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Saw this on news tonight Ben. Very sad. I hope that people realize just how dangerous it is to give their information out or meet people from online. So many stories out there and so many dangerous people just lurking for someone that will believe them and take a chance... It is not worth it.

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Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Dec 8 2005, 10:32 PM

Why did the woman go to the house in the first place and spend time alone with a man she didn't know?

[Good question Dis... She really wasn't using much common sense in my book.

It was a good plan to have conditions.....but I think wanting him to pick her up at her home....was a reallly bad idea to begin with. Especially if there were children around.

And your right...time alone in a house?

Open spaces and lots of people around!

Common Sense People!

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It's not just an online thing. People get in cars or go into secluded areas with people they meet at the mall, etc. It's always best to be a bit paranoid rather than meeting up with a real-life "American Psycho" and being stuck with them alone (that goes for both males and females).

As the young people say, "True that!" I just read a story in our local paper of a young woman (early 20s) who got into a man's car, that offered her a ride. He raped her at gunpoint. All this less than a mile from my house :excl: All the same questions came up: why did she get in the car? Had they chatted beforehand?

I've got a house full of girls, and this stuff gets my protective genes activated. Mother tells them, "Every man is a wolf!" Some day when they're older, one will ask, "What about daddy?" She'll probably wink, and say, "ESPECIALLY your daddy!"

Guard your hearts, minds, and bodies gentle souls. We're to be innocent as lambs, but also as wise as serpents.

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