Life And Beyond


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Nothingness... over the past couple of years reading the scriptures through seminary and leisurley reading it i've come to a stumbling thought about the word "nothing". Its a word that I cannot describe. If you could, could you give an physical example of it? If we were living in nothing, what colour would it be? Not white for that is a colour and can be seen, same as darkness. If the whole universe was nothing, what what would it look like? The world where Heavenly Father lives must be expansive and complex that even our own minds could not comprehend and it's connotation along with that gives you a sense of worthlessness and inferiority. If nothingness was everywhere, its size would be infinitely huge even exponential...

scary thought about our role in life and how insignificant we are.. no offence......So what do you think? :hmmm:

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I presume that when referring to nothingness, you are thinking that we will still be 'thinking' beings? so that we are aware of the expanse of nothingness around us?

My thoughts are that, if we have nothing beyond death, then we just cease to be, in any sense of the word...we do not have thoughts, feelings etc. and so wouldn't be aware of anything, we would just either be ashes that are kept in an urn, or scattered, or we would just return to our liquid selves and be at one with the earth again...

Nothing scary...

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Originally posted by pushka@Jan 5 2006, 06:48 AM

I presume that when referring to nothingness, you are thinking that we will still be 'thinking' beings? so that we are aware of the expanse of nothingness around us?

My thoughts are that, if we have nothing beyond death, then we just cease to be, in any sense of the word...we do not have thoughts, feelings etc. and so wouldn't be aware of anything, we would just either be ashes that are kept in an urn, or scattered, or we would just return to our liquid selves and be at one with the earth again...

Nothing scary...

If that were the case you would be right, in saying that it wouldn’t be scary to know that we would no longer continue to exist after death, as long as nobody is scared of the idea that they would no longer continue to exist after death. We would simply cease to be the individual persons we are now, and that would be it.

But through the gospel of Jesus Christ we can have more than that, in that we can have a hope and an assurance that we will continue to exist after death. And not only can we know that we will continue to exist after death, but we can also know that we will continue to exist in an environment where we will have all of the good things that are and will continue to be available to us in our lives that we will continue to enjoy after death, to the degree that we are able to enjoy them.

Or in the words of our Savior:

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. - John 10:10

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I do not know what others may mean by nothing. Like the beginning of this thread I do not understand that concept.

One of the ideas coming out of the Big Bang theory is that what existed beyond the event horizon of the Big Bang is a great mass of matter and energy in singularity. What this means is that all things existed in one dimension (a point). The concept of an expanding universe is often hard to grasp. What is the universe expanding into. Well it is expanding into that first concept of singularity or one dimension (a point).

Following this logic a black hole bends the dimensions of our space into a single point. Since this point is one dimensional singularity it is indistinguishable from the singularity into which the universe is expanding. Confused yet??? Oh but it gets worse - the universe is expanding as a 4 dimensional sphere which means every point within our universe is both a center point of the universe and a boundary point that borders the singularity of what is outside our universe. This idea leads us to the concept of a worm hole - which is not understood by any syfi movie I’ve ever seen.

The scriptures tell us that G-d created the earth from a formless void which looks a lot like singularity to me.

The Traveler

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Originally posted by Acez@Jan 5 2006, 04:10 AM

scary thought about our role in life and how insignificant we are.. no offence......So what do you think? :hmmm:

I think that if Mormonism is true and we really are "gods in embryo," then LDS/God, who was once a man like us, is insignificant and only playing his part in the larger picture.

But we are not gods in embryo, and yes we are truly insignificant compared to God (who was always God). Yet He made us and loves us just the same, and offers us traitors (sinners against God) salvation as a free gift.

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When I think of nothingness I think of a never-ending blanket of white. But white is a color, and a color is something. So nothingness has to be made out of something, you know what I mean? Now i don't know if nothingness actually involves colors, or if it is just clear, but then what is "the clear" made up of? It has to have some substance in it, so it IS something... grrrrr that's confusing :bonk:

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Guest bizabra

When we die, the matter that composes our bodies, the carbon molecules, etc. decay and go back to the environment to be made available to other life forms. If we lay where we die, other animals would eat us, insects and such. The grass or other plants would grow, using our chemical components as ferilizer. Other animals might eat the plants, thus putting our material components back into "life" again.

I think it works the same way for the engery that animates our bodies. It is released back into the environment to be made available for other life forms.

We did not exist as individual entities prior to life, we will not exist as individual entities after life departs from our bodies. We are part of the circle of life and the matter and energy that comprise our SELF was once part of other life forms and will be part of other life forms again. In this sense we do "live forever". We are just not the SELF we know ourselves to be as conscience life forms.

This is not frightening or empty. We do not spring from "nothingness" and we do not go back into "nothingness". We are part of the earth and the universe and cannot be removed from that.

It is amazing and really cool that we actually do percieve ourselves to be individuals and that of all the animal life on this planet have some degree of "free agency" to devise the kind of life we choose to lead. It is also why most of us cling so tightly to the idea of life beyond death.

We, as a species, find it very hard to think that we may not exist as our SELF forever. In order to live with the knowledge that our material lives will end, we have devised the concept of eternal life out of the hope that this is not so. It keeps us, as a group, somewhat sane, offering hope that there is MORE to it than simply the life experience.

I find the idea that "THIS IS ALL THERE IS FOR ME, BIZ", helps me to fully appreciate the life I actually know and can experience.

Being alive is a miracle to me, and I want to be all that I can be and live more fully and love more deeply and savor the experience of being a sentient life form. I will not live ascetic or denying life because I think it will earn me a BETTER reward in some hoped for afterlife. I also will not live a life that is hurtful and destructive to other humans. They all deserve to have the most of life that they can have, and physically or emotionally harming others takes that chance away from them. I live as good and decent a life as I can, being self responsible and socially responsible. Living this way is it's own reward, and I do not expect or hope for MORE.

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Yes, go figure. :rolleyes:

Being alive is a miracle to me, and I want to be all that I can be and live more fully and love more deeply and savor the experience of being a sentient life form. I will not live ascetic or denying life because I think it will earn me a BETTER reward in some hoped for afterlife. I also will not live a life that is hurtful and destructive to other humans. They all deserve to have the most of life that they can have, and physically or emotionally harming others takes that chance away from them. I live as good and decent a life as I can, being self responsible and socially responsible.

By the way Biz, this view is pretty cool; if more people felt this way we'd probably have fewer problems. B)

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Yes, go figure. :rolleyes:

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Being alive is a miracle to me, and I want to be all that I can be and live more fully and love more deeply and savor the experience of being a sentient life form. I will not live ascetic or denying life because I think it will earn me a BETTER reward in some hoped for afterlife. I also will not live a life that is hurtful and destructive to other humans. They all deserve to have the most of life that they can have, and physically or emotionally harming others takes that chance away from them. I live as good and decent a life as I can, being self responsible and socially responsible.

By the way Biz, this view is pretty cool; if more people felt this way we'd probably have fewer problems. B)

Trouble is, those who feel this way and have already had their life destroyed by an abuser, may figure that if they can't have a good life, no one can, and others who feel there is no God to take on the vengence element would, under this concept of no afterlife, feel justified in taking vengence upon their enemies or injurers themselves.

It would only work if everyone were happy and had no bad happen to them, which of course is not what happens in reality.

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Guest Crazy Horse

If there is nothingness ofter this life, what is the point. But there is the Plan of Happiness and that includes eternal life. So it is very sad to hear someone say that they don't believe there is a grand plan. How depressing. I am thankful that I have the truth in this gospel of Jesus Christ.

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If there is nothingness ofter this life, what is the point.

If there is something better after this why not just get to it. Live life on the razors edge, let the odds of risky activities catch up with you, and get to that better place.

But there is the Plan of Happiness and that includes eternal life. So it is very sad to hear someone say that they don't believe there is a grand plan. How depressing. I am thankful that I have the truth in this gospel of Jesus Christ.

I feel no particular need for a grand plan. Nor do I feel the need, or even want to live forever. And I am really not all that keen on being anywhere near most gods as defined by religion. They don't seem to be very nice posited dieties. However, if there were a better place I'd already be there. Or at least I'd make arrangements to get there fairly quickly after I take care of my parental responsibilities.

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nothingness....sad alone it sounds horrible. NO good and no evil. empty no sorrow. no sadness no happiness. it is quite depressing. :(

It allows us to see why 2 Nephi 2 was given to us, so we wouldn't fall into this trap.

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Guest funkyfool416

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nothingness....sad alone it sounds horrible. NO good and no evil. empty no sorrow. no sadness no happiness. it is quite depressing. :(

It allows us to see why 2 Nephi 2 was given to us, so we wouldn't fall into this trap.

What is 2 Nephi 2?

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