What price a woman's hair?


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I mostly go to Supercuts, in fact I also get my eyebrows waxed there as well. I use coloring at home, especially since my hair is naturally lighter at the ends than the roots, so it's just a way to even out the color. I wash it every other day at the most, since it can dry out if I wash it every day. I mostly use the Suave shampoo and conditioner, and once a week, I do use the Neutrogena shampoo to remove any buildup. My hair is medium length and barely touches my shoulders, so I can still put it in a ponytail for the gym if I want.

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This phrase is used in the Bible which is where it's coming from.

1 Corinthians 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

I know it's a biblical reference. I just think it's ridiculous.

(Not to worry, I don't think the lightening will travel to you through the Internet.)

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This phrase is used in the Bible which is where it's coming from.

1 Corinthians 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

Does that conclude that in biblical times, women used their hair as sort of a bra like covering? If so, I guess that can be taken to to say that hair back then helped to promote modesty, which in sum, is a glorious thing. So maybe it isn't the hair in fact that is a glory, it is the woman taking precautions to be modest. That would make sense in a time where clothes were hard to come by, a woman would just grow her hair long enough to cover herself. I wonder if that rings true, however...

Edited by Dossice
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Does that conclude that in biblical times, women used their hair as sort of a bra like covering? If so, I guess that can be taken to to say that hair back then helped to promote modesty, which in sum, is a glorious thing. So maybe it isn't the hair in fact that is a glory, it is the woman taking precautions to be modest. That would make sense in a time where clothes were hard to come by, a woman would just grow her hair long enough to cover herself. I wonder if that rings true, however...

That sounds plausible to me.

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  • 11 months later...

I read an article once that went on about how MOST women by age 18 are coloring their hair in some form. Most of my roommates at BYU were part of that stereotype, ranging from home-kit dyes to salon highlights to full platinum blonde hair. I had one roommate in hair school who wanted to dye my hair for fun. She was absolutely shocked that I had "virgin" hair and had never dyed my hair, even once, at age 22. The more women I talk to, the more I realize how many of them have and/or currently color their hair.

Realize that most blondes you see are fake to some degree. Even many natural blondes get their hair colored or highlighted to make it blonder. It is the upkeep of highlights and the ubiquitous fake blonde that really starts costing a pretty penny.

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