Curse Words

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Cursing people doesn't sound Christian to me.

It sounds possibly like "word of faith" theology. Which teaches (among other false teachings) that faith is a force and words are the containers of that force. It says your words have creative power and if you speak your "faith filled" words over yourself or someone you can create healings and prosperity or sickness and poverty or blessings or curses.

It places mans will above God's will and seems to fill the bank accounts of tele-evangelists while mislead seekers are told they just don't have enough faith.

Breifly attended one many years ago. :mad:

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My Dad used curse words in this way. It was a marvel to behold. He'd go down into the basement and hit his head on a low-hanging metal duct, and in his pain and frustration would proceed to damn the duct to hell. Not just to plain simple hell either - everyone would get a discourse on various attributes of hell. You may not know this, but hell actually has a color. It's 'dark brown' in case you were wondering.

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I saw this Christian website claiming that curse words are meant to literally curse people.

that's reasonable..

And that just saying you hope something bad happens to someone can cause it to supernaturally happen. Same thing with curse words.

Not so reasonable.... altho if someone is disinclined oward another its probably easier to make choices that would make life harder for that person.

Kinda weird? What do you think?:huh:

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