Testimony Meetings


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I've heard some crazy stuff. For instance, someone I know tells me about a woman in his ward who went to the pulpit in testimony meeting to testify that she was molested in the spirit world. How's that for a missionary nightmare... The bishop had to ask her to sit down.


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I've heard some crazy stuff. For instance, someone I know tells me about a woman in his ward who went to the pulpit in testimony meeting to testify that she was molested in the spirit world. How's that for a missionary nightmare... The bishop had to ask her to sit down.


Ain't it fun? Between the Missionaries (just 20 year olds being 20 year olds, or some of the undoctrine taught), the Testimony Meetings, and Gospel Hobby Horses in Gospel Principles (or worse missionary lessons) it truly is a miracle anyone joins the church. At least that's what it feels like at the time.

Speaking of Hobby Horses though, I do remember the look on one fellowshipper's face when we suggested our coffee drinking investigator (headed for baptism) switch to Pepsi or Mountain Dew. Priceless. :D

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Speaking of Hobby Horses though, I do remember the look on one fellowshipper's face when we suggested our coffee drinking investigator (headed for baptism) switch to Pepsi. Priceless. :D

Or a recently returned man from inactivity who mentioned in Gospel Principles class that the bishop told him to just let his coffee cool down... You should have heard all the, "I know what I am going to do when I get home" comments I heard. :lol:


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I was visiting a ward this past Sunday, the Bishop gave out a Young Women's award to three young women and then asked them to briefly bear testimony of the Savior. As I predicted, guess how many times the Savior was mentioned between the three young women's testimony?


I realize it's a pet peeve of mine, but I really could understand how a visitor sat down during Fast and Testimony meeting and left at the end of it concluding that we have a fine testimony of the truthfulness of our Church, the Prophet, and the Book of Mormon but this Christ fellow, good for the sacrament but not as big a deal as the aforementioned other topics. I know that our Church teaches of Christ, and the Prophet and the Book of Mormon testify of Christ and so such comments in their round about way affirm their belief in their Lord and Savior but it always made me cringe on my mission to sit there with an investigator through an entire Fast and Testimony meeting and the only time direct witness of the Savior was born was when me or my companion got up (our Mission President stressed we clearly bear witness of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Atonement, the Scriptures/Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith and the Restoration, and the current Prophet).

Okay, I'm done peeving now.

I wish I could thank this post twice!

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I can go all three hours without hearing the name of Joseph Smith. Everyone mentions that Jesus is their savior. If they aren't so obviously nervous that they aren't even sure of their own name.

I pay attention, because it's one of the main complaints I hear about from people leaving the church --that they feel like we worship Joseph Smith. I have not encountered half the stuff I hear that goes on in people's churches.

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Guest mirancs8

Ow yes... open mic Sunday is at our Ward.

There are a FEW who give great testimonies but there are the many others... well it's like story time at the local book store. I feel bad for them because I don't think they hear themselves. We have one women who goes into great detail about her troubles and goes on and on and on and on. There's one who I think is going to break out into a song and dance. Another person who goes up there to hound the young men/women to get up there... gee talk about pressure.

There's the women recently who decides to take a full 15-20 minutes to tell us how low down us members are that we would kill innocent children here in AZ (think immigration issue in AZ). She spent the entire time telling us how we should vote and keep all the immigrants here. She was crying and just taking advantage of the opportunity. I'll tell you it had to be that time of the month for her with a really bad case of PMS!!! Ow yeah and you could have sliced the air that day when she spoke it was so thick. You could see the Bishop sinking in his seat. It was awful! Funny thing is I haven't seen her at church since... hummmm.

The children are my favorite. Short, sweet and to the point.

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