House Passes Health Care Reform


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Countries that have done this in the past ended up experiencing one of two events: 1. they suffer hyper-inflation (imagine the dollar declining by 200% or more in one year), and/or 2. the country collapses and breaks up into smaller governments (i.e.; Soviet Union went bankrupt and broke into smaller pieces).

So, what will you have? A loaf of bread for $20? Or the Divided Nation-States of America?

Interesting note: Russia has started taking very seriously the idea that the US would disintegrate.

As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S. -

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Preventive medicine is better as I see it,bankrupting a family in the name of Capital

for medical research is not a good choice. I have seen this over and over again all my life;

its about time, Yay. I just wish my dad who worked him self to death (for us) not having ;

any preventive care that would have extended his life could see this monumental law.

And yes your right about one thing,it most likely fail,because so many want it to.

What ever became of the principal..this is what we have to work with,lets make it work.

Instead of every time we just talk it to death..both parties are failing us because all;

they want is to out do the other.

Edited by teddyk
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Preventive medicine is better as I see it,bankrupting a family in the name of Capital

for medical research is not a good choice. I have seen this over and over again all my life;

its about time, Yay. I just wish my dad who worked him self to death (for us) not having ;

any preventive care that would have extended his life could see this monumental law.

And yes your right about one thing,it most likely fail,because so many want it to.

What ever became of the principal..this is what we have to work with,lets make it work.

Instead of every time we just talk it to death..both parties are failing us because all;

they want is to out do the other.

What is preventing YOU from purchasing health insurance for yourself today? Why do you need the government to FORCE you to purchase it under threat of financial penalty? You do realize...don't you, that health insurance mainly covers loss for catastrophic illness. You still have to pay in order to see a Dr. and for tests and for drugs?

This bill is a sham. It is a huge tax increase for good ole' Uncle Sam. It is a HUGE unfunded and unfundable entitlement program. Of course, people who look to the government for their needs could care less what impact it will ultimately have on the economy and to future generations of Americans.

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Interesting note: Russia has started taking very seriously the idea that the US would disintegrate.

As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S. -

The professor thinks Russia will take Alaska back in the summer of 2010.

Methinks that would make Sarah Palin a prophetess, of sorts. :D

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They made billions before hand. Imagine the difficulties the Democrats would have faced by not allowing these groups to continue siphoning our health care dollars.

The picture you paint is a wholly dishonest one. And I wonder--do you think the Feds ought to be forcing the eighty-five industries more profitable than health insurance--from breweries to auto parts to heavy construction--to similarly run their businesses into the ground?

Besides, if it were not Democrats doing this, wouldn't these corporate giveaways be considered not only a good thing but the American way?


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It has been a wonder to me how absolutely nothing gets people as riled up as the idea that other people who are just like them are getting something for free. No, strike that, it's the undeserving people who are worse than them are getting something for free. Obviously if they were good people God would bless the uninsured and poor with wealth enough to not be a burden upon society and would not curse them with long-term health problems that bankrupt their families and ruin their future. If these people were real Americans who loved their country they would rather jump off a cliff than ask the gov't for anything.

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It has been a wonder to me how absolutely nothing gets people as riled up as the idea that other people who are just like them are getting something for free. No, strike that, it's the undeserving people who are worse than them are getting something for free. Obviously if they were good people God would bless the uninsured and poor with wealth enough to not be a burden upon society and would not curse them with long-term health problems that bankrupt their families and ruin their future. If these people were real Americans who loved their country they would rather jump off a cliff than ask the gov't for anything.

Of course you realize that NO ONE is getting anything for free....don't you???? Honestly, I am surprised that anyone would defend this mess. Health Care reform??? Really? It's a BIG LIE!

I am about as fiscally conservative as you will find, BUT, I have posted many times that I am ALL for a robust safety net....programs that lift rather than just barely maintain. The idea that this non sense passed by 219 idiots in Congress is somehow reform is laughable.

Edited by bytor2112
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Folks lets keep this from being about Democrats and Republicans. If you are not aware of the rules regarding political discussion please review them. If you wish to discuss the virtues or objections to National Healthcare then please do but lets not make it about political parties.

Ben Raines

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Bytor, it's a start. That's all it is. It's up to us to determine what it's a start of.

This would not have passed, this wouldn't even have been thought of, if there were not serious problems with US health care as it is right now, and how it has been for generations. The stories about how hard it is to afford health insurance are real. So, if this measure is not part of the answer then what is?

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It has been a wonder to me how absolutely nothing gets people as riled up as the idea that other people who are just like them are getting something for free. No, strike that, it's the undeserving people who are worse than them are getting something for free. Obviously if they were good people God would bless the uninsured and poor with wealth enough to not be a burden upon society and would not curse them with long-term health problems that bankrupt their families and ruin their future. If these people were real Americans who loved their country they would rather jump off a cliff than ask the gov't for anything.

But they aren't getting something for free. There is always a cost. In this instance, while others pay for the healthcare, there are stricter regulations placed upon the poor and others - reducing their freedoms.

And please don't use the emotional BS about the poor being evil in the eyes of Republicans. Most here would not mind fixing the health care system. This plan does have a few good things in it. But it is sooooo bad that Billions of dollars in bribes had to go to DEMOCRATS!!!! They bribed Senators Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson, several other Senators for hundreds of millions of dollars each. They bribed many House Democrats along the way too, even though there was a huge majority in the House. Do you realize that 34 House Democrats voted against the health care bill? Why? Not because they didn't want health care, they didn't want THIS healthcare.

If our nation goes bankrupt, and it will if Pres Obama keeps spending money like he is, there will be no health care for anyone except the uber rich. Money will be worth nothing as we go into hyperinflation.

You think the poor have it bad now? Wait until a loaf of bread costs $20 or $50 a loaf!

It has nothing to do with deserving or undeserving. It has to do with reality. We cannot pretend our way into providing everything for everyone. It doesn't work. The Soviets tried it and look where the Soviet Union is today. We can help the poor, and we should. But we need to do it in a manner that does not encourage laziness, tears down families and the work ethic, and that does not bankrupt America.

For example, we could do the following and actually save money, provide for all Americans (the current law doesn't get everyone, it misses 6% of people), and ensure free enterprise is not over-regulated:

1. A voucher system for basic health insurance, where every family gets a voucher they can take to any health insurance company.

2. A bill of rights ensuring people cannot be denied insurance, etc.

3. Tort reform, so doctors can afford to stay in practice

4. Increase the number of medical schools. We already have a shortage of doctors and nurses, how are we going to add 30 million people to the program without more medical people?

5. Make insurance portable across states, to increase competition

In this program, 100% of Americans are paid for (not 94%). Those who wish to have better health insurance can pay for more. There is not the huge fraud, waste and abuse as we see in the current Medicare system. There are not a bunch of unfunded mandates as we see in the current Medicare System to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars. We do not bankrupt the medical system and America.

You see, there are ways we can do this without creating a huge government bureaucracy, without wasting billions of dollars, and without bankrupting our nation.

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1. A voucher system for basic health insurance, where every family gets a voucher they can take to any health insurance company.

2. A bill of rights ensuring people cannot be denied insurance, etc.

3. Tort reform, so doctors can afford to stay in practice

4. Increase the number of medical schools. We already have a shortage of doctors and nurses, how are we going to add 30 million people to the program without more medical people?

5. Make insurance portable across states, to increase competition

Amen Brother.

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