Taxes and Voting


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Taxes are taxes! The poor still have a stake in the economy.

Point taken.

True enough. Even if one gets a refund, however, it's not always for the full amount you paid in the first place. In other words, your income taxes are lower, but you still pay something.

Not when you factor in the government benefits low-income earners receive. Look at this graph (from TaxProf):

Posted Image

What it shows is that when you balance everything out, low-income earners get back far more than they give in taxes. It may not be under the name of "tax refund", necessarily . . . but through one federal program or another, they get it back.

(It also shows that, perversely, our government has made it so that there's zero financial incentive to take a $35K/year job over a 20K/year job.)

In any case, even if someone is penniless and pays no taxes, I think they should still be full citizens, with full voting rights, etc. The state is NOT a for-profit corporation.

I fully concur.

By the way, I stumbled on a graph here while looking for the one I posted above, and it was too good not to share. So, here it is:

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Often in my consulting a discussion will ensue over a particular item. The “company” will say they are paying me for consulting and I should just add that to what I am providing. My answer is always, “If it is not worth any money to you to have this new thing – why should it be worth my time”?

I have long been in favor of two classes of citizens – tax payers and non tax payers. I believe paying taxes should be optional but if you do not pay taxes then you cannot vote, run for office and such things. Taxes should be a percentage of what-ever it is you are living on. That is given a monetary value and you pay a tax if you want to be a full class citizen.

Now back to my first statement – if someone does not value their first-class citizenship enough to pay a tax on what they live on – why should they expect me to do for them what they will not do for themself?

The Traveler

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Well, if Little Nelle must be tied to the railroad tracks to increase the size of someone's wallet, then all voters need do is vote for it. Ain't gonna happen because of the inherent value that comes from equality of voting.

However if we were told the fat cats who would make a profit off of Little Nelle's murder are the only one who would decide because of their vast wealth, then this sound a bit like Conservative Nirvana Island -- where even the greatest travesties are allowed if there is a buck to be made or hoarded.

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Well, if Little Nelle must be tied to the railroad tracks to increase the size of someone's wallet, then all voters need do is vote for it. Ain't gonna happen because of the inherent value that comes from equality of voting.

However if we were told the fat cats who would make a profit off of Little Nelle's murder are the only one who would decide because of their vast wealth, then this sound a bit like Conservative Nirvana Island -- where even the greatest travesties are allowed if there is a buck to be made or hoarded.

Kind of like abortion......

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Well, if Little Nelle must be tied to the railroad tracks to increase the size of someone's wallet, then all voters need do is vote for it. Ain't gonna happen because of the inherent value that comes from equality of voting.

If that happens, it will be because of this notion of a "living Constitution" that some people have dreamed up to allow them to interpret the document however they please.

Just sayin'.

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