Crazy Dreams

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That was a twisted dream, yo. It began with me going to be a teacher in another country, except I’m in my pajamas. Mike, a missionary friend of mine, was going to be teaching a gospel fruit loops. Well, it was a nice, bright sunny day and I went to the first fruit loops. Then I went through the door towards Mike’s fruit loops and then to the partition where I could see a dark chapel with ruby-red covering over the pews. People were milling around a bit and then the fruit loops Mike was teaching began to dissipate. I waved to Mike and sat down and my pajamas changed to different pajamas. At that point the room went dark but I could still see the scenery outside–green fruit loops, cool late afternoon sunshine and mountains-and I whispered something to a friend nearby about how I was so excited to see Mike before I left.

Well, we were waiting for the fruit loops to start and it took a while before it did. People had begun to whispers.

After the fruit loops, which just kinda...passed, if you know what I mean, Mike had been holding a Book of Mormon and I had seen him by some kind of watermill. There was a nice, cool, clear river that ran beside this gray stucco mansion with lots of green fruit loops and bull rushes. Mike was sitting under the mill thingy in the shade. I went up and said hi and talked to him. I can’t remember what it was about. He eventually said, “Well, you’ll miss the train.” And I waked with him towards the train, I guess.

When we got there at the station and we were all milling around, we found out our flight was canceled and so we would have to go to Russia by train. First we would get to fruit loops through Canada and then England. (Don’t ask me how they connect.) I was so excited because I have always wanted to go to Canada.

We got on the train–it was a nice black train with red and gold trimming. I was sitting with some of the other teachers with a little bit of my luggage on the third compartment. The window was open and there were two trains–the other one was green. All the other teachers, our friends, who weren’t on this train, were waving their hands at us. We reached our hands outside the windows as the train passed theirs, clapping hands, laughing, and wishing good luck to each other. I was particularly excited to see my friend Eileen in her green dress.

The train lurched forward and it rattled up the gulch between these green mountains. (We were already fairly high up in the air.) We came to a crest and I could see the countryside. It was sooo green with lots of cottages and flowers and it was just beautiful. My brain said it was Canada. It was a rolling landscape, lemme tell ya. The train whipped around this corner and I couldn’t see the countryside until we can around some bend later on when we were in England. I fixed the window because it was precariously rattling and stuff. The countryside was thick with houses and land and looked much like Sense and Sensibility.

The houses became more and more detailed as we drew closer and as we rattled down our bright cheery wood train track way, I saw a lady riding a bay horse with a turquoise cap. She was...kinda in the way of the train, but the other side of the tracks was a fall down below. She looked back frequently, and we were going pretty slow (the train person jammed on the breaks) and she moved out of our way, galloping to go faster. We passed her safetly.

We came to the train station, which was unique. There were black stone buildings, mansion-like. The station stopped at the first one and everyone got of the train pretty quickly. I thought it looked cool and forbidding. I was the last to go inside. This white lion was our leader and the made, with her pinned up black hair, simple brown dress and white apron, lead me to the upstairs. I walked in the door and there were all these people and white tables eating. The food was cornish hens and corn and something else I can’t quite remember. The lion, who was at the head of this table by the door, told me it was an English delight. Across the room Hands the Hedgehog from the Storyteller agreed with me, telling people to dig in.

I began to eat....

The room itself had lots of green stone. It wasn’t a regular square room. The right side of the room dropped off down into a sort of hallway-pit and there was a spiked grating to protect anyone from falling over, apparently. The tables lined all the parts of the room and I took the plastic wrapping off of my dinner plate, scrunched it, and then walked around after eating some cornish hen towards the hallway-pit. I was intrigued.

There was a little blond girl with a white jacked that had maroon and navy striped white coat and a little bike with sparkling pink plastic stuff coming out from the handles. It was in the corner. And now I looked closely at the wall/pit.

The wall had paintings of dark, ghostly green trees and there were spiked mines hanging down from the ceiling. I didn’t bother to look below because I didn’t see anything interesting down there. Instead, I looked at this really weird painting. I was the inside of some castle, no doubt, but within the gnarled trees. The painting began to move and I saw a woman in a red with a white veil who was the queen the king and I don’t remember what he looked like. They were getting into bed and there was this large candle that was lighting the room. A woman’s voice could be heard in my mind as they moved. The queen was asking if the little girl beside me would want ‘him’ back in there and the king replied and I walked over to the bike because I heard more voices down over there. I saw the maid servant talking with someone in a long, white nightshirt in a blue, misty forest with creaking trees and then I asked myself it was a ghost–the person in the nightshirt.

I found myself looking at the painting again and the girl was by my side. Then the maid asked brusquely if the little girl wanted ‘him’ back in there. Back in the painting. And I didn’t know what to say because I thought, “I don’t know what’s in the painting, so how should I know?”

Then I thought about the train and how we might miss it! I run towards the door, everyone following, and rush down. The maid tried to stop me from going outside but I went and everyone with me. (On a sidenote I suddenly became the little girl and I was thinking to myself that I wanted to know more about the painting and the ghost and I was going to go around the house to find the forest, etc, following acidic purple crepe paper. Then I was me and I saw the little girl and she was on her bike and I didn’t care about following.) A train was just arriving with more teachers, and we were all dressed like the kids in Narnia. They told us how we had been gone for a week! A week, and they had been worried. Suddenly I became a guy and then myself again and there was a guy named Justin who was a teacher as well and everyone was getting back on the train. I was carrying an orange and gold trim little box suitcase for my carry on this time. So everyone got back on and it was...rather crowded. I was telling Justin what had gone on, and now there were two teachers named Justin, apparently. The carpet of the train was turquoise and had lots of lil flowers. I went up to the third compartment again up this stairwell and Justin went with me. We were all kinda crammed up. I put the box on the floor to help steady me while holding onto the window. I saw outside the little girl getting captured by the maid but I didn’t quite care anymore. (Though after we left I began to feel guilty about the girl getting napped.)

We were going through this lumber yard/train wreck accident people were clearing up and we began to gather speed. Then my dream ended.

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Here is my take on your dream:

I think that your subconscious mind is trying to deal with the built up stress and anxiety that you have been experiencing through the negative feed back from your internet class.

The dream is clear and then foggy and unclear because you are unsure of how to deal with such a negative dismissal of your best efforts by this teacher.

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i had a really weird ream once. my friend daniele and i were told to search for a little girl who was missing...we had to go into this room of a man who was her father at a mental hospital. we searched all over and eventually found her in the closet. her throat was slit. it was horrific! she was gasping a making all these weird sounds. so i grabbed her and tried to get daniele to run up the stairs and call the police. but she said "well the girls's gunna die anyway" and sat on the couch! i freaked out and went to call the police myself. when they arrived, i was frantic and was trying to telll them the whoile story. but they had the same reaction as daniele! they all said she was going to die anyway. all the while i'm freaking out and the girl is making all these noises and it was terrible! i woke up with this urgent feeling, i just felt sick all day!

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Now, when you say fruit loops, do you actually mean the cereal fruitloops? Or just an insult? Lol.. sorry I'm a bit slow on the uptake. I've had so many weird dreams. I hate the dreams where you have to run but you can't... they creep me out..

And when you go around without a shirt or something.. Its terrible..

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i had a really weird ream once. my friend daniele and i were told to search for a little girl who was missing...we had to go into this room of a man who was her father at a mental hospital. we searched all over and eventually found her in the closet. her throat was slit. it was horrific! she was gasping a making all these weird sounds. so i grabbed her and tried to get daniele to run up the stairs and call the police. but she said "well the girls's gunna die anyway" and sat on the couch! i freaked out and went to call the police myself. when they arrived, i was frantic and was trying to telll them the whoile story. but they had the same reaction as daniele! they all said she was going to die anyway. all the while i'm freaking out and the girl is making all these noises and it was terrible! i woke up with this urgent feeling, i just felt sick all day!


That would be a very scary and stressful dream for me! :(

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This is my dream put to music

Eric Burdon and War---Spill The Wine

Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

I was once out strolling one very hot summer's day

When I thought I'd lay myself down to rest

in a big field of tall grass

I lay there in the sun and felt it caressing my face

And I fell asleep and dreamed

I dreamed I was in a Hollywood movie

And that I was the star of the movie

This really blew my mind, the fact that me,

an overfed, long-haired leaping gnome

should be the star of a Hollywood movie

But there I was, I was taken to a place, the hall of the mountain kings

I stood high upon a mountain top, naked to the world

In front of every kind of girl, there was

black ones, round ones, big ones, crazy ones...

Out of the middle came a lady

She whispered in my ear something crazy

She said:

Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl


I thought to myself what could that mean

Am I going crazy or is this just a dream

Now, wait a minute

I know I'm lying in a field of grass somewhere

so it's all in my head

and then.. I heard her say one more time:


Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl


I could feel hot flames of fire roaring at my back

As she disappeared, but soon she returned

In her hand was a bottle of wine, in the other, a glass

She poured some of the wine from the bottle into the glass

And raised it to her lips

And just before she drank it, she said:


Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

Dream on :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a wierd dream last night. In the dream I was running a cellar operation and because of the wierd cellar design there was a conveyor on the roof of the cellar to to make it so the pile in the cellar would be more even and so we could stack the spuds all the way to the top of the cellar but then we started putting venalation pipes on top of the spuds and anyone that has worked on a farm knows that you never put pipes on top of the spuds but for some reason we was putting pipes on top then all of the sudden there was a big noise like something had colapsed and i heard a guy yelling my name for help and i started searching for him and i couldnt find him and i looked on top were the pipes were and it looked like they might have fallen so i started moving pipes and i couldnt find him then i started looking under the conveyor and i saw a wierd looking creature and i saw the spuds moving like someone was breathing and then the dream ended

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dreams aren't real, but the feelings that we feel in them are. Like I once had a dream that I was in the temple about to be sealed to this young man. I was right beside him, but his face was blurred.. And the feeling i felt, like "man, i'm about to be sealed for eternity to the man i love" and all that stuff. In my dream i felt all those emotions..but the strange thing is that i'm only 16 and pretty sure i haven't met my future husband yet.. But those emotions in my dream were real and completely different from what i know.

Freaky, huh? lol i think so. ^_^


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When I was still in high school ....I once had a dream that when I got up for school in the morning ...I went outside and as I was walking in the yard ...I looked down and saw a quarter.

The strange for me was that , when I actually got up for school that next morning ...I decided to go outside and look in the yard where I had dreamed that I had found a quarter and see if anything was there...and to my surprise, there wasn't one quarter there , but two quarters there!

To the best of my knowledge, I don't remember dropping or putting any money I'm at a real loss of why I dreamt it! :dontknow:

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I had a wierd dream last night. In the dream I was running a cellar operation and because of the wierd cellar design there was a conveyor on the roof of the cellar to to make it so the pile in the cellar would be more even and so we could stack the spuds all the way to the top of the cellar but then we started putting venalation pipes on top of the spuds and anyone that has worked on a farm knows that you never put pipes on top of the spuds but for some reason we was putting pipes on top then all of the sudden there was a big noise like something had colapsed and i heard a guy yelling my name for help and i started searching for him and i couldnt find him and i looked on top were the pipes were and it looked like they might have fallen so i started moving pipes and i couldnt find him then i started looking under the conveyor and i saw a wierd looking creature and i saw the spuds moving like someone was breathing and then the dream ended

Yikes. Glad I don't sleep in your head.

When I was still in high school ....I once had a dream that when I got up for school in the morning ...I went outside and as I was walking in the yard ...I looked down and saw a quarter.

The strange for me was that , when I actually got up for school that next morning ...I decided to go outside and look in the yard where I had dreamed that I had found a quarter and see if anything was there...and to my surprise, there wasn't one quarter there , but two quarters there!

To the best of my knowledge, I don't remember dropping or putting any money I'm at a real loss of why I dreamt it! :dontknow:

Maybe you could "program" yourself to dream that here isa suitcase with millions in unmarked, low denomination bills out there.... :hmmm:
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