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Well im getting pretty close to graduating, and not a hundred percent sure what i wana do with the rest of my life.

Well I know i wana go to college, the probelm is im not sure i can handle it. I struggled with math through my high school years (due to a head injury). So ill have to start at a community college due to my GPA being pretty poorly. I was think of going in to a career with Dental, or political science (big interest with me) But im not sure what type of job political sciene could get me. Also i just dont plain see me settleing down with someone im just not that social outside of my friend.

Any advice?


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Either pick a college and go with an "undeclared" major while you figure out what it is you want to do, or find something else proactive to do before school like joining the military or the peace corp. It may also be a good idea to start off getting some vocational training (you can finish this in one to two years) so that you have the skills for a good job while you're going to college.

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I vote for the peace corps. What a fantastic organization to belong to, and you can help people in other parts of the world. It is very character shaping and life affirming. I struggle with math too, went to university anyway, owe far more money than i can ever pay back, and could not master the one course i needed to graduate, statistical methodology. The peace corps can lead you in many wonderful directions.

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It should be noted to join the peace corps you need a degree, or experience

Associate Degree Eligibility | College Students | Who Volunteers? | About the Peace Corps | Peace Corps


Do I need a college degree?

Opportunities are available for those with a combination of job experience and education, though some opportunities require a four-year degree. Opportunities for community college students are also available. Click here for more info.

The purpose of the peace corps is to get skilled people to volunteer and help the less fortune, not to help the unskilled less fortunate volunteer to gain skills

Edited by hordak
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It should be noted to join the peace corps you need a degree, or experience

Associate Degree Eligibility | College Students | Who Volunteers? | About the Peace Corps | Peace Corps

The purpose of the peace corps is to get skilled people to volunteer and help the less fortune, not to help the unskilled less fortunate volunteer to gain skills

AmeriCorps sounds a little more lenient on requirements, but still not completely free. My sister-in-law had a great experience in AmeriCorps, and I don't think she had even an Associate's Degree when she joined.

What skills do I need to have?

Some programs have specific skill requests in certain areas, and others look for a bachelor's degree or a few years of related volunteer/job experience. For others, your motivation and commitment may be the primary requirement.

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If you suffer from effects of a TBI, I wouldn't recommend dentistry or anything else that requires you to use heavy or precise machinery, especially around people's mouths.

I think alot of my problems were due to my TBI, but no physical damage was done to my brain. Its left me with depression years after my accident (which i think has cause my math troubles because i was an ace before my head injury in math), im on medicine but still not back to 100%.

Also military and peace corp. is something im sure i wouldnt really enjoy.

Anyone else had a Traumatic brain injury, i would like to discuss somthings with you if you wouldnt mind.


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Join the military. Pack a gun, see the world, figure out what you're good at.

IF you take this "advice" I suggest you join either the Air Force or Navy. Otherwise "seeing the world" will mean ONLY seeing the middle east or some other far off H*** Hole. The Navy still hits port in some cool places to and from the war zones. Air Force can get you stationed in some place OTHER than Korea or Mid East.

Remember there is a saying when choosing the job you will do in the military... "Choose your rate choose your fate"

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If you are unsure of what you want to do then I would recommend starting at a community college and take a variety of different classes for a semester to see what you enjoy. There is no reason on wasting you or your parents money if you are not sure what you want to major it. Community college is much cheaper and you might be able to make new friends while maintaining the friendships you have now. My husband decided that collage was not for him and decided not to return after a few semesters which wasted his time and his parents money. I will go against the grain and say that college is not for everyone. I personally attend a local community college and I love it. While my husband and I will never be rich because of his decision not to attend college I will say he has a well paying job that he LOVES!!! I do not think it is unusual for you not to know what you want to do at eighteen. Have you considered going on a mission?

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If you are unsure of what you want to do then I would recommend starting at a community college and take a variety of different classes for a semester to see what you enjoy.

This. I never would have guessed I'd be interested in a possible future in geology, but I'm taking a geology class right now and I'm digging it. :) They're introductory classes for a reason, take some (you'll need some general education requirements anyway) and be introduced, hopefully you'll find something you like.

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IF you take this "advice" I suggest you join either the Air Force or Navy. Otherwise "seeing the world" will mean ONLY seeing the middle east or some other far off H*** Hole. The Navy still hits port in some cool places to and from the war zones. Air Force can get you stationed in some place OTHER than Korea or Mid East.

Remember there is a saying when choosing the job you will do in the military... "Choose your rate choose your fate"


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The Navy still hits port in some cool places to and from the war zones.

Not always a guarantee. I went to high school with a guy in San Diego. Joined the Navy to see the world and was assigned as hospital corpsman at the hospital in San Diego. Spent his 4 year enlistment in his home town.

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Might sound crazy, but write down things you really like doing and write a list of what you really hate. Take the list and start looking on-line at all the job websites. It might give you some very interesting job choices you may have never thought of. With your brain injury, would you qualify for

Voc Rehab? It may be a way to pay for some of the costs of educating yourself. Good luck and best wishes.

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