Inspiring Local Leaders

Guest mormonmusic

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Guest mormonmusic

Have you ever witnessed or been blessed significantly by the efforts of a local priesthood or auxiliary leader? Or have seen someone else significantly blessed, personally, by such a person?

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Guest mormonmusic

Had a Bishop who tracked me down clear across the world because he sensed I was struggling. Had no data other than a strong spiritual impression. This was back before the Internet when it was harder to get information.

He figured out what country I went to, checked with some friends of mine in the Church, made a bunch of foreign directory assistance calls etcetera.

He calls me a couple days after my fiancee in the UK, who I was visiting, broke off the engagement. And I was stuck living her with family in the UK for another two weeks until my flight returned to North America.

He asked me what had happened, and then gave me some words of encouragment, advice, etcetera. That was inspiring.

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Guest mormonmusic


John -- thanks for that deeply inspiring response to my opening. Exactly what I intended. What a beacon of originality you are!!! :rockon:

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John -- thanks for that deeply inspiring response to my opening. Exactly what I intended. What a beacon of originality you are!!! :rockon:

It's the same thing Hemidakota posted, and it was my first thought, too. You asked a yes-or-no question. You didn't ask for anyone to expound upon such experiences.

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Guest mormonmusic

QUOTE=Hemidakota;501086]I glas you didn't mentioned my YES statement....woooha. :lol:

At that point you were somewhat original comment necessary.

So, if the question isn't worded clearly enough. how about his "Have you ever had experiences with inspiring local leaders. If so, please resist the urge to be a smart Alec and share the experience!". :clown:

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My experience is all local leaders are inspiring even the bad ones. Its why Heavenly Father called them. The MOST inspirational thing a local leader ever did was the Bishop that refused me a Temple Recommend until I could say YES I am worthy to enter the temple looking him in the eye and clearly. Its had a huge impact on my temple attendance

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That is a true. Even in the worst circumstances not be inspiring, they can gain insight to their own lives and increase a personal testimony.

Long ago, I had an impression to call a sister to teach a class in Sunday school. Though, the confusing part on my behalf, I felt she did not need a calling, knowing her personal predicament of moving away in a couple of months.

Throughout the month, the impression grew stronger to the point when Sunday showed up; I asked if she wouldn't mind in accepting a teaching position. She looked stunned at first and tears flowed. She stated, she always wanted to be a teacher and this was a blessing to her knowing the Lord had answered her prayers. For me, I had tears also, when we failed to heed the spirit.

Even when a Bishop is called, whether by inspiration or an act of desperation, long as the Stake presidency is in unison, the First Presidency would approve it. I was in attendance when a Bishop was called; I did not receive the Holy Ghost confirmation. I knew why and the Lord knew why it was not given. However, long as the Stake Presidency all agree, this is the person, no matter if it was inspiration or not, we concur with the given name. I will sustain the person. This matter is left to the Lord and not mine to worry.

Yet, there was another name, that ring stronger then what was selected .But, it is still ok. Many could sit in that chair, but only one can preside. As I am sure, he will be called to that position one day

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In the past 6 months I have been shouted at, ignored, despite being entirely worthy told I wouldn't be getting a temple recommend and been treated by with a complete lack of respect by my current branch president. I have no doubt he has received his calling for a reason. And his actions have inspired me in many ways and increased my testimony, if for no other reason that I have seen how previous branch presidents and bishops have protected me with their wise advice

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