, so that was the end.

Being a divorced single mother at 18 stinks. But it was better than the abuse. And my son was my angel. Some of my most spiritual moments happened while I was nursing my newborn son, crying my eyes out because I was at my lowest point. But my son gave me hope, and the Lord helped me through it and He strengthened me.

During this time I came to know The Comforter-the Holy Ghost, on an intimate level. I relied on his guidance and presence to help me. I came to know Jesus Christ as my Savior and best friend...My older brother who had given His life for me, and that He was there with me, bearing my burdens. And my Father in Heaven, my father...who loved me and cared about me because I was His daughter...

When my son was 1 and 1/2 years old, I met an incredible man, who, a little over 2 years later became my husband. He had the light of Christ in him, he was LDS and was everything I could hope for. He loved me...and he loved my son. Not an easy thing for a returned missionary of a year to swallow and accept, but he did.

We married in the temple (one of the most incredible experiences of my life) and had another son, then a daughter. My mom was making my life a living you-know-what and my ex-husband was too. I had slipped down into a very deep depression (postpartum depression was at play too) and was having horrible anxiety and panic attacks. I couldn't go on anymore...and I truly believed everyone would be better off if I were gone.

Then, one day, out of the blue, my husband calls and tells me to check my I check it. And there, in front of me is a letter to my husband from my ex telling us that the time had come for my husband to adopt my first-born son and have him sealed to us. All I could do was scream...words escaped me. Needless to say, we worked as quickly as the legal system would let us, and had him adopted, then sealed to us in the Temple (that topped getting married in the temple, to actually have my baby-boy [he was six at the time] sealed to was incredible.)

Four months later, I was pregnant again, and would find out later that is was twins, a boy and a girl (another great miracle and faith building experience for me/us).When the twins were 1 and 1/2, I was struggling emotionally again, severely and was back to feeling I couldn't go any further. The emotional pain from the past was too much to bear, my mom was making things difficult (seems to be a recurring theme) and I didn't like myself. (I've hated myself for as long as I can remember...)

I wasn't doing well, was really struggling, and had asked Heavenly Father for help...I was in desperate need. Without you getting into my head, I can't begin to describe to you where I was mentally and emotionally before this prayer, but I was desperate, I wanted life to be over. I felt I was a failure at everything, and that I was a horrible wife and mother. I was yelling all the time, and was then taking it out on myself later. But I couldn't desert these innocent children, so I prayed.

And continued. A couple of weeks later I realized that I was still here, that I wasn't yelling, that I was actually semi enjoying life. For me, it was a miracle.I cried, and cried! For the first time, I shared with my husband what I had been going through over those couple of months. I hadn't shared because I really wanted to end it, and I didn't want to seem weak. I shared with him the pain, the anguish, the rage, the self-hate...I asked him to give me a priesthood blessing. I needed to feel my Savior; I needed to feel my Father in Heaven.

He laid his hands on my head, and began the blessing. I have received powerful blessings before, but nothing like this...a warmth filled my entire body...and I remember the feelings I felt more than the actual words spoken. (I'm not going to share it is too sacred and special to me) but I actually felt Heavenly Father envelope me in His arms. And for the first time in my life, I felt that I had a parent that truly and unconditionally loved me. I had been deprived of soooo much growing up, having little or no parental love and support...and finally here, I had God showing me and telling me how much he loved me.

Since then, I haven't doubted about whether Heavenly Father loves me, whether Jesus is my Savior...I know now. I can't give you "physical proof", for there is none, except to say that they, God and Jesus Christ, saved me. I felt them; I know they are there. I just know...I have literally and physically felt their presence, and I can never deny that. I also don't despise myself. Over the last 2 years, I have actually started to kinda like myself. Honestly, that is a miracle.

On a thread at LDS Talk, the question was raised: what if the Mormon church isn't true? Someone responded that it doesn't matter because our faith and allegiance are with Jesus Christ. That is how I feel. I feel the LDS church represents my views of what I believe and what I personally know God and Jesus Christ to be. I have a deep, personal relationship with my Savior and Heavenly Father.

This is my testimony, born out of the flames of the wasn't easy to come by, and there are days I still struggle, but I don't doubt that They are there for me.

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