no more detergent?

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A while ago I volunteered at the local D.I. It was tons of fun, and I found out from one of the regular volunteers that when clothes are brought in they are never washed with detergent. Turns out people put way too much in their washing machines, and the excess is enough for the D.I. to save a whole lot of money :P

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I went 3 days without washing my work clothes with detergent, and they really do come out smelling like water. It was very nice :D But I will wash them next time with soap because this experiment is making my inner germaphobic come out lol.

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a friend on fb posted this link..... i was thinking about trying it next time i run out of shampoo How to Clean Your Hair Without Shampoo

i've always used about half the laundry and dish soap i'm "supposed" to use. my reasoning was we have a lot of lime in our water and it's hard to rinse soap off. when i first moved here i had to cut the amt of shampoo and soap i used in half cause i could never get it rinsed off me. so i made the logical conclusion the same was true for my dishes and clothes. maybe i need to be using even less than i have been.

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I hear it bears a striking resemblance to dihydrogen monoxide.

that's scary...

dihydrogen monoxide is the cause of hundreds of death each year.. sometimes thousands (especially if inhaled), as well as being a major component of acid rain, and major causes of corrosion.

you sure you want to be usin that stuff?


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that's scary...

dihydrogen monoxide is the cause of hundreds of death each year.. sometimes thousands (especially if inhaled), as well as being a major component of acid rain, and major causes of corrosion.

you sure you want to be usin that stuff?


Don't forget that dihydrogen monoxide is a popular coolant used in both nuclear reactors and internal combustion engines, for the latter use most often during summer months, and sometimes it is used to dilute propylene glycol as a cost cutting measure even during cold months. Not to mention if heated to the boiling point dihydrogen monoxide releases vapor capable of causing severe burns.

The most shocking of all is that mothers who formula feed their children regularly dilute baby formula with this hazardous chemical. :eek:

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Greetings, d-a-c!

lol...good question. i have no idea what washing soda is. guess it's worth a google.

sodium carbonate. they sell them at wal-mart for 3 bucks a box. arm and hammer brand, i believe.

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I began making my own laundry soap a few months ago and I love it! It took a while to come up with a recipe that worked for us, but now that I have - it is really great. Depending on what soap I use for the base changes the cost, but the real reason I do it is that I really like to be able to proniunce all the ingredients I use:p The other real reason is that I love to "stick it" to the companies that have been over charging me my whole life for something that is so innexpensive to make. Also, it really does get the clothes clean once you get the right recipe and learn that there are ways to improve the quality of washing that have nothing to do with the detergent (such as soaking the whole load for 15 - 30 minutes after the washer has filled and the soap is added. You can probably reduce your use of detergent by at least 1/2 just by doing this.) Also, warm/hot water washing and rinsing can dramatically reduce the need for so much soap...... ok - I will get off my 'soap box" now;)


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