Paul Osborne Is The Worst Ever

Paul Osborne

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This is what the moderator said about me after being on my very best behavior on their board for just one week - and they deleted all my posts:

"You are right at the top of the list as one of the most arrogant, rude, obnoxious, unreasonable, illogical and unscholarly Mormons we've ever had at this site."


Paul O

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Originally posted by Paul Osborne@Dec 31 2005, 07:19 PM

This is what the moderator said about me after being on my very best behavior on their board for just one week - and they deleted all my posts:

"You are right at the top of the list as one of the most arrogant, rude, obnoxious, unreasonable, illogical and unscholarly Mormons we've ever had at this site."


Paul O

WHO are you? and what did you do to PAUL?

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I joined that board and simply defended LDS principles and practices by using the scripture. I wasn't rude at all, perhaps a bit forward in my presentation - forthright and honest, but not rude.

I talked about polygamy and how it was practiced in the Bible. They think that prophets in the Bible who practiced polygamy were not in keeping with God's law.

I defended some of Joseph Smith's prophecies that they claimed failed. There were angles that they had not ever considered. Also, the Book of Abraham was defended from angles they had not considered.

But, they couldn't stand the thought that God is not always invisible and that he is really a Man, as it says in the Bible.

So, I've found that some Christians are really the meanest people around.

Thanks for listening. I had to get this off my chest.

Paul O

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Originally posted by Paul Osborne@Dec 31 2005, 07:19 PM

This is what the moderator said about me after being on my very best behavior on their board for just one week - and they deleted all my posts:

"You are right at the top of the list as one of the most arrogant, rude, obnoxious, unreasonable, illogical and unscholarly Mormons we've ever had at this site."


Paul O

I felt hurt and wanted to tell others about it. I was hoping that maybe someone here will go there and tell them to go to hell for me. I didn't have the chance to do that because I was too nice.


Paul O

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Originally posted by john doe@Dec 31 2005, 07:22 PM

And you brought this argument over to this board............ why?

Yes, by all those who lost the arguments.

I say "lost" because it was so evident, more so than ever before in my experience in debating people about Mormonism. They were just rude and nasty, constanty foaming at the mouth with hatred towards Joseph Smith.

Paul O

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Originally posted by Paul Osborne@Jan 1 2006, 08:47 AM

I felt hurt and wanted to tell others about it. I was hoping that maybe someone here will go there and tell them to go to hell for me. I didn't have the chance to do that because I was too nice.


Paul O

Well Paul, you caught me on a good day....I'm in the mood to kick some ... and take names. :P Let me see what I can do.
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Originally posted by Snow@Jan 1 2006, 09:15 AM

They may have been mean and nasty but at least they were right about your opinions about the Book of Abraham - unscholarly.

Well, I can understand your sentiments. Being a BofA apologist is no easy chore no matter how you go about it. I happen to see things differently than a lot of folks. Actually, I've come to learn there are a lot of LDS people out there that like the stuff I've published on my site. I get mail all the time to that effect. So, I guess that makes it worth it. If no one liked my stuff I'd probably fold up shop and not pay the cost to run a site that meets with no appreciation.

Now, I've been reading in the gospels lately and have come to the realization that so many of us aren't as Christian as we think we are. That includes me because I've said a lot of hurtfull things to many people on the Internet. But, thank goodness I've said some good things too. But really, I did try and be decent over on that message board but was constantly barked at and the things they said about our church and prophets were just uncalled for. Some of those people over there are not Christians even though they profess to be.

So, with that, have a good day, Snow.

Paul O

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Originally posted by Paul Osborne@Jan 2 2006, 02:54 PM

Now, I've been reading in the gospels lately and have come to the realization that so many of us aren't as Christian as we think  we are. That includes me because I've said a lot of hurtfull things to many people on the Internet. But, thank goodness I've said some good things too. But really, I did try and be decent over on that message board but was constantly barked at and the things they said about our church and prophets were just uncalled for. Some of those people over there are not Christians even though they profess to be.

So, with that, have a good day, Snow.

Paul O

Well said Paul.

As much as I like to give you a hard time about your BoA views, I do enjoys your thoughts and insight on the subject. Nice to see you back on the board.

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I don't think you or one or all of us going to that board and condemning them for what they did is going to help the issue. Many christians already have a very bad opinion of the Latter-day Saints and our retaliation at their remarks and beliefs of us is only going to make their opinion worse.

Remember, Christ told Peter to turn his cheek 7 times 7 if I remember correctly. It was many times, regardless.

Our Prophets have also told us not to Bible bash and argue scripture. We all feel the need to defend our Church when someone tears it down, but we are winning any battles, we are probably widening the gap even farther. I am very careful of what boards and sites I go to. I know there are people out there that hate us and don't believe in what we believe. I don't go looking for it and tend to stay away from places that subject me to most of it. Does not mean I am right and you are wrong. I was speaking for myself only...

I am just saying that we have to teach by the spirit and I am not sure how much spirit exists on boards in chatrooms.

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Originally posted by Josie@Jan 2 2006, 05:45 PM

      Our Prophets have also told us not to Bible bash and argue scripture.  We all feel the need to defend our Church when someone tears it down, but we are winning any battles, we are probably widening the gap even farther.  I am very careful of what boards and sites I go to.  I know there are people out there that hate us and don't believe in what we believe.  I don't go looking for it and tend to stay away from places that subject me to most of it.  Does not mean I am right and you are wrong.  I was speaking for myself only... 

      I am just saying that we have to teach by the spirit and I am not sure how much spirit exists on boards in chatrooms.

I seem to remember hearing that LDS missionaries are taught to not argue or debate during the visitations (and I'm not even Mormon). Sure enough, I come here, and have many interesting and challenging exchanges, but never nasty or mean-spirited ones.

Take heart Paul. I cannot imagine the difficulty of going to a board run by anti-evangelicals, and egged-on by former evangelicals who had "escaped" the abuse.

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Pretty funny..... let me illustrate the difference between so-called concerned Christians, and the LDS. Despite everything I have said over the years.... I have never been banned from an LDS site. There is one where I am not welcome but they are upfront about it. So, I went sign in over there and I was banned. Heck..... I don't even remember ever posting there so I couldn't have lasted very long.

Fundamentalist love..... where they say they love you, and what they really mean is they hate you, because it is the same thing. That is hilarious! :lol:

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Thanks for your comments, friends.

Indeed, I'm going to turn a new leaf about how I talk about religious differences on the Internet. Actually, I'm taking a little break. I've had so much contentious experiences over the years that I'm contentioned out. Some of the debates I've had were just knock down dragged out fist-fights - sort of fun but not spiritually helpful to my soul. The Internet can be a trap to contention if we ain't careful. Like I said, a new leaf for me is in order. With the new year I'm making some major life changes.

I hope to participate more on the board later.

Take care.

Paul O

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Whenever I am confronted by anti-Mormons or anti-Christians, I try to remember the Sermon on the Mount:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God."

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

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