Going To Places Of Amusement On Christmas Day


Would you go to a place of amusement on christmas day.  

  1. 1. Would you go to a place of amusement on christmas day.

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I know some people that treat Christmas like the sabbath. Had companion that wouldnt stop at convenient store for that reason. Played football that morning though. Those stores are open.

Christmas falls on sunday this year so that wont be an issue. However when it doesnt fall on sunday would you go to a place of amusement bowling alley skating rink, movie. I see no problem with it. I know some people that ski that day and people dont like working there. Businesses that open on christmas make that choice too and when people take those jobs they know that it requires christmas work when they apply. It is nice to spend the day iwth your family and Christmas is on a sunday this year. But I see no problem with patronizing a place of amusement on a weekday christmas day. It is a legal holiday not a holy day.

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When it is not on Sunday, I have no problem with going to a movie or doing something together as a family. For me, Christmas is a time for many things, one of which is being with family.

I also think one of the main goals in our lives should be making everyday Christmas, atleast in the spirit in which we spend it. That means giving and doing for others in ways that we are able, remembering our Savior and all that he has done and continues to do for us, and being close to our family. We are on this earth to learn how to love, and every day should be spent doing it. Which means, loving our fellowman or neighbor, our Lord, and our family.

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personally, christmas day is never a big amusement day to our family. it is the simple opening of presents, reenactment of the nativity, singing christmas songs, caroling, and then going to relatives for a big feast and white elephant. no matter how boring this sounds, it is very fun and very spiritual.

i think now that christmas is on a sunday, more people will see it as a way of worshipping. i honestly love christmas on sunday because we get to hear great things in sacrament meeting. and yes, this is coming from a 14-year-old.

ironic to the world's view of christmas, i think that it is the one day of the year in my family where we are not greedy at all, only thankful and giving and loving. jesus is never forgotten and we finish the day with the spirit so strongly within us that its almost like the day we get baptised - we want the feeling to last forever and we want to never sin again.

its a close, spiritual, fun christmas for all of us.

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Originally posted by dontagreeljefe@Dec 17 2005, 11:00 PM

I know some people that treat Christmas like the sabbath.

Since I do not believe Mormons nor Pentecostals are strict sabbatarians, I would not see an issue with enjoying some family entertainment on Christmas Day. However, if a service is offered in your house of worship, I would think that "the reason for the season" would take precedence over, say a movie--even the Chronicles of Narnia, or Passion of the Christ. ;)

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You know every year my husband sit down and say OK what is left 24th.

Food (milk)


Even dog food and all those things you end up running to the corner store for last minute.

If more people thought ahead there would not be others strong-armed in to working on holidays.

When we lived in Nova Scotia all stores but for corner stores and drug stores were closed on Sundays.

I always worried about what a temptation it would be once we moved to another province.

It has turned out to be just that a temptation.

I am glade others make your day of servitude happier.

I choose to let others stay home with their families.

PS Passion of the Christ. Oh yah once was enough for me, I loved being hysterical in public.

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Guest sugarbay

Yikes, how emotional is this subject. It is a celebration. There is nothing wrong with going out and enjoying the day. I amsure Father doesn't mind his children enjoying the things they got for Christmas, visiting friends and enjoying the feast and fellowship of his children. On the Sabbath, that changes, of course. We are commanded to keep the sabbath holy. There is no other way to look at that. But Christmas itself is a celebration. We don't even celebrate the correct date so insert those batteries and play! I usually spend itwith friends that have a home near Yellowstone so we go play there. If we are goin to treat it asthe Sabbath then forgetthe feast and all that goes with the Sabbath. I can't wait for the Easter Bunny discussion. Meantime, I can't wait for B) Santa!

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I don't class myself as a 'true believer' anymore, so I don't set Christmas Day as different just because of Jesus Christ, however I do see it as a special 'family' day...unfortunately, since I divorced in '98, I have to split my time with my children between me and my ex, so we each have the children with us for half a day!! When it's their dad's turn to have the children stay with him me and the children have our Christmas meal on Christmas Eve, and I have my Christmas meal with my best friend who lives one street away from me on Christmas Day.

I always try to have Christmas music, religious and non-religious, and yes, I still enjoy watching movies about the birth of Jesus and such, at Easter too...whether I'm sure I believe in him or not, those stories are very, very moving...

I don't make any plans to go out anywhere on either Christmas Day or Good Friday, except to visit family or my best friend's house if my children are not with me. However, I don't have any objection to my children visiting their friends' houses on either of those days. We don't usually make any arrangements to go to the cinema or anything, I find that really strange!! LOL.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Most "places of amusement" tend to be closed on Christmas Day...but I guess movie theaters are open (I think?)...

I think the day should be spent with family...but not necessarily at home, so if the family wants to go to a movie or somewhere "fun", I don't see a problem with it.

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